Chapter 13: Ignorance

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I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping and i reached out for it almost knocking over my photo-frame and alarm clock, i squinted my eyes trying to read the message. "Wakey wakey, im waiting outside your house, did you ice your ankle?" you smiled at the silly text as you stretched and got up and dragged yourself to the toilet that felt like a million miles away, as you brushed your teeth your phone beeped, "do you like frappuccinos?" you giggled and replied "yes". Maybe it wont be so bad dating Chanyeol after all, at first you were worried that it'll be weird since the two of you are close but it just made the both of you more comfortable with each other. Would the rest of them mind that you were dating Chanyeol? The fact that they weren't on talking terms with you and you were worried of their disapproval.

When you opened the door you saw that Chanyeol was already sitting on the steps in front of your house waiting for you and you decided to surprise him. You closed the door and tiptoed towards him and jumping onto his back with your arms around him, "yah jaehee you frightened me" he laughed "i almost fell down the stairs" "then i'll catch you" you smiled at him. "how's your ankle, is it better now?" he asked "hmmm thanks to your cold compress thingy, at least i can walk now" you smiled helping him stand up as you walked to school. "here's your frappe" chanyeol gave you an eye smile, "aww thanks channie" you took a sip and offered him to take a sip.


Maybe it was rude of me to ignore Jaehee like that... but it was for her own good, i'd do anything for her to be safe and even though it hurt me to have to ignore her, i will because its the only thing that will keep her out of my world and my troubles. Kris and Suho decided that we were going to try to keep Jaehee out of this mess and keep her from danger, because the more we associate her with us, Triple X will be able to find her and they could harm her, so our pack decided to stop talking to Jaehee even though we are all really worried about her and we feel really bad about it but if it keeps her safe... even if it kills me, i promised to keep her away from harm. I trudged to school with a heavy heart hoping not to run into Jaehee because seeing her would only tempt me to give in...

"did you hear that jaehee and chanyeol are together now?" a pair of girls whispered as they walk pass me, "what do you mean they are together? you mean like they're dating?!" she half shouted to the entire neighborhood as her friend covered her mouth and hushing her from announcing it to the entire world. 

What does she mean Jaehee and Chanyeol are dating now... are they really... dating? my heart pounded at the thought as i picked up my pace and walked faster to school, i was practically running to school to see it for myself, they couldn't be together would they? what about our promise about staying away from Jaehee? Before i could question myself further, Chanyeol and Jaehee walked through the school gates causing everyone to whisper and gossip, at first i didn't believe it... no i didnt want to believe it but Chanyeol was holding her hand tightly as they shared some jokes laughing as they made their way to class not even noticing the entire school cohort staring at them. 

Unbelievable. Is Chanyeol really going against the orders of Kris and Suho? but that wasn't what bothered me the most... what bothered me the most was that they were together as something stirred in me giving me a twinging feeling in my chest and stomach, was i feeling jealousy for the first time? but it seemed more than just jealousy... it almost felt stinging as if someone stabbed my heart with a stick. As we got to class, Baekhyun and Sehun immediately pounced on Chanyeol confronting his questioning ways because the last time we swore on our pack name to ignore Jaehee yet he was here dating her. "What do you think you doing" a flustered Baekhyun spat "are you really dating her" Sehun grabbed his arm "Yeah I'm going out with Jaehee" Chanyeol grinned as if he didn't know the implications of his actions. "Kris is going to kill you" Sehun shook his head "Im staying out of this mess" Baekhyun threw his hands up in surrender as they all took their seats.

The sense of their betrayal didn't sit right with me, Chanyeol definitely knew that I liked Jaehee, the whole pack knew but yet he still went after her. My heart tinged at the thought of Jaehee agreeing to this when I thought we had something unspoken-ably special, I mean we didn't kiss or anything like that but I thought there was something but looking at this now, maybe I was thinking way too much...


After school we all had to met at the hideout because Kris and Suho called for a meeting, I knew what was coming but I had already thought it through before making my decision to go out with Jaehee and I was going to stand firm on my ground, I wasn't going to lose her. The rest of the guys didn't want to get involved with me, they were smart enough not to, with a temper like Kris' and the anger of Suho, these alphas were not to be messed around with. 

"So i heard you've been seeing Jaehee" Suho growled as we entered the hideout, it was dark and eerie and it only made the situation more terrifying, "yes... yes i have" i meekly answered "why? didn't we already agreed not to? are you going against the orders of your alpha?" Kris bellowed trying to keep calm "im sorry but i dont agree with what you are doing" i needed to stand up for what i believe in. "Sorry? what did you just say?" Kris approached me with anger "Kris..." Suho held him back "i don't think we should avoid her, it won't stop them from harming her... they are vicious and will do anything to get the moonstone and besides they have already met Jaehee, they won't leave her alone-" "Chanyeol enough is enough" Suho overpowered my voice but I still continued to voice out my stand, "we should continue to be with her, so we can protect her, no matter what you say i'm still going ahead with my plan because i'm going to protect Jaehee even if it means going against the two of you, im sorry but this time i won't be able to follow your orders" I turned around and exited the hideout feeling my heart race. I've never went against them before and it was terrifying to even recall what I just did. From outside I could hear Kris raging and throwing stuff around "Im going to knock some sense into that boy" he growled but Suho stopped him "let him go his own way kris, he's not going to listen to us anymore...". "Hyung... does that mean Chanyeol is out of the pack?" D.O asked "if he isn't following the orders of his alpha, doesn't that means he wants to leave the pack?" suho reasoned.

"so im on my own now?" i rubbed my temples as i made my way to Jaehee's house.

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