Chapter 16: Inscriptions

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After walking Jaehee home, there was this longing feeling in me that made me want to turn back around and to be by her side. I thought about the necklace that Jaehee was wearing on her neck, the one given to her from Chanyeol, at times like this I wondered what would have happened or what the situation would be if I had told Jaehee that I liked her before Chanyeol did, would we be dating right now? Or would triple x have found her and hurt her? Thoughts like these have been haunting me ever since they got together and i just can't stop thinking about it, but if it keeps Jaehee safe I would do whatever it takes even if it means letting it remain just as an imagination.

When I got back to my apartment, i opened the dusty box once more to look at the blanket that i was in, even though i couldn't actually remember anything from that day, there was just something about the blanket that comforts me and makes me feel safe. It was all i have left from my parents, I don't have anything else that would remind me of them. As i pulled out the blanket, the bracelet from inside the box fell out and i bent over to pick it up from the carpet, "does this bracelet mean something?" i inspected the bracelet carefully, it couldn't have been mine right? I was a baby then and i clearly would not be able to fit into it, maybe it belongs to one of my parents? My fingers brushed against the beading and string, trying to imagine that it belongs to them and how they would wear it everyday. I couldn't help myself from such imaginations... I don't know anything about them and I don't know who they are and these few items are all i have.

As I brushed my fingers on the beading, you found that there was something engraved onto the bead, you took a closer look at it and found inscriptions on it but you don't understand what it said and you've never seen this anything that resembles any language or writing that you know or recognised and you thought it was really odd that there were some secret inscriptions on it. Maybe the bracelet represented something important that you parents were trying to keep or possibly protect... You dug the box for the newspaper clipping of the killings maybe they could give you some more answers, who were your parents? were they really the heads of the wolf sector like auntie said? If they were... why did they have to kill them, why did they have to kill these leaders? Your curiousity got the better of you and you rubbed your temples trying to calm yourself down, why would these people do such horrible and inhumane things. Whatever it is, it sparked your interest and you decided to get to the bottom of this and find out who your parents are and find out who are these killers and what is it they really want. 

You took out your laptop and turned it on, you started to search about wolves and the supernatural world, most of what was on the websites were absolutely untrue, it was all based off of scenes from movies and all, when you were about to give up you came across an interesting site that intrigued you as you read the title "Secret of the supernatural world" which was apparently written by some professor called Kim Min Chul, who has been researching about the supernaturals, who they are and what they are, most of the people did not believe this professor and all who read this article took it as fiction. He wrote about how supernaturals lived amongst the humans and lived normal lives just as the humans did, they had jobs, families, school, etc. they however had another life other than the one they had in the human world, they also have a supernatural world that could only be entered by portal in some forest at certain phrases of the moon. However, the portal that has been discovered by him around 20 years ago had then been either destroyed or had disappeared, alongside most of the supernaturals that lived in that world, he then wasn't able to look for more or find out more about these supernaturals. The only knowledge that he had was that there were a few sectors that separated each type of supernatural creature, one was the vampires, the creatures of the night, wolves the creatures that moved in their pack usually led by an alpha, angels and demons also known as fallen angels, zombies, hybrids, etc. all of these sectors were led by one or two leaders that were somewhat of an 'alpha' who formed the Alpha circle, the circle that held the greatest powers and made decisions for their supernatural world, these leaders had the highest positions and ranks however he had discovered that there was an uproar in this system and a pack of wolves decided to hunt for these alphas in search of something that he had suspected that it was in order to overthrow the alpha circle and take over. However he did not complete his article and just ended it there, you scrolled up to see that he published this article 15 years ago on the 15th of July and has not published anything since then, when you googled for his name, you found an article about his death. 

Your heart raced as you clicked on the article, it stated that he was bitten to death by a pack of animals that seemed to be wild dogs or other large animals, but what gave you the goosebumps and chills was that his death was an untimely death... it was on the 16th July 15 years ago, it was just a day after he had published his article, it was so suspicious that even you knew it was a planned murder or kill. Dogs didn't kill him, it was wolves... you knew it, and you had an idea of who those wolves might be, but whoever did it, they didn't want the professor to tell the world more about what he knows. What was it that they were trying to hide? If the wolves really killed the professor, then what the professor had written must have been true, what auntie told you also coincide with the professor's findings... his parents must have been the heads of the wolf sector and belonged in the alpha circle and there were definitely killers, a pack of killers who want something from them to gain power over all the supernaturals...

You ruffled your hair in frustration, there was so much information that you didn't know and yet the information that you knew was daunting and scary to even think about, these killers hunted and killed the all powerful alpha circle who were your parents and they are probably killing every single person who knows or are capable of exposing their secrets. You shut your laptop screen and fell backwards onto your bed covering your face with the pillow, "aish this is so frustrating" he shouted as he tried to sleep, he turned to lie on his right side as he took out the bracelet and examined it, "should i continue to search more about this?" he sighed as he clenched the bracelet in his hand and fell asleep.


Hello my lovelies <3 thank you all for supporting my book and continuing to read! :) i love u all so much~ hahahhaha i dont know if you realised but in the previous chapter i accidentally wrote the names wrongly :( instead of jaehee i wrote seyoung omg sighs... im so sorry seriously im such a klutz i was writing a chapter in my kpop-imagines book as well and somehow my mind just got confused > < im so sorry guys T.T, i've already updated that chapter and changed the name... oh gosh im so embarrassed

Anyways i hope you guys are getting excited about whats going to happen next cause i'm actually thrilled hahahhaha (im just really excited im sorry) THANK U GUYS I LOVE U LOTS SEE U IN THE NEXT CHAP! ^^ Please keep voting, commenting, following ily all :')

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