Chapter 3

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Zayn's P.O.V.

We take a taxi to get to the college. It's very awkward and quiet but thankfully, not too long. Harry and Louis keep whispering to each other. I'm not sure if it's about me or not so I just ignore it and look out the window. I can't believe I'm breathing in American air right now.

I've heard American accents before but only on TV. I've heard Americans can be quite rude and obnoxious but hopefully that's just a stereotype.

We get dropped off in front of a large, stone building. Harry grabs Louis's bags, since Harry already lives here. They walk inside, hand in hand. I awkwardly trail behind him.

It's so sunny and warm, there's people spread across the large property. Some are reading, some are playing volleyball, and some are drawing. Those are my type of people.

Thankfully, they have a lot of signs to guide the freshmen on where to go. Harry whisks Louis away somewhere, he can help Louis out. I don't know anyone so I have to follow the signs all alone.

It's quite early in the day, not a lot of the new students have arrived yet. I signed up for a dorm, hopefully I can have it to myself. But knowing my luck, I'll get a big room with three or four loud roommates.

I sign a bunch of papers and try to keep the socializing to a minimum. I'm tired and ugly from the long plane ride. I just want to find a quiet place where I can listen to music and maybe take a nap.

After what seems like forever, I get handed a key and instructions on how to get to my room. I thank the older lady who helped me, her American accent interests me.

Looking at the map, I realize that my room is on the top floor. Floor 3. Hopefully they have elevators because I'm not about to drag all my bags up three flights of stairs.

The dorms are in a separate building from the administration center so I get to walk back outside into the warm air. I breath in the warm air and smile. This will be fun. I'll make some friends, get out of my comfort zone. Everything will be okay. Not everyone is like Harry.

I get a bit sad when I watch some students saying goodbye to their parents. My family isn't rich and we couldn't afford a trip there and back. And It wouldn't make sense. I'm an adult, in the UK anyway. It would suck if someone had to fly for 30 hours.

I finally get to my dorm building and step into the lobby. It looks very cozy and I immediately begin looking for the elevators. Thankfully, they have two dark green elevators and I press the button to go up.

The elevator is slow and it smells faintly of weed. Thankfully, it doesn't break down and I get out on the top floor in one piece. From now on I'll take the stairs, it's not that big of a deal.

I'm in room 316. I see a sign that points to the right and it says 300-329.

It's a bit hard for me to walk, a heavy backpack on my bag along with a suitcase occupying each hand.

"Pussy pussy pussy marijuana juana" I can hear music faintly playing from some of the rooms along with loud voices.

I roll my eyes and I'm relieved when I finally find my room. I stop in front of it to fish into the pocket of my jeans for the key.

"Why the hell are you breaking into my room?" I hear an Irish accent say and I turn around in confusion. I can see a smiling blonde guy coming down the hallway, towards me. "I'm just kidding. I'm Niall, your roommate for the weekdays. I go home for the weekends." He quickly explains while using his key to unlock the door. I can already tell he's very outgoing.

"Freshman, right?" He asks me as I step inside.

"Yup, I'm Zayn." I say.

He nods. "I'm a sophomore so I might be able to show you around." He says and I sigh in relief.

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