Chapter 31

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn please go on the dragon ride with me!" Harry begs me, pointing to the little kid ride to the right of us.

His floppy hair looks so funny. It's really windy today so his curls are all over his face.

I shake my head. "Nope. The only reason I agreed to come here was because Liam promised to buy me food. I told you all, I'm not going on any rides."

"But Zayn, it's the county fair. It only comes once a year." Niall pouts, agreeing with Harry.

I roll my eyes. "Go ask Louis. I'm gonna go find my Liam."

I walk away before they can start whining and making me feel guilty. I know that if I go on any ride that spins or moves too fast, I'll feel sick for the rest of the day. I want to enjoy my day with my friends.

I walk along the sidewalk, towards all the carnival games. Liam has been playing the duck shooting game for hours now. He wants to win the big, fluffy elephant for me. Yea, my boyfriend is hella sweet.

I feel a buzzing in my back pocket. At first I think it's my dildo, but as I reach for it, I realize it's only my ringing phone.

I pick it up, without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say, plugging my other ear with my finger to try and drone out all the screaming children.

"Zayn? Yes it's your father. Where are you?" I can barely hear him over all the loud noises.

I stop walking and duck into a rest area to try and hear him better.

"What do you mean? I'm in the states. Been here for many weeks now..." I say, confused with the situation.

"Zayn I came to visit. And you're not at your dorm." He says.

My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. "You'" I gasp.

"Yes. Aren't you happy?" He asks, cheerfully.

I bite my lip and run a hand through my hair. "Of course. I can't wait to hug you. I'm hanging out with some friends but we're leaving right now." I tell him.

"See you then." He says and hangs up.

It would've been nice if he informed me about this before just randomly showing up.

I slip my phone into my back pocket and start running towards the duck game. I quickly find Liam, he stands out among the crowd of little kids and teenagers.

I grab his arm and pull him away, mid game.

"Oi what you doing pal? I'm in t- Zayn? What's up?" He asks, his calming eyes immediately making me feel better.

"We need to go. Now." I tell him, tugging on his arm impatiently.

He frowns. "Can I just play one more game? What's going on?"

"Can I explain later? Help me find the others please?" I beg.

He pulls me into his strong chest, giving my forehead a light kiss. "Of course princess. Let's go." He says and begins walking away, holding my hand tightly in his. We won't be able to do this when my father is around.

Within 20 minutes, we're all piled into Harry's old car and we're driving down the highway.

I explain the whole situation to everyone and they all promise to not mention anything about my confusing sexuality situation.

"I'm sorry about all this. I just ruined a perfect day an-"

"Don't be stupid Zayn. We're your friends and we're here to help." Louis interrupts from the front seat, sending me a wink through the rear view mirror.

He's so weird.

"Yea all the annoying children were giving me a headache anyway." Niall complains and takes a bite out of his caramel apple.

I take a deep breath and lay my head on Liam's shoulder. "You smell good Li." I tell him.

I feel his shoulders move as he chuckles. "Do I really?"

I nod. "You smell like flowers...but in a really manly way. And it's really calming."

"Well I'm glad you like my smell because I like your smell too. We're gonna raise some good ass smelling children one day." He promises.

I almost let my mind worry about how I'm gonna get that information across to my family, but I stop myself. The most beautiful boy in the world just said he wants to raise children with me one day. The warm feeling in my heart is indescribable.

We get back to campus, about half an hour later. It's only about five pm so I'll probably bring my father out to dinner to meet everyone.

I'm surprised to find him sitting on a bench, outside of the main building. He's reading the newspaper and ignoring absolutely everything that is going on around him.

I give Liam, and the others, one more nervous glance before approaching him.

"Hello!" I say as cheerfully as I can, giving him my best smile.

"Zayn! Hello! How are you?" He calls out, putting down his newspaper. He stands up from his previous sitting position and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask. I can't help but notice how much he seems to have aged in the weeks that I've been away.

He's gotten many more gray hair and his dark face is now covered in wrinkles.

"Great now that I'm here. California is absolutely stunning." He grins. "Who are your friends?"

I turn around, relieved to see Liam shoot me a reassuring smile and a discreet wink. Everything will be okay.

"This is Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall." I say, naming them from left to right.

"Well I didn't think that you could do it but you really made some friends." He says and smiles proudly at me. If only he knew.

"Zayn is an amazing friend. He once bought me new socks when my old ones ripped." Niall beams, shooting me a wink. Only this one is less discreet that Liam's.

I groan and face palm while Louis bursts out laughing. Harry gives Niall a quick glare to which Niall responds with a sad pout.

We spend the next ten minutes planning which restaurant we're going to eat at. Tonight will be a night of stress.

Dad has luggage in his car and he's staying at a hotel for the next few nights so we don't have to worry about finding a place for his stuff.

"Found a girlfriend yet?" He asks me as we make our way back to Harry's car.

I shake my head. "Just really focusing on the grades for now." I lie quickly.

I look over at Liam, truly terrified of what's going to happen tonight. He shows me thumbs up and a quick nod.

What could go wrong?

A/N: You guys are showing me so much love and I love it. Please keep voting and commenting. Thank youuuu  :))

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