Chapter 7: Bandana

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I rubbed my eyes feeling the sun rays hitting my skin as i got ready and headed out. I didnt get much sleep because i was rolling around on my bed and maybe just maybe i just thinking about Kai... Ok fine i was thinking about him i couldn't help it even when i closed my eyes his face when i was pasting the plaster above his eye just pops up. Okay Jaehee you have officially lost your mind you just met him how can you even think like that i smacked myself on the head once more. "Hey!" Oh ma gawd that voice... that voice i peeped and saw... *gulps* Kai omg did he just see me smack myself in the head. I closed my eyes and started to plan if i should make a run for it when he grabbed my wrist "Jaehee you okay? Are you sick?" I shook my head "No i was just er... killing the mosquitoes" he laughed at my wittiness.

When the bus got here he grabbed my wrist once more, he helped me up the bus and led me to the back of the bus where i always sit "ladies first" i slid to the window and he took the seat next to me. I looked out the window and stared at the surroundings outside the window like i usually do but this time there was a different view the reflection of him nodding his head to the beat of his music. As i admired he brown hair that was messy but was in all the right places that was in his favor while he bops to the music with his eyes closed that made him look ever so perfect. When he opened his eyes to change the song he noticed i was stating at him through the reflection and i quickly shot my eyes away pretending to sleep, i felt him give off a soft giggle and put one of his headphones into my ear. I liked this song XOXO i sang along to it in my head trying not to lose my cover.

I think i really fell asleep because i shot up when he shook my shoulders hard, "We missed our stop Jaehee!" i look around and the bus was driving through an unfamiliar place, i guess we both fell asleep. Kai held my hand and told the driver to let us off as we rushed down the bus "Where are we?" i asked "i have no idea but i'm sure that we are late for school" i laughed at the thought of not needing to attend school "You like it that much?" i nodded excitedly before losing my smile at his next words "as much as you like my face through the reflection?" i felt my face go red and immediately brought my hand to hid my now blushing face "do you think I'm handsome Jaehee?" he snickered at my embarrassment then he held both of my hands "Um about that i wasn't lo-" "shhhhh don't ruin the moment Jaehee." Kai examined my face, i could see his eyes scanning the outline of my face from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. We just stood there for a while just looking into each other's eyes and then he started to lean in a little closer.

"Erm i think we should start walking back now." I said turning around and walk the opposite direction of where we came from, i could hear him snicker a little before jogging to catch up with me. "Yah wait up!" i smiled but pretended not to care and started to walk a little faster then before then it wasn't long before that brisk walking became chasing each other "JAEHEE STOP RUNNING COME HERE!" Kai shouted even though he was just a few inches behind me, he could reach out and grab me but he didn't. "NOO GO AWAY!!" i shouted back and increased my pace excited by the thrill of running away.

He was enjoying it i'm pretty sure about it but he got tired and then he increased his speed and hugged me from behind while lifting me up and spinning me. "Gotcha! Will you run away from me again?" "Ahhhh Kai stop it ok ok i wont do it again ahhhh i'm getting dizzy now put me down!" he giggled and put me down and i could feel my legs give way "Yah Jaehee!" He said still holding me and i smacked his arm after i could feel my legs again so he would let go of me.

"Lets go to the arcade" he said as we were retracing the bus tracks "Huh?" "The arcade you wanted to go there didn't you?" "Oh yeah!" I clasped my hands together excited cause i haven't been there before. As we were walking i realised i was sweating bucket loads and wiped some off my forehead with the back of my hand but it was like there was a never ending tap that kept producing more. Kai stopped in his tracks and turned me to face him then taking out a bandana and started tapping my forehead and temples wherever the traces of sweat were. A little shock i just stared blankly at his tanned face which was focused on mine, i noticed that his cut above his eye which was pretty deep has now fully recovered with no scar remaining and also he wasn't sweating at all not even a little.

"Um Kai..." "Yeah?" "You're not sweating how is that even possible" i poked his forehead "I don't sweat because it isn't cool so i just don't" "Bunch of lies" i stomped off "C'mon lets go!" He tried to change the subject and pulled me into the arcade where i was greeted by dim lighting and flooding sounds of clicking and music. I haven't been to one before so i didn't know what to expect, i guess in a way i wanted it to be a first experience with someone special and might i dare say that Kai is indeed... special.



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