Chapter 50

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Liam's P.O.V.

The last guest leaves at 2 am. Of course my aunt Jill is the last to leave, she could talk for hours. Some things just never change.

Now it's just my parents, sisters, and I. Everyone is exhausted, so I offer to clean up because I took a long nap earlier today. Plus, my mind is racing and I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

"Thank you Liam. It's nice to have you back." Mum says and kisses my cheek.

"It's nice to be back. It really is." I tell her and give her a quick hug before she disappears upstairs with the rest of my family.

I gather all the plastic plates from the dining room table and throw all of them away. There was lots of food but surprisingly, not much is left behind.

I seal up the rest of the food and put it in the fridge so it doesn't spoil and then I begin sweeping the floors. My little cousins somehow managed to get cupcakes all over the walls and it takes me a good half hour to get it all off.

After wiping down the tables and taking out the trash, it's almost four am. I'm still not tired though.

I sit down in front of the TV and watch whatever is on. My tired feet hurt so I throw them up on a pillow and open my phone to see many messages from Zayn.

Zayn: please call me
Zayn: I need to hear you voice
Zayn: I'm having a panic attack please I don't know what to do

I chew on my bottom lip nervously and press the green button that calls him. The messages were sent about five minutes ago so he should answer, although I'm not sure why he's up at 4 am.

I feel bad for him, I know he has a problem with anxiety and I told myself I'd always be there for him. Now I'm two hours away and the best I can do is call him.

I try to make myself feel better by reminding myself that he's the one that kicked me out of his life. But it really wasn't his fault.

"Liam?" I hear a hushed voice say.

"Zayn?" I say, shocked to actually hear his voice. I feel tears stinging at the back of my eyes. "This is the longest we've been apart since we met."

"I-I know I'm sorry." He sniffs and I hear some shuffling on the other end. "I'm so s-sad."

My heart hurts. The way he talks makes it sound like has no more life in him. It physically hurts me.

"Please don't be sad Zayn. You're in a shitty situation but you'll get through it. You're so strong. Stronger than you believe." I promise him. There's silence on the other end and I sigh. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to get through this if I pushed away one of the only people that care about me? I'm a piece of shit." He grumbles, getting angrier with every word.

I chuckle. "Don't worry. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

He doesn't say anything for a few minutes and we just listen to each other breathing.

"I fucking love you Liam, okay?" He whispers.

"I love you too, Zayn." I tell him.

"When can I see you again?" He asks, worry in his voice.

"We should take a trip. Let's go to...Africa." I suggest.

He giggles. "Africa? And where are we gonna get the money to do that?"

My stomach fills with butterflies at the sound of his laughter. I'm happiest when he's happy.

"I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there." I say and stretch out on my parents big couch. "We can do something smaller like London? For a couple days, just you and I?"

"Sure." He says and yawns. "You know, this is the first time I'm genuinely smiling in days."

"You're so dumb." I tease him. "No guy should ever have that big of an effect on you. You're fucking perfect anyway."

"Yes're not any guy. You're magical." He says and I can almost hear his grin through the phone.

"Nah, I'm nothing special." I say. "Why're you up at 4 am anyway?"

I hear some more shuffling on the other end. " promised to call later. And I really needed to hear your voice before falling asleep. I'm laying in bed now and I'm getting very sleepy."

I don't realize how big I'm smiling until my face begins to hurt. "Well, go to bed princess. I'll make sure we see each other soon, okay?"

"Okay. Night night." He mumbles and I hear his breathing even out.

"Goodnight." I say before hanging up.

I fall asleep as well, a big smile on my face.

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