Chapter 60

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Liam's P.O.V.

I brought Zayn onto a bus which will take us around London to see all the famous landmarks and such. I though it was a cute idea, something he would enjoy, but he fell asleep on my shoulder exactly 3 seconds after the bus pulled out onto the busy street.

I can hear him snoring softly which makes me smile because he's so damn cute. His dark hair is falling over his eyes and I'm so absolutely head over heels for him.

I can see some tourists staring at Zayn weirdly but I just glare at them and they go back to minding their own business. I wrap my arm around his waist to keep him from falling over, the bus is quite bumpy.

I can hear the tour guide saying something but I don't pay attention. Instead I look around the beautiful city and enjoy the cool wind hitting my face.

I have the love of my life sleeping next to me so I'm happy no matter what.

The tour ends within the next hour, I wasn't really paying attention to the time but it passed by fairly quickly. I lightly shake Zayn's shoulder and watch in awe as his sleepy eyes open. How can somebody be so beautiful while waking up?

He groans and kisses my cheek. "Five more minutes daddy."

My cheeks heat up and I grab his arm tightly. "Don't fucking do that to me, Zayn. We're in public." I whisper and he just giggles.

He shakes his head, rubbing his eyes. "But I want you to fuck me, daddy."

I roll my eyes and grab his hand tightly, pulling him off the bus. We quickly blend into the crowd of busy people walking down the sidewalk. We have to walk pretty fast in order to keep up.

"Where are we going, daddy?" He asks and I huff.

"I hate you." I groan and pull him to the side. "You've changed so much since I've met you."

He raises an eyebrow, his beautiful eyes still looking sleepy. "Is that a good thing?"

I nod, pressing a kiss to his hand. "Sure. I love you and I'm glad you can be yourself around me."

We stand under a tree so we get more privacy. It's really nice, just the two of us. Nobody else matters right now.

He looks lost in thought for a while, something he tends to do a lot lately. I don't say anything while I watch him closely, I can practically see the wheels turning in his brain.

"Wow." He chuckles. "You're the only person that makes me feel comfortable being 100% myself."

I grin, proudly. "And I want it to be like that forever, okay? I love you so much you could throw me off a cliff and I'd probably come running back to you as soon as I'm out of the hospital."

He chuckles. "Let's go test that out. Where's the closest cliff?"

I pout and hide my face in the crook of his neck. "Please don't."

He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back. "Don't worry babe. I don't plan on throwing you off any cliffs anytime soon."

"You're the best." I joke and pull away. "You get to choose what we do next."

He bites his lip. "Can you tell me what the surprise is?"

I shake my head. "Tonight you will find out." I say, my stomach churning from the nerves.

We end up just walking around the city, stopping by in some random shops. We buy little souvenirs, nothing too big because we're not carrying much money with us.

Before we know it, it's time to begin part 1 of my surprise. Dinner on the roof of our hotel building. Just the two of us, just how Zayn likes it.

We decide to get some pizza and bring it up. We're both simple guys who definitely prefer pizza over fancy food.

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