Chapter 17

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I step through the front door, dropping my bag onto the floor and collapsing to the ground. I am exhausted. Not only have I been awake for 48 hours straight, I've been studying and writing essays this whole time.

Friday felt like it would never come, and now that it's here, I plan on sleep all weekend long.

I grab a drink from the fridge and collapse onto the soft couch. I turn on the tv and watch the boxing match that's on right now. I have no idea who's fighting but it's two white men.

Niall already packed up to go home this morning, before classes, so he won't be coming back till Sunday night. I'm assuming that Liam is going to another party so looks like I'll have the house to myself.

I set my drink down on the ground and cuddle up into the warm couch. After turning the volume down on the tv, I allow my heavy eyelids to flutter shut. I sleep like a baby and I'm not sure how much time has passed, but I'm woken up by a loud bang at the front door.

I sit up from my comfortable position and look around, blinking in confusion. Another bang is hear at the door, and the door swings open.

I shouldn't have been very surprised to see Liam wrapped in another man's arms. The tug at my heart gets stronger, and more painful, every time this happens.

But he kissed me. He said he would help me out while I'm trying to figure out my sexuality. Did all that mean nothing to him? Did I put too much trust into him?

I feel angry tears stinging the back of my eyes as I get up, grabbing my phone. I push pass the two bodies, sweating as they grab at each other desperately. I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. The bastard didn't even notice that I was there.

Where do I go now? The short nap wasn't good enough, I need to sleep. Usually, I'd go to the library to study but it's closed today for some meeting.

I sigh, dialing up the one number I never thought I'd dial. Louis.

Thankfully, he picks up after three rings. I quickly regret my decision of calling him as soon as his annoying voice fills my ear.

"Heyo, Tommo here." He says and I flinch, still half asleep.

I take a deep breath. "Louis, are you a-at your room right n-now?" I ask, trying to calm myself down.

Why am I so affected by the stupid gay kid with sparkling eyes and good hair?

"Yea man, you all good? Feel free to stop by. Harry and I are just having a chill night." He says, his voice quieting down into a soothing tone.

"Thanks, I'll be t-there in a few." I say and shut the phone off.

I run a hand through my hair and wipe away my tears. I'm just tired and that's why I'm not thinking straight.

Louis texts me the directions to his dorm and about a minute later, I'm standing at his door. I knock on the door and seconds later, the door flies open. I immediately feel strong arms wrap around me.

"Don't be sad, Zayn." I hear Harry mumble into my ear.

I chuckle nervously and pull away from him. "Don't worry about it. I just need a place to sleep, if you don't mind." I say.

Louis pouts, appearing from behind Harry. "Don't you live with that Liam kid? He's fucked up in the head. Maybe you could go talk to a dean about getting a different room?"

I frown. "He's not fucked up. Just...I-I don't know. I'm tired."

"Go down the hall, Harry and I share the first room on the right, you can sleep in either of the other two rooms." Louis says.

I look around the small living room as I take my shoes off. It's small but cozy. Not as modern as my dorm but still quite nice.

There's a dark red and wood theme, giving it a cabin feel. A large, white and shaggy carpet is in the middle of the room, right under the glass coffee table. It pulls the whole room together.

I walk down the hallway and into the last room, all the way at the end. I then proceed to collapse face first into the bed.

The plush pillow suffocates the sounds of my whimpering and crying, like a little baby. I'm getting way too attached, way too quickly.

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