25. Yours Truly

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Dear, Padfoot

The full moon was better than others this time. Although it was risky, I'm glad you were next to me the entire time.

Yours truly, Moony

Dear, Moony

I'm glad I helped. I'll be there again this full moon, and every other one after that. I'll always be by your side. Don't worry. :)


Dear, Padfoot

That's the most nonarrogant and not stupid thing I've ever heard you say. I guess there is more than the eye can see with you. Even in your letters, you never cease to amaze me.

Yours truly, Moony


Of course I do, I amaze everyone with my good looks and personality. ;)

~ Padfoot

Dear, Padfoot

Excuse me, were you just flirting with me?!

Yours truly, Moony


And I thought you were smart.

~ Padfoot

Dear, Padfoot

So you were flirting with me! Sirius, incase you didn't notice it's not nice to get people's hopes up!

Yours truly, Moony


I wasn't getting your hopes up, but I like the satisfaction of knowing the idea of me flirting with you makes you happy. So, would you like to go to the next Hogsmeade trip with me?

~ Padfoot

Dear, Padfoot

Of course I would!

Yours truly, Moony


See you there then. Also, can I have copy your Potions essay?

~ Padfoot

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