Chapter 12

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Liam and I are sprawled out on the couch, like the boring people that we are. We've just been sitting here, playing Mario kart since we got home from brunch. The only time we got up was to get lunch.

"You asshole! You pushed me over the edge and into the water!" Liam screams, jumping to his feet and he points at the screen, angrily. I totally did not check out his bum, in those tight jeans he's wearing.

I shrug, innocently. "Maybe you shouldn't have been driving so close to the edge. Please sit down, you're distracting the guy who is now in first place." I smirk, keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

"THAT WAS MY FIRST PLACE!" He screeches. "Screw this, karma will eat your ass out and I'll catch up to you?"

"Eat my ass out?" I burst out laughing.

Liam doesn't say anything and the room is blanketed with a stressful silence. We've been playfully arguing like this since we started playing but I hate when it gets silent. I know that Liam is planning something or concentrating really hard. This game is intense as hell.

Just as I'm about to pass the finish line, the front door swings open and Niall steps in. "Honey, I'm home!" He screams.

I flinch and lose concentration on the game. Liam lets out a war screech and when I look back at the screen, Liam has passed me, along with five other characters.

I groan and fall back onto the couch. Liam laughs and picks my small body up with no effort, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Niall was the karma!" He sings happily and spins me around. He's very excited because this is the first game he's won all afternoon. He's not very good at video games.

He sets me down and I fix my hair while glaring at him. I try to look angry, but in all honesty, he looks so happy. His smile is very contagious and soon, I find my lips turning up to match his smile.

He grins even wider, our eyes locked. I can't seem to look away from his chocolate brown orbs t-

"Looks like you two got friendly while I was gone." Niall breaks the moment and we look up to see him grinning at us.

I roll my eyes and move towards Liam. "He's still annoying." I grumble and shove his shoulder, playfully.

I'm surprised when he catches my wrists in his large hands and squeezes them tightly. Niall laughs at my pained expression while he walks away, to put his stuff into his room.

"Ah fuck okay sorry. You're hurting me." I groan.

He loosens his grip, just a bit, and spins us around. He's stepping towards me, forcing me to take steps backwards.

"Li, I'm going to run into the wal-" I groan as my back hits the rough corner of the wall.

"Sorry." Liam giggles and moves me over so now my back is against the smooth part of the wall.

"Can you let me go?" I whine and try to shake my hands from his death grip.

Liam shakes his head. "That wouldn't be very fun." He whispers and I shiver when I notice how close he is. His sparkling eyes are roaming all over my face, lingering on my lips.

Oh fuck. Is he trying to kiss me? Why am I not completely disgusted by the idea of having his plump, pink lips on mine? Why do I feel like I should make the first move?

He seems a bit hesitant, probably thinking I'm going to blow up on him like I did at that one party. I honesty don't know what to do or even think.

He leans his head closer to mine and nudges my nose with his, causing my breath to hitch as his lips swoop dangerously close to mine.

"Li..." I breath out and look into his eyes which have turned a darker color, for whatever reason.

"Mmhm?" He mumbles and moves his hands off of my wrists. I should take this opportunity to run away but my feet are frozen in place.

I take a deep breath and glance down at his lips which are parted slightly, he's breathing quite heavily. "Kiss me?" I whisper very quietly. I'm surprised he even heard me when I suddenly feel his mouth on mine.

I almost gasp in surprise at the contact but I immediately kiss him back. His large hands are on my waist and he begins tracing patterns into my hip bones as our lips work together.

It's a very slow kiss, his mouth lightly tugs on my bottom lip. I breath in sharply through my nose and move towards him in order to connect our lips again.

My hand work their way up my arms and they wrap around his neck. He smiles into the kiss and pulls me closer, our chests touch, causing a whole new spark of emotions.

I turn my head to get better access of his smooth lips, in an attempt to speed up the kiss, when suddenly Niall slams open his door and begins walking into the living room.

Liam jumps off of me and I run a hand through my messy hair. Niall trots into the living room, not having any idea of what just happened in here.

"Any plans for tonight, boys?" Niall asks, grabbing a coke from the fridge.

"I-I'm gonna head to bed early. 'M tired." I mumble and somehow, my shaky legs carry me to my room. I collapse face first into my bed and pull the blanket on top of me.

I just kissed a gay man. No. A gay man kissed me. I didn't want this at all. Even though it felt really nice. It was basically mouth rape. Next time I see his perfectly tanned face, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.

I punch the pillow beside me and try to stop my tears from falling. If my family ever got word of this, I wouldn't be accepted back home. Ever.

Why did I enjoy the short kiss so much?

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