Chapter 5

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"I thought you were...busy with someone." I say to Liam as we walk back to our dorm. I can't believe how beautiful everything around here is, with the red and brown leaves scattered everywhere.

Liam nods. "Yea it was a quick fuck and now he's gone. Now tell me, why the hell was Harry beating you up on the first day?"

I bite my lip. "I was forced into dancing with his boyfriend and...I don't know. We met earlier today and he already hated me for some reason. This just pushed him over the edge."

"You were FORCED into dancing with him?" Liam asks.

"Yea, he was pretty set on the idea of us dancing together." I mumble as Liam sends a crooked grin in my direction.

"I don't know man, sound pretty gay to me." He chuckles and my eyes widen.

"Fuck off, it's not like that at all. I don't like dick." I grumble and pull open the front door to our building.

"If you say so." Liam sings and I roll my eyes, walking quickly to get far ahead of him.

"Where are you going, babe?" He teases, chasing after me. "Got some dick to suck?"

"Stop saying that! I am not gay!" I scream and I'm pretty sure the whole building can hear me. Great.

I eventually get to our room and quickly open the room. I can feel Liam's dark eyes on me, causing me to feel nervous for no reason.

Just as I'm about to escape to our room, Liam grabs my shoulder and spins my small body around, with no effort. "I didn't hear a thank you." He smiles innocently.

I grind my teeth. "Thank you, Liam." I say, truthfully. I wouldn't been beaten to the pulp if he didn't show up.

"You should put some ice on that nose." He says, reaching his hand up to brush his thumb against my swelling nose.

I flinch away from his touch. "Uh yea, is there an ice machine nearby?" I ask and take a step back.

He just stares at me for a few seconds before responding. "Yea I'll get it for you just go lay down." He says.

I raise my eyebrow. "No I'm fine, I can get it myself."

"Go lay down." He says, ignoring me and leaving the room.

I huff and sit down on the couch, turning the tv on. There's reruns of Full House playing so I sit back and turn up the volume. I run a hand through my messed up hair and try to forget all of today's crazy events.

Exhaustion hits me like a truck and I feel my eyelids fluttering shut. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear Liam walk back into the room.

I shoot up from my previous slouching position and rub my eyes, trying to force myself awake. I take a deep breath and look over to Liam who's carrying a ziplock bag filled with ice.

"Here ya go." He tells me and throw the ice at me. I somehow manage to catch it with one hand, making me look more cool than I actually am.

"Thanks." I mumble and stick the bag to my face. It's probably too late now, I'm still gonna have a huge bruise but at least the painful swelling will go down.

"Just...stay away from Harry. He's fucked up in the head and he's not worth the trouble, yea?" Liam says and takes a seat next to me.

"Yea don't worry, I've learned my lesson. No more Louis or Harry, I'm just here to graduate." I promise him.

"Do you have class tomorrow?" He asks, trying to break the awkward silence between us. I'm just trying to watch Full House but he keeps interrupting.

"Yea I've got a lecture in...Building A?" I say. I took a picture of my schedule on my phone so I can look at it whenever.

Liam nods. "My class starts half an hour after yours so I can show you where it is."

I frown. "Thanks? Why are you so...different now?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks, his brown eyes searching my face.

I blink and look away, uncomfortable with the steady eye contact he maintains with me. "Well were kind of a jerk this morning and then you were nice and then a jerk again and now you're nice?"

He laughs. "Just stay on my good side and you won't have to worry about it."

"On your good side?" I laugh dryly. "What are you, some godly prince?"

He shrugs. "You said it, not me."

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to bed." I say and stand up.

"At 9 pm?" He laughs.

"My sister gets up for work at 5 am so I'm gonna FaceTime her." I shrug.

"Can I be part of the FaceTime?" He asks.

I bite my lip. This probably isn't a good idea but as much as I hate to admit it, I like being on Liam's good side. "Sure?" I say.

Liam nods happily and follows me to my room. He plops down on my bed while I scroll through my contacts. I hit Doniya's name and call her.

A few seconds later, her pretty face pops up on the screen. "Zaynnnn!" She squeals. "How is California? And what happened to your nose, idiot?

"It's beautiful, so warm." I say and smile. "But my nose is nothing, I tripped and fell. Into a tree."

She gives me a weird look but decides to let it go. "Are you making any friends? Cuz I know you-"

I cut her off before she can embarrass me. "I'm doing just fine. This is my roommate, Liam." I say, moving the phone over so he can fit in the frame.

Her eyes widen, she's almost as shy as I am. "Hey Liam." She says.

"Hello Donna? Dolly? How do you say your name? I could only see it for a second before Zayn clicked on it." Liam asks.

"It's Doniya. I know, weird." She says. "But I love it."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiles, cheekily.

I can see Doniya blush. "You must be quite the ladies man, huh?"

My heart starts racing faster as Liam laughs loudly. "Nah, more of a man's man."

She frowns. "What?"

"I'm gay." He says, calmly and Doniya's eyes widen. "What, you're not homophobic, are you?"

"Donny, please don't tell mum and dad." I beg her and turn the phone away so Liam isn't in the frame anymore.

"Liam, you know you shouldn't talk to people like him! I need to tell mum at least. She can help you get a new room or something." She whispers but Liam can still clearly hear her.

"I liked you, Donald. But you turned out to be a bitch." He growls and I kind of want to punch him for saying something like that about my sister. But then I realize how awful he must feel and he's almost twice my size. Well not really, but mentally he is.

"Please don't ruin this for me, Doniya. Please don't tell them, I'll talk to you later." I say before shutting my phone off.

Liam laughs and I turn to him. "This must be why you're afraid to admit that you're gay." He says.

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