Chapter 2

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Zayn's P.O.V.

The flight isn't too bad so far. I slept for about 5 hours right after we took off and then I watched Kung Fu Panda 3 on the monitors that hang from the ceiling. By the time the movie finished, the sky is already dark.

I turn to Louis who is texting furiously, his thumbs moving at incredibly fast speeds. I sip on the sprite I received for free and wait for him to finish. I don't want to interrupt him although I would like to get to know him more.

I watch him out of he corner of my eye and he eventually huffs, throwing his phone into his bag and leaning his head against the seat, clearly frustrated.

"You good, man?" I ask and his eyes shoot open.

"Yea just relationship problems." He grumbles.

"Clingy girlfriend?" I ask.

"Boyfriend." He corrects me. "I'm bi."

I'm surprised by how casual he is and I stare at him, wide eyed.

"What? You're not homophobic are you?" He asks and chuckles. "Cuz this plane is going to San Fran, the gayest city in America."

I blink my eyes. "Uh I don't know, I've never met a gay person before." I admit. For some reason, I've never been disgusted by the LGBT community like my family. I've just never had the chance to learn more about it.

"Well we don't bite. Hard." He jokes and I nod.

I don't know what to say, an awkward tension settling between us.

"So uh, why California?" I ask. "Visiting family, business...?"

"Uni. San Fran state." He says, flicking his hair so it's out of his face. "My boyfriend goes there and now that I graduated, I'm going to join him."

"Same actually." I breathed out a sigh of relief. Maybe I won't be so alone. "So you two long distanced?"

"Yea it's putting a bit of strain on our relationship, as you can see." He pouts. "But I think we just made up so it's okay."

"Long distance sucks." I say, trying to relate to him even though I've never experienced it.

He nods. "Neither of our families accepted us so we figured, going out here will give us a better hands of happiness."

I bite my lip. "My family wouldn't accept me either."

He gives me a curious look. "Are you like...curious?" He asks me.

My eyes widen. "N-no I'm straight." I say quickly.

He raises his eyebrow at me and chuckles. "Well okay but come to me if you ever have any questions, yea?"

I suddenly feel very uncomfortable with the subject and I begin fiddling with my fingers.

I decide to take out my iPod and listen to some music. I also take out my sketching pad, it always helps clear my mind.

I begin drawing little lines, trying to draw my mum. It's a bit weird but I always draw people that I miss. It helps me feel more connected to them in some way, I don't know how it works.

The rest of the flight is boring, Louis and I start a conversation about all the people sitting around us. We try to imagine what their life stories are.

According to Louis, we're surrounded by secret strippers and grave robbers. As much as he annoyed me at first, he's actually okay now. He made me laugh a few times which is rare. It's not that I'm not happy, but I'm insecure about the way my face crinkles when I laugh and I'm pretty sure I sound like a dying animal.

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