Chapter 37

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn?! What the hell is this?" My father asks, his voice raising higher and higher with every word.

I look around the restaurant but thankfully no one seems to notice what's happening.

My hands begin shaking as I reach forward to grab my phone from my fathers hands. Sure enough, he was going through my text messages with Liam.

"It's not what it looks like." I whisper, looking down at my feet.

"Zayn, look at me. Are you a fag?" He demands. I refuse to look up, knowing very well that he's burning holes into my head with his scary eyes.

I feel my lip beginning to tremble so I just bite down on it. "N-no of course I'm not f-fag." I tell him.

"You're disgusting." He says and slams his hand down on the table. "Stay here. I'm going to call your mother and we'll see what we're gonna do to you. Maybe there's some camp we can send you off to so they can fix you?" He mumbles as he walks away.

I take in shuddery breaths and begin dialing Liam's number as fast as I can. I'm beginning to feel light headed and I might have a panic attack. Right in the middle of this family restaurant.

"Hello?" I hear his strong voice on the other end. "I'm at work now I can't really talk."

"Liam p-please help. I'm scared....I don't k-know what's happening." I manage to choke out.

"Z? Zayn babe tell me what's happening." He demands, yet his voice is still soft.

"H-he found out. He read our text m-messages and he's so so mad. Oh god h-he's furious." I say and feel my whole body beginning to tremble. "He w-wants to send me off somewhere."

"Don't worry princess. I won't let him take you anywhere. Where are you? What's the address of the restaurant that are you at?" He asks.

I quickly tell him all the information he needs to know and then I put away my phone as I see my father coming back.

"Good news Zayn." He says as he slides back into his seat. "You're coming back home for a couple months, we found a place that can change you back."

I bite down on my lip. "B-but it's the middle of the s-semester. I can't just leave." I say, my voice cracking at the terrible thought of having to leave Liam and the other friends I've made.

"This is for the best. We can't have a son who goes around and sucks men off. If anyone finds out about this, we'll be laughed at." He says, angrily. "We'll be known as the family who raised a pervert."

"A pervert?" I scoff.

He rolls his eyes like a teenager. "No time to talk right now. We're going back to your room, you have half an hour to pack everything up and then we're leaving for the airport. I'll go online and see if I can get you another ticket. And if not then you'll go on the flight and I'll stay behind for the next one."

I take a deep breath and work up the courage to look him straight into his dark eyes. Liam's eyes are also dark but Liam's eyes are soft and gentle and loving. My fathers are always cold and angry.

"No." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"No." I say a little louder.

"Excuse me?" He says loudly enough for the tables around us to hear. I catch an older lady giving him a judgmental look.

I feel anger bubbling inside of me.

"No. I am an adult and I'm staying here. I'm not going back home with you." I say. It feels weird to stand up to him for once in my life.

He chuckles. "It's cute how you think you have some sort of power here. You're my son and you're going back home to your family."

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Are you sure? What if I spread the gay to them?" I laugh dryly. "You know if I go back there I'm going to be treated like scum."

"You better watch your mouth young man. You're coming back with me and that's final." He says. He slams down some money on the table and begins walking out.

It's not until he's in the doorway that he realizes that I'm not following behind. He spins around, glaring at me.

I can see he's about to blow over in anger. I don't want to cause a scene so I grab my phone and shamefully follow him outside.

I follow him all the way to his rental car. Just as I think my Prince Charming isn't going to show up, a taxi pulls into the parking lot.

At first I don't think much of it but then the door swings open and my beautiful boy steps out. He slams the door and jogs over to me.

I feel relief taking over my body. I may be too weak to stand up to my father alone, but with Liam by my side, I feel like I can do anything.

He immediately pulls me into a hug and I squeeze him as tight as I possibly can. "He's taking me away Liam. He's t-taking me back home." I whisper to him.

I hear footsteps getting closer and I pull away from Liam. Sure enough, my father is now glaring at Liam.

"You! You're the monster that turned my son into a fag! Liam is it?" He asks and Liam nods. "Well I'm breaking up whatever this is and I'm going to get my son back."

Liam chuckles, looking down at me for approval. I nod, not really sure what to expect.

"Get your son back? With all due respect sir...correct me if I'm wrong Zayn, but I think this has been your son all along." Liam says, wrapping an arm around my waist.

My father just scoffs and shakes his head. "Liam get your hands off of him. Zayn you're coming with me."

Liam raises his eyebrow. I'm surprised at how calmly he's handling this. "Let's try something new. Zayn never gets much say in what happens to him. So Zayn, do you want me to take my hand off of your waist?" He asks, looking down at me.

I bite my lip and look over to my father who basically has steam coming out of his ears. I blink and look back at my Liam who's eyes are filled with nothing but love.

"No. I don't want you to take your hand off my waist." I tell him, leaning more into his warm body.

Liam gives my hip a comforting squeeze. "Now tell your father what's going to happen next." He says, just loud enough for the both of us to hear.

"I-I am going home w-with Liam and I'm not going to the airport with you." I say about as bravely as I can muster.

"This is ridiculous. He's brainwashing you. Come home. See your sisters and your mum." My father says, trying to make me feel guilty. "They miss you."

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "I love all of you and I always will but right now I'm going to stay here and finish school. Have a safe flight home." I say and begin walking away, Liam trailing close behind me.

I hear my father grumbling something but I choose to ignore him as Liam leads me to the taxi.

It's not until we're pulling out of the parking lot that I let the tears fall. I finally stood up for myself, why do I feel like shit?

I lean my heavy head onto Liam's warm shoulder and close my eyes. "I'm so proud of you baby." He whispers.

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