Chapter 6

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Please hurry, Liam." I whine for the fifth time this morning. "I'm going to be late on the first day."

"Quit moaning, I'm trying to set up a date for tonight." He says and finally opens the door to his room. My eyes scan his body involuntarily. He's wearing loose sweatpants, somehow you can still see the outline of his package still. His tight red shirt looks really good against his sun kissed skin, and makes his muscles stand out.

"Why do you even bother taking them on a date when you just fuck them and leave them?" I roll my eyes and head to the living room where Niall is sprawled out on the couch. He came back severely drunk last night and collapsed on the floor. I somehow managed to lift him to the couch so he's not sore today. I don't know why I bothered, he's going to be very hungover anyway.

"Do you think I'm some kind of rapist?" He laughs, dryly. "I respect the people that I sleep with, believe it or not."

"I don't believe it, now can you help me get to class?" I say and turn around to see him scratching his head, a weird expression on his face.

"I'm not a bad person, Z." He mumbles. I raise my eyebrow at him, deciding not to comment on that. "Hurry up." He says and walks out the front door.

I have to jog to keep up with his long strides. He turns a corner and I'm sure I've lost him until I see him waiting for an elevator. The button is lit, signaling that he already pushed it.

"Why can't we just take the stairs? It'll be faster." I say.

He shakes his head, not saying anything.

The elevator dings and opens. I shrug and turn away. I'm not the biggest fan of elevators so I'll just meet him at the bottom.

I stop when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. He pulls me back and I stumble into the elevator.

"Ow, what the hell?" I grumble and shrug out of his grip.

My pissed off expression, quickly goes away when Liam corners me. I try to avoid eye contact, which is hard because of the way he's staring at me. Those dark brown eyes burning wholes into the side of my head.

"Piss off." I growl and try to sneak past him. He reaches behind him and presses a button. I can't see what it is because of his large body in front of me.

"Your nose is healing nicely." He says and dips his face dangerously close to mine. I turn my face away so his warm breath falls over my cheek.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I growl, trying to keep cool but I'm actually nervous. This reminds me of the one night when my fathers friends came over, a hot summer night. They all got really drunk and one of them cornered me in a room. My mum and sisters were out on a girls night, no one was around to help me. He molested me and I was only 9.

It wasn't just that one night. It happened every weekend after that for about a year. He'd somehow sneak into my bedroom after I fall asleep and I'd wake up to feel his disgusting hands on me.

I'd beg to sleep in my mums bed with her but she refused, not aware with what this man was doing to me.

"I'm just observing." He chuckled and reached his hand out to run over my hip.

I flinch away and close my eyes, I can feel my hands beginning to shake. I never told anyone about the incident. If I did, I probably could've went to counseling and avoided all the terrible nightmares that haunt me to this day.

I feel Liam back away but I still can't stop the nasty memories from flooding my brain.

"Zayn? good bro?" He asks, reaching out to nudge my shoulder.

I slide down the wall and wrap my arms around my knees. By now, the elevator door opened and there's students piling in, shooting me strange looks.

Liam sighs and bends down to grab my arm. He pulls me to my feet and out of the elevator.

"What was that?" He scoffs and drags me to a more private area. I take deep breaths and build up the courage to look at his rugged face. He's trying hard to conceal his worried eyes with a neutral face.

"Nothing, you said you'd take me to class. Why are we behind the stairs?" I say with a shaky voice.

He gives me one last weird look before shrugging. "You looked like you were about to pass out, I don't know. Let's go." He says and it takes me a full second to realize that he left and I should probably follow him. My heart is still pounding but not as bad as before.

He walks swiftly down a sidewalk, past the library and some weird cafe. I look around at the beautiful campus. I've never been in this part before. There's beautiful trees everywhere, with benches and small ponds. There's people sitting everywhere, studying and eating or just hanging out with friends.

"Here it is, have fun." He says and turns around, walking away. I look up at the huge, intimidating building in front of me.

"Thank you." I call over my shoulder and turn around to watch him leaving.

It's as if he can feel my eyes on him because he turns around and meets my eye. "Your bum looks great today." He screams and begins running away.

Everyone looks at me and I roll my eyes, blushing. I turn around and head into the building.

College, here I come.

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