Chapter 52

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Liam: I can't believe u just did that
Liam: where we gonna meet?
Zayn: ur actually gonna come??
Liam: well yes, idiot
Zayn: okay okay okay
Zayn: I need to leave by 3 if I wanna make it on time
Zayn: let's talk about the exact location later, yeah?
Liam: ur actually insane
Zayn: but ur going along with it so ur a bit insane too ;)
Liam: u make me insane
Zayn: pack for a couple days, yeah?
Liam: ok fine
Liam: I'll text you when I'm in London

I put away my phone, smiling. I can't believe I'm actually going to see him today. But I need to pack...and take a shower.

I grab two big backpacks and begin filling them with boxers, socks, trousers, sweatshirts, random shirts, and just about anything else that I may need within the next few days. I make sure to grab Liam's favorite cologne, he's mentioned a couple times that he likes when I wear it.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, wash my face and then I rush downstairs to find Waliyha. I need her help.

Ten minutes later, she's sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Okay. What is it?" She asks, quite impatiently.

I take a deep breath. "I'm seeing Liam today."

She raises her dark eyebrow, immediately more interested in what I have to say. "What? When? How?"

"Tonight. I'm meeting him in London and I need your help." I say, grabbing her hand. "I can't do this without you." I say, giving her my sweetest smile.

She rolls her eyes. "Calm down, I'm gonna help you. Your hand is clammy ew!" She squeals, pulling her hand away.

I shrug. "I'm nervous."

She tucks her long hair behind her ears. "Okay. What can I help you with?"

"Well...first of all...this is a bit embarrassing but...can you help me find something to wear? I want to look nice for him." I say, my cheeks burning a bit.

She giggles. "Aw Zayn that's so cute. Of course I'll help you. You look good in red, lemme see your wardrobe."

I have lots of clothes, I've always cared a lot about my appearance. There's lots of clothes in my two backpacks, but you couldn't even tell by looking at the rows of hangers and overflowing shelves.

She's rummaging through all my stuff for a couple of minutes. For some reason it makes me nervous when people look through my stuff, even if I have nothing to hide. Eventually she pulls out an old red sweater and black skinny jeans.

"Simple yet affective. It'll definitely woo your man." She says, winking at me

" She says, winking at me

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I nod. "Okay thanks. And also...I need you to distract mum and dad for about ten minutes as I sneak out of the house."

Waliyha grins. "No problem. I wanted to talk to them about college anyway. When are you leaving?"

I look at my watch. "In about 20 minutes."

She nods. "I'll be in the living room, just tell me when."

"Thank you." I tell her, giving her a hug.

"I guess this is goodbye...for now." She pouts. "Be safe. And call me every once in a while, yeah?"

I nod. "Definitely. Thanks again for the help."

Once she leaves, I pack any last minute things that I forgot and change into the clothes that Waliyha helped me pick out. I call for a taxi and slip on a pair of my favorite black boots.

I've been saving a part of the money I make. I've kept it under my bed and it's added up to a good amount of cash even though I've only worked there for about a week.

I gather all the money and finally...I'm all set.

I check my hair one last time in the mirror and gather all of my things. Let's do this.

I text Waliyha, telling her to start talking to mum and dad. About five minutes later, I hear them in deep conversation so I take this opportunity to sneak down the stairs, quiet as a mouse.

What feels like an eternity later, I'm quietly shutting the front door behind me and jogging down the driveway.

Thankfully, the taxi is waiting for me and I jump in.

"All the way to London?" The older man asks me, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Yup. Off to see some family." I lie, quickly. I can tell he's suspicious of how jittery I am so I lean back and take a deep breath.

"I'm Andrew by the way." He says, smiling at me before driving away.

I glance back at the house once again. This is really happening. "Hi Andrew, I'm Zayn." I respond.

"Do you want the radio on? Or...?" He asks.

I shrug. "Doesn't matter."

"So have you ever been to London before?" He asks.

I sigh. We're not even on the highway yet but I can tell he's a talker.

"Never before. I've heard good things though." I say.

"It's really a great place. So many things to do or see, you could be there for weeks and do something different everyday. The weather is usually rainy but it looks fairly sunny today." He says while passing a group of slow cars.

"Yes. Should be fun." I smile, popping in some headphones.

Thankfully, he gets the hint and focuses on the road instead of talking. This taxi ride is going to cost me quite a lot of money but I decide not to worry abou that at this moment and just enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Good music is pumping into my ears, I'm going to see my Liam's all good.

I feel my phone buzz and I feel a rush of excitement, expecting it to be Liam.

Mum: where the hell are you?

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