22: Spirit of the Wolf

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Once again, Jaehee and I were looking for more information in the library for almost four days in a row, even the librarian was starting to get suspicious. "I swear she's been staring at us ever since we came in" Jaehee whispered as she pointed behind us, the librarian eyed us as we searched for the book we need, "don't mind her, just imagine she's not there" I laughed making her smile, "how can I? she's glaring at us and she's wearing a bright neon orange sweater with a red polka dot skirt" she rested her head on the bookshelves as she continued to laugh, "shhhhh, she's gonna hear you" I covered her mouth as I looked at her adorable face trying to contain her giggles. 

"Maybe we need to wear a disguise next time we come into the library" she tilted her head and looked at me, "I think you'll look cute if you dress up as a puppy or something" she smiled not taking her eyes off me, "I'll look cute in whatever I disguise myself as" you grinned, "hmmmm maybe you should dress up as a grandpa... or a potato..." she pouted imagining me as a potato. "Are you serious? A potato?..." I raised my eyebrow wondering what on earth goes through her mind.

"Yep, definitely a potato I can imagine it already" she squealed, "you have a bad imagination" you shook your head still laughing at her silliness. "Look out!" I heard a guy shout at us, I look up to see the books falling off the shelf and about to fall on Jaehee, "ahhhhh" I heard her scream a little when I pulled her towards me as I shield her from the books that are falling from such a high height. 

"Jongin.... oh my god are you okay?" she looked up at me with worrying eyes, I know its not the right time to be saying this, but when she looks at me like that, I can't help but fall deeper in love with her. "I'm okay but did you get hurt or anything?" I asked her worried that maybe she got hit by one of the books. "How can you be worrying about me at this moment, you're the one that the books fell on" she cried, "I'm fine, don't worry about me, it didn't hurt at all" I tried to reassure her with a smile, I could tell she wasn't convinced but I didn't know how I could convince her otherwise.

"Oh look Jaehee, look at what it says..." I pointed at the book that was opened up as it laid on the ground, "it says that the Apostle of Justice is one that has the ultimate power over all supernatural beings, its power is in which some believes is the strongest and thus the Apostle of Justice is also said to be an Alpha because of its power, only an alpha would be able to handle such strong amount of power." Jaehee read out loud enough for the both of us to hear, "but... I'm only a beta... I'm no where close to becoming an alpha" you said feeling more confused than ever, "wait, look it says... one may not be an alpha at the moment and could be a beta or omega, which means that the supernatural being has not reached its full potential as of yet and can become an alpha without killing another alpha to obtain that title." Jaehee read coherently as she looked back at me. 

We decided to go to my auntie's restaurant to ask her if she might know anything else, "Jongin-ah! What you want to eat- oh! you brought your girlfriend with you again! welcome welcome!" she said happily as she held Jaehee's hand and then bringing us to a table, "why are you being like this to me... i told you that she's not my girlfriend" I whined as I sat down opposite Jaehee, "what would you like? do you want to share a pot of army stew?" my auntie said in excitement, she seems to be really fond of Jaehee. 

"Actually... we didn't come her to eat... we wanted to ask you something..." I spoke, "ask me something? what is it my dear?", "can you tell me more about the moonstone and the apostle of justice?" I handed her my bracelet with the inscriptions on it. "I think I might be.... the apostle of justice..." I said with anxiety written all over my face.

"Jongin... if you really are the apostle of justice... you have to be really careful, all I know is that if power is what they want, they need you and they need to moonstone, its not the moonstone that has the powers but it is you who has them and the moonstone is the key in extracting it from you... my jongin... please be careful... this is something very dangerous that many supernatural creatures have been after for centuries and many have died from pursuing it" she held my hand tightly not wanting to let go, "Its something your parents died trying to protect..." she sobbed a little, "i promise i'll be careful, i won't let them take it away from me, so please don't cry" I hugged her gently and patted her back to calm her down, she treated me like I was her son and I've always been grateful for her unconditional love.

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