Chapter 32

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"...and you've been showing up to class EVERYDAY?" My father continues interrogating me.

I swallow the bit of salad that's in my mouth before answering. "Except for one day because I was a bit under the weather." I lie quickly, my eyes meeting Liam's, who's smirking.

We're seated around a large, round table in the middle of some 80's themed restaurant. I'm right next to my dad, who is next to Niall, who is next to Liam, who is next to Louis, who is next to Harry, who is next to me.

It works out quite well.

"A bit under the weather? Are you slacking off Zayn? We payed good money for this school young man. This isn't just somethi-"

"Father please! Can we talk about this later. I want you to get to know my friends." I say, my facing burning in embarrassment.

He shoots me one last glare before turning to Harry, who's currently throwing his hair up into a bun.

"So Henry, tell me about yourself please." He says, giving his best smile.

Harry clears his throat awkwardly. "'s Harry. I uh...I'm hopefully going to become an English teacher one day. Like after I graduate. And there's not much more to me, honesty." He says and shoots my dad his best, charming grin.

Everything seems to be going just fine, my dad seems satisfied with the answers, but then Louis happens.

I watch in horror as Louis reaches over and tucks a loose hair behind Harry's ear, a disgusting love stricken look on his face. Harry tries to pull away but it's too late. My dad saw the whole thing.

Louis, realizing what he did, pulls away quickly. He runs a hand through his quiffed hair and drops his eyes to his plate as he takes another bite of his lasagna.

I pray that he doesn't say anything, but that all goes to waste when I hear his strong voice. "Are you two boys...together?" He asks.

The whole table goes silent. My eyes snap up to see Harry's apologetic ones looking back at me. I try to secretly shake my head, doing the knife across throat motion. But it's to no use.

"Yes sir, Louis and I are together. He is my boyfriend and I love him." Harry says, confidently.

I groan, face palming. So much for my dad approving of my friends.

"Oh." He nods. "Well thank you for tonight but I'm leaving. Zayn I don't want you hanging around these two, they're going to influence you to think naughty things." He says and stands up for his chair.

My jaw opens and drops a couple of times, not knowing what to say. I'm embarrassed really.

Liam clears his throat, making eye contact with me while raising his eyebrows towards my dad. I can't believe it. Liam wants me to tell him right now.

I don't think he realizes how scary my dad can be. He could literally pull me out of college. Right here right now. I can't risk that.

I shake my head, my eyes pleading for him to stay silent as I get up and chase after my father. He's taking huge steps towards the front door of the small restaurant.

We've only gotten our food, so no one has really finished theirs but I was never really hungry to begin with. Too stressed.

"Dad please wait up!" I beg him.

"It's father." He says sternly without turning around. "And I can't believe you Zayn. I'm beyond disappointed at this point. Hanging out with gays? What has happened to my perfect son?"

I clench my fists and bite down hard on my lip to avoid exploding at him. If that happened, the whole secret would come flying out.

We're sitting outside, by the parking lot. There's a bench that we're waiting on as he calls for a taxi. Apparently he refuses to be in the same car as two gays. It's pretty sad.

I wonder how upset he'd be if he found out that he's spent the last hour or so with four gays.

"Just promise me you won't hang around them anymore?" He demands, dark eyes staring into mine.

I chew on my bottom lip, nervously. "I-I can't. They're my friends. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not going to stop hanging around them."

"Zayn Jawaad!" He growls, getting incredibly close to my face. "They're going to influence you into joining them. They'll brainwash you. You're a smart boy, don't do this!"

I shake my head. "They've got each other. They're not going to influence me in any way."

He spits on the ground. "You're disgusting. I don't even wanna look at you right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He says before getting up and rushing to the taxi, which arrived just seconds ago.

It's not until he leaves the parking lot that I allow the tears to escape my eyes. My body begins trembling and shaking as big, hot, alligator tears rush down my heated face.

My vision is blurred so I just close my eyes instead and try to control myself. He won't even accept my friends, what made me think that he'd ever accept me?

I jump when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. I don't bother opening my eyes, I know it's Liam when he plops down next to me and scoops me into his arms.

I bury my face into his warm neck and my hands grip tightly onto the shirt on his back.

He rubs my back and reminds me to breath, which I've forgotten how to do. His manly flower smell slowly calms me and my crying soon slows to quiet whimpers.

We're both ignoring all the stares that we're receiving. The most important person in the world is sitting right in my arms and nothing else matters at moments like these.

I feel Liam's large hand carding through my hair, making me feel like a baby. But it's okay. I am a baby and I am his baby. Everyone is aloud to be a baby once in a while.

"He'll never accept me, Liam." I whisper.

Liam doesn't say anything but continues rubbing my back and kissing my forehead until my eyes begin feeling heavy and I fall asleep on his shoulder.

A/N: 2k reads?! Thank you all for all the votes and comments! Ily all! Are you enjoying it so far?

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