Chapter 27

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I spent the whole day locked in my room. I sat in complete darkness, listening to music and sketching out whatever. I let my hand do what it wants and it's really relaxing. ;)

I'm not sure what time I fall asleep at but when I wake up, the next day, there is bright sunlight streaming in through my curtains.

After much contemplating, I decide to get out of bed and take a quick shower. It's only 7 am, there shouldn't be too many other people in the bathroom on a Sunday morning.

As I walk down the hall, my bag full of shower stuff in one hand, I'm surprised to find Liam waiting at the elevators. He's wearing athletic clothes and wearing headphones around his neck.

There's only one way to get to the bathroom, so I would have to pass by him. I decide to hide in the shadows of the wall, and wait for him to catch the elevator before heading to the showers. It should only take a couple seconds.

"I don't suppose you'd wants go jogging with me, Zayn?" I hear him say, causing me to jump.

I furrow my eyebrows and peak my head out to look at him. He hasn't even turned around but you can clearly see my shadow that's caused by the weird lighting in this hallway. I'm an idiot.

"Erm just heading to the showers." I say and scratch the back of my neck as I move past him.

I'm surprised when he grabs my arm as I pass, causing me to turn around. "I missed you yesterday. You look as beautiful as always." He says.

I roll my eyes as anger boils in my veins. "Fuck you." I growl through clenched teeth, as I rip myself away from his grip. I walk down to the showers without sparing him another look.

I ignore the pain that flashed in his eyes as I said those two words.

The asshole doesn't feel bad for what he did. At all. The whole apologizing thing was a big, hilarious act.

He's probably heading out to jog with Zephyr anyway and then they'll suck each other's dicks afterwards.

I angrily throw open the curtain of an open shower and turn on the water, setting it to the hottest temperature. I want my skin to melt off.

As I predicted, there's no one else taking a shower at the moment. There's one guy peeing in the urinals, but it's just the two of us in this big bathroom.

I strip down and step into the shower. The scalding hot water burns my skin but I don't even flinch. It gets my mind off of him.

I'm not sure how long I'm in there but I decide to get out when I hear voices of other people coming in and I start getting light headed from standing under the hot water for so long.

I wrap a towel around myself, drying myself off, before getting dressed.

Once again, I have no plans for today. I might go shopping for some new sketching pads, I'm running out of paper.

I'm not sure what I expected as I walked back into my living room, but I sure didn't expect to see Liam's long body spread across the couch as he sobs into a pillow.

I close the door quietly, just staring at his shaking body. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to be ignoring him but he's also my friend and I care about him.

I shake the stupid thoughts from my head and decide to do what's right. I've always been a caring person who tends to put others needs before mine. What Liam did doesn't matter at the moment, I need to be there for him. I'd want him to do the same for me if it was the other way around.

I crouch down on the wooden floor, right by his head. I gently place my hand on his head and stroke his soft hair.

He stiffens under my touch, clearly unaware that I came into the room. He lifts his head up to look at me and I furrow my eyebrows at his red, puffy eyes. His cheeks are also red, and covered in tears. He looks like shit.

He just shakes his head and lays his head back down into the pillow. "It's o-okay. You don't h-have to pretend l-like you care." He sniffles.

I lay my hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. "I do care Liam." I insist.

He turns his head to look at me once again. "Well y-you shouldn't. You shouldn't care about someone m-me. I'm a mess. You should care about s-someone better than me, who has their life t-together and won't...hurt y-you. That's the kind of person you deserve." He whispers, though his words are quite harsh.

I don't respond, not agreeing or disagreeing. Instead, I sit down on the couch next to him and pull on his arm so he sits up, facing me. His sad eyes are watching me and my heart breaks as I watch a few more tears stream down his beautiful face, as he blinks his swollen eyes.

I wipe them away and reach forward to grab his hands. "Liam, what the hell is going on?" I ask.

He shrugs, his bottom lip quivering again. "I-I don't know."

I sigh, running my thumb against the back of his large hands. "Okay calm down. I'm here to help you and I just need you to tell me why you're crying. Okay?"

He watched me closely, a defeated look on his face. "There's a lot." He finally says, after a couple seconds of silence.

I raise my eyebrow, looking at the digital clock on the coffee table. It's almost 9 am. "Well I don't know about you, but I don't have any plans today. Talk away." I say, knowing that he has nothing important going on today either.

He takes a shaky breath. "Well okay. Here it goes..."

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