Chapter 9

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Come on Zayn! No one gives a fuck about what you look like while we're turning up." Niall groans from the other side of my door.

I roll my eyes and study my raven colored hair in the mirror. "Okay, I'm done." I mumble and step out. "Maybe I can just stay in tonight, I'm tired." I suggest.

Niall shakes his head and grabs my wrist, pulling me to the living room. "You're not backing out now, Zayn. We're gonna have fun."

I sigh and get my hand out of his grip. I slip on the pair of combat boots that I brought from home and grab my phone.

"Okay, Melissa is gonna meet us in the parking lot. Let's move brochachos!" Niall cheers and swings the front door open.

I watch Liam get up from the couch, his eyes still not back to their usual sparkling self. Today must have scared him and brought down his self esteem. Going against everything I've been taught in life, I believe that he should be able to be comfortable in his skin, no matter what.

We jog down the stairs, making our way outside into the warm air. I definitely do not miss Bradfords constant gloomy and rainy weather. It really brought my mood down at times.

I can hear music coming from some dorms and loud chatter all around. Even though I've only been here a couple of days, I can't help but feel proud to go to school here. I'm finally going out and getting something done on my own, without my parents help.

"Ah, there she is. My beautiful girl. I'll introduce you, Zayn." Niall says and I can't help but smile at the way his face lit up when he laid eyes on her. I want a relationship like that one day. And judging by the way Melissa smiles at him, I can tell that the strong feelings are mutual.

We awkwardly shake hands but then she laughs and pulls me into a hug. She's short and skinny with brown, wavy hair. Her skin in sun kissed, just like everyone else here.

"I like your hair." She compliments me as we get into Liam's car. Niall and Melissa are cuddling in the back and I decide to sit up front by Liam who still hasn't said anything.

"Thank you. At least someone appreciates it." I laugh and buckle up. I decide not to compliment her back, Niall is trying to catch her attention.

I catch his blue eyes in the rear view mirror and shoot him a thumbs up. He smiles and nods knowingly.

Liam pulls drives off of campus and onto some highway that I'm not familiar with. It's a bit weird for me how everyone here drives on the right side of the road but I guess it's something I've got to get used to.

Niall and Melissa are in deep conversation at this point. There's quiet music coming from the speakers but I feel like I should say something.

I reach out my hand to touch his elbow. "Liam, you all good? You know from...earlier today?" I ask.

His eyes flicker to mine before flickering back to the road. "Yea 'm fine." He mumbles, unconvincingly.

I bite my lip. "Cuz they're just-

"Could you fucking not?! I'm here to have fun!" He snaps and my eyes widen.

I shrug and sit back in my seat, staring straight ahead. I hate when people yell at me, I always feel like crying after.

I sigh and adjust my sitting position. Now I'm leaning against the door, looking out the side window. The sun is just beginning to set and it looks beautiful.

About an awkward hour later, we pull into a parking garage. There's a bunch of people here wearing very minimal clothing. I feel a bit out of place looking at some of the people who have very sparkly or bright clothing.

I make sure to bring my wallet and my phone before getting out. Liam leads us while Niall and Melissa walk right behind him, holding hands and flirting. I huff and follow behind them all. This night is not turning out to be a good one.

It's about 7:30 now. We have half an hour to get in and prepare for the DJs to come out.

I know close to nothing about electronic music and I don't know any of the DJs who will be here tonight. If anything goes too bad, I can just got hide in a bathroom. That's how I spent my senior prom after my date ditched me for some other guy.

We get in with no problems and I'm not too surprised to see some people already very drunk or high. I know that raves are known for drugs and that's about it.

This event is general admission which means first come first serve. Since there aren't too many people here yet, Niall drags us all to where the party is going to happen. We squeeze into a decent place and by now, it'll be starting in about ten minutes.

Liam leaves to grab a beer and now it's just me and the love birds. Yea, they're really cute together but I look like the awkward third wheel.

I'm surprised when loud music blasts from the speakers. Everyone starts jumping and screaming but I just groan. Am I old? Cuz this isn't enjoyable to me at all.

I feel a bit better when Liam comes back and hands me a drink. "I'm sorry for earlier. Drink it before someone drugs you." He screams over the music and I just shrug and chug the whole can.

He laughs at me and I throw it into a nearby trash can. Liam and I stand awkwardly doing the weird two step dance while Niall and Melissa are killing it. I've never understood how some people can dance like complete idiots but still look good while doing it.

Everyone goes crazy at the bass drops, jumping and flipping their hair while I just try not to get sprayed with flying alcohol.

I'm starting to feel the buzzing effects of the alcohol and I begin moving my hips to the music. It's a bit weird but I might as well try to have fun tonight.

I gasp when I rough hands on my hips and I spin around to find Liam smiling down at me. He nods his head towards Melissa who's grinding up on Niall

I look back at him, my eyebrow raised. He shoots me a pleading smile and gives my hips a light squeeze. I sigh and turn back around. Fuck it. My parents aren't here.

I begin dancing more, moving my hips backwards. They come in contact with Liam's front and I bite my lip. I don't really know what I'm doing, what if I look like an idiot?

I spin around to find Liam smiling widely. He gives me a reassuring nod and grabs my hips again, pulling me closer. I keep doing what I was doing before to the beat of the music.

I gasp when I feel his penis through his pants, on my bum. His hands trail up my torso and for some reason, I don't feel so weird.

I feel myself relaxing and I lean my back against his chest. I can feel his rigid breath on my neck as he holds me close.

I gasp when I feel his lips on my neck. He peppers little kisses all the way up to my jaw. His cool breath hits my face, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

I'm suddenly brought back into reality when someone bumps into me. I pull away from Liam and turn around, pushing through the crowd of people that formed behind us.

I can't believe I let a gay man's lips touch my skin. I'm going to hell, I'm so disgusting. The way his hands touched me made me feel good and I should set myself on fire. Why did I enjoy that?

"Zayn! What the hell, slow down." I can hear Liam scream after me as I reach the front doors of the small stadium that we're in.

I whip around. "No fuck you! Just because I was nice to you earlier today, doesn't mean I'm a fucking gay!"

He steps closer to me. "Z-"

"Don't ever touch me again! You hear that faggot? You should've been drowned in that shitty toilet!" I scream before pushing the doors open and running outside.

Gay Is Bad-ZiamWhere stories live. Discover now