26. Zoos

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After asking nonstop, Lily and James agreed to let Sirius take Harry to the zoo (mostly because Remus said he'd be there too).

"Sirius, why did you want to take Harry to a muggle zoo so badly?" Remus asked as he got ready for the day.

"Because they look like fun, and Harry will like it! What toddler doesn't like animals?!" Sirius said.

"Sounds to me like you're the one who wants to go," Remus said smirking and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up. Do you have everything ready?" Sirius asked.

"Mhm, let's go," Remus said as he gently took Harry and left with Sirius.

When they got to the zoo, Sirius took Harry and practically ran to all the exhibits pointing everything out to Harry. Sirius was acting more like an over energetic puppy whilst Harry was almost bored.

"Look, Harry! That's a tiger, T-I-G-E-R." Sirius smiled while holding the toddler as close to the fence as he could.

"Sirius, you're going to squish Harry against the fence!" Remus sighed, trying to hide his smirk.

"Oh, whatever. We should go get some lunch now," Sirius said as he began leading Harry to the lunch court.

"Sirius! Slow down!" Remus cried since he was left to carry everything as he followed the other two.

"Let's get Harry ice cream!"

"Sirius, you said lunch-" Remus stopped as he saw Sirius already paying ice cream for the giggling toddler.

"Sirius, we need to get him actual food." Remus sighed.

"Oh but- look! Harry likes it." Sirius gestured to the smiling toddler who happily ate.


"Let's go to the elephants!" Sirius said while getting up.

The day went by in the same manner, Sirius kept constantly getting excited over something and dragged Harry along. Remus was left to follow while carrying everything Sirius bought then got bored of quickly, and Harry's 'amazingly prepared baby bag' (as Lily called it).

"Sirius, the zoo's closing in a half an hour, let's leave already." Remus sighed exasperatedly.

"Oh, fine." Sirius agreed as he grabbed Harry and began leading the way to the exit.

Once they dropped Harry back at the Potter's house, the other two went back to their own home.

"I'm glad you agreed to go," Sirius said next to Remus on their couch.

"Of course."

"I think Harry enjoyed it, I know I did." Sirius said.

"Of course he enjoyed it, but I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it the most." Remus smiled.



A/N: I finished! Yay. So this story if kind of officially over, so yea. Bye. Thanks for reading!

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