Chapter 34

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn wake up!" I feel a pair of hands shaking me awake, along with a loud alarm hurting my ears.

"Ugh what the hell?" I groan, opening my eyes to see Niall standing over me. His loose hair is getting quite long, and it's falling over his bright eyes.

"We're having a fire drill." Niall says, pulling the covers off of me. "We need to get out of the building. Rise and shine bitch."

I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. "Why so early?" I mumble.

Niall laughs and points to the clock on my bedside table. "It's 2 pm."

After nearly five minute of begging from Niall, I somehow manage to get myself up and out the front door. I can see I'm not the only one in this situation, many other sleepy students are being forced from there warm beds.

The alarms are way too fucking loud, it's making my head pound. This is probably hell for all of the hungover people.

"Ni, aren't you supposed to be at home? It's the weekend?" I ask him as we step out onto the cool grass.

He shrugs. "There's some drama happening in my family that I'd rather not get into."

I frown. "Everything okay?"

He nods, shooting me a smile. "It really doesn't affect me in any way. I just don't want to be dragged into it."

He soon walks off, leaving me alone. I don't know anyone around here so I'm trying to look less awkward by texting my dad. Of course, he isn't responding.

He hasn't talked to me since that day in front of the restaurant. He clearly still hates me. Just like Liam.

I really gotta be more careful with what I say. I clearly hurt his feelings and I need to assure him that I'm 100% into him. Hell, I think I may even be in love with him.

I'm not really sure though. I've never been in love.

A crowd begins gathering around two guys with buckets. They're using the old buckets as drums to make a beat for a third guy who is freestyling. He's pretty good and it's nice to have something to distract me and make me look less awkward.

Everyone begins snapchatting it, hoping to make it onto local story. I've never been big on social media so instead, I focus on the music and nice weather.

When we finally get the okay to get back inside, I find Niall and we walk back in together. He's blabbing on about some date he went on with his girlfriend, making me miss Liam even more.

It's only been a couple hours since I've talked to him but I want to hold him again. I'm pathetic.

"Ya know, we should go on a double date." He says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I frown. "I've never been on a double date."

Niall shrugs. "It'll be fun. We can go roller blading or something."

I nod. "Speaking of that...would you happen to know where Liam is?"

Niall chuckles. "Yea he went to see Zephyr or whatever his name is. The big pretty boy. He didn't tell you?"

I feel something churn in my stomach, making me feel a bit uneasy. "Uh yea, it must've slipped my mind. Do you know where exactly they're at though?" I ask him as we get back to our room.

He shakes his head while plopping down on the couch. "Didn't care to ask."

I go back to my room, dialing Liam's number. I'm trying not to make a big deal out of this. I trust Liam with his ex...right? But why wouldn't he tell me. Probably cuz I'm an asshole and I was mean to him last night.

It rings about five times, and right as I'm about to hang up, I hear his voice on the other end.

"Zayn?" He says.

"Liam." I say, beyond relieved to hear his voice. That means he isn't sucking Zephyr's dick right now.

"Is there something you want? Or...?" He asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I clear my throat. "I just uh...I just w-wanted to apologize and I uh...I don't really know where you are. Not that I mind I just...I don't kno-"

"Zayn what are you trying to say? Why are you so nervous?" He asks.

I take a deep breath. "Well I want to talk to you and I miss you which is really stupid cuz we talked right before going to sleep even though it wasn't really talking because I was really mean to you. I didn't mean it and I want to explain myself but I don't know where you are which makes me worried. Not that I don't trust you, you should be able to go out and have fun on your own but I'd just like t-"

"Zayn! Z I'm coming right now. Please stop doing whatever that was." He says, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Where'd you go?" I regret those words as soon as they leave my mouth. It makes me sound really clingy and annoying. If he wasn't going to break up with me because of last night, it's definitely over now.

"Let's talk when I get back. In a few." He says and hangs up.

That doesn't make me nervous at all.

I make my way back to the kitchen and grab a water bottle. Liam is right, I need to calm down. I pop in some ear buds and close my eyes while sipping on water.

I smile as the calming beats of my music enter my ears. I can get through this.

A/N: Z has anxiety so he isn't crazy, he can't help worrying about stupid things

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