Chapter 15

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn! Is that you mate?" I hear a familiar raspy voice.

I groan, turning around with a fake smile. "Hey Louis." I mumble.

"What're you doing at the library at 2 in the morning?" He asks, plopping down in the seat across from me. It amazes me how his hair still looks good, in the crappy library lighting.

I look at my phone. "Wow, I've been here for three hours." I gasp. "I needed a quiet place to study. My professor is an ass, he gave us two days to prepare for a big exam."

In all honesty, I just didn't want to be home when Liam brings around another guy. I feel sick just thinking about it, I'd snap if I saw him showing affection to some other man. He left for a party right after his classes, and Niall received many drunk texts warning him about incoming sex.

I grabbed my stuff and left.

"On what?" Louis asks, grabbing my notes.  His blue eyes skim the page. I ball my fists, trying to keep calm. I am a perfectionist and I get very stressed when others touch my stuff.

"Shakespeare." I say, simply. "Where's Harry?"

Louis pouts. "Harry fell asleep when we were watching Dead pool."

"That sucks mate, I'm gonna head back home." I say and begin packing up my stuff. "I'm too exhausted to continue."

"Already? Come to a party with me? I have no one to go with." He begs.

I frown. "Louis...all the parties are over. It's late."

Louis chuckles, shaking his head. "Nah the parties are just getting started."

I bite my lip. "I have class at 10 am."

"Only for an hour or two." He begs, his blue eyes sparkling.

I sigh. "Okay I'll just drop my stuff off at home. Are you sure Harry would be okay with this?"

Louis shrugs and follows me out of the library. I drop my stuff off in my room, thankfully no one is around so I don't have to explain myself. Niall is probably asleep but Liam's door is opened, he's not here.

"You've got a nice place." Louis comments. "All we have is a crappy mini fridge and a sink."

"Thanks." I mumble. "Let's go."

The party is a walking distance away so we get there within ten minutes. I can hear the loud music before I even see the house.

As soon as I step inside, I'm hit with the strong smell of alcohol and weed. No one notices us as we weave through the crowd, trying to find someone we know.

Louis tugs on my elbow, leading me down some stairs and into a basement. There's a group of people sitting on the couch, a bunch of smoke everywhere. This is a lot more chill compared to the upstairs party and I'm assuming it's because they're all smoking.

Someone calls Louis's name and he sits down next to a group of guys who are using some type of bong. It's filled with water, and it's passed around the small group.

"Zayn, get over here!" Louis screams over the music, causing the others to laugh.

I frown and plop down next to him, on the floor. Someone hands me the bong and I gulp, nervously. I've never used one before and I'm nervous to try.

I don't want to seem like a loser in front of these guys so I hold it up to my lips and inhale it into my lungs. Immediately, I feel like coughing but I cover it up by taking a sip of whatever drink was handed to me.

The effects hit me soon, I feel a bit light headed. The bong is passed around and back to me. I breath it in once again, a bit more confident this time because I know what to expect.

20 minutes later, I'm feeling very different but in a good way. I'm having a conversation with some girl who's telling me about her cats, back home. One of them has three legs because of some accident. I'm not really paying attention to her, all I can focus on is the familiar brown eyed boy who's sitting across the room.

I have no idea where Louis is, he left for the bathroom 15 minutes ago and never came back. But I don't mind, I feel confident like never before.

I run my hand through my hair, trying to remember what it felt like when the pretty brown eyed boy was playing with it. His fingers are so big yet gentle. He definitely has skilled hands, I wonder what they would feel like, wrapped around my-

"Zee?" A voice says. "What are you doing here?"

I turn my head to see the brown eyed boy. "Hey." I say, a smile tugging at my lips.

"I didn't know you were into these types of parties." He says, raising his eyebrow.

I shrug. "Maybe I am."

He frowns, looking closely at me. "Are you...high?" He asks.

"Me?" I ask, laughing.

He groans. "Zayn, how high are you?"

I shake my head. "No Liam, it's hi how are you?"

He rolls his eyes. "Okay, let's go back home to your warm bed."

I shake my head. "I'm fine. I made some new friends finally."

He shakes his head. "They're not your friends Zayn."

I glare at him and slip out of his grip on my shoulder. "The girl with pink hair told me about her cats. The short guy says I have nice eyes."

His jaw clenches. "I'm not going to argue with you. We're leaving."

I roll my eyes and walk towards the stairs. "You always ruin everything. I had to leave the house because of you today." I grumble, taking the stairs slowly. Everything is still a bit blurry.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"When you had that guy coming." I say. I get distracted by some people dancing and I drift away from Liam, closer to the dancing people. I want to join in on the fun.

I groan in frustration when I feel Liam pulling me away. He doesn't speak until we're outside, walking down the sidewalk.

"You didn't have to leave, Zayn." He tells me, holding my wrist so I don't trip and fall onto my face.

"Yes i did. I didn't want to see some other guy touching you." I whine.

"You could've told me that." He says after a few moments of silence.

"But I don't want you to know that I think you're really, really attractive." I whisper.

He frowns. "Zay-"

"And I don't want you to know that I think about kissing you ever time I see you, but I can't because I'm straight." I say, looking at the bright stars.

"If yo-"

"But the thing is..." I say.

"Zayn, this is not the best time to talk about this. You don't know what you're saying." He tells me, his voice frantic.

I shake my head, chuckling. "I may be high right now but I do know one thing. I'm totally gay for you, Liam."

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