Chapter 6: Hideout

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"Where is he?" Kris growled slightly annoyed by Kai's actions, Kai knew how important this meeting was and also about growing feelings for a human. It was beyond their kind and none of them dared to cross that barrier and risk another person getting hurt. Kai was fully aware of what he was getting himself and Jaehee into, it has happened before... to Xiumin and Luhan being the two eldest amongst them they knew what it was to fall in love with a human and then cause them to get hurt not by others of their kind but even worse hurting the ones they love with their own bare hands or paws in this case.

This meeting was for them to practice their self-control and at especially at this time of year, the full moon, this was the period where they would involuntarily change and lose all sense of control, it was the time where the wolf part of them fully took over... the monstrous part of them that did not know when to stop, killing was their nature and desired blood to be spilt.

"Calm down hyung, I'm sure Kai is just stuck somewhere you know like in a tree" Chen tried to joke to lighten the atmosphere but just caused everyone to stare at him for making yet another dog-wolf relation joke, which caused him to shrug and continuing to chain-cuff his wrists that was drilled and bolted onto the walls of the cave. "That Kai..." Kris buried his head into the palms of his hand and everyone started to worry at Kai's take of actions, "He knows what he is doing I'm sure" I told him and rested my hand on his shoulder showing him that i have faith in Kai.

"Ok the rest of you try to get out of these chains," i threw the bag of chains onto the ground "take as many as you need we need to make sure you don't get out, we can't let another person get hurt again okay?" I sighed remembering bits and pieces of the past, the rest nodded their heads i guess they all remember what Luhan and Xiumin did... I just hope Kai does too.


We were walking aimlessly on the pavement where all the shophouses were and she was walking ahead of me swinging her arms care-freely, i wished i was as care-free as her. I looked at her with the sunlight falling gently on her brown hair and on her cheeks, i wanted to be with her i wanted to hold her in my arms. Before i could continue she broke my train of thoughts as she spun around "Kai wanna go somewhere? Like the arcade? I've always wanted to go there!" She gave me a smile that melted me into a puddle. "Sur-" I felt my phone vibrate that cut me off "hang on a moment kay" i shot her a glance and fished out my phone from my back pocket.

"Pretty girl you've got there Kai, cute moment you guys got there too when she cleaned your wound. You've got one day to hand the moonstone over if not you'll know what happens." I clutch my phone tightly keeping in mind that i shouldn't snap my phone into half. H-How did he get my number and how did he know where i was, stupid me now he knows Jaehee i cant risk her getting hurt especially by someone like them. They were the Triple X they have been our enemy since the beginning, they all have plans to become an all alpha pack and to do that they need to gain control of the moonstone that allows one to control yourself better during the full moon, it doesn't exactly allows full control but at least it helps you slightly.

I couldn't let Jaehee get hurt no matter how much i want to be by her side, "Is there something wrong?" she looked at me puzzled by my frowns and built up anger that i was holding back "Ani... theres nothing wrong lets walk you home, its getting late" i patted her soft brown hair as i saw a disappointed look come upon her face as she turned around to walk home. As much as i want to the text reminded me of where i belong i should not cross that line between humans and creatures like us, i shouldn't i shouldn't...

"and... we're here!" she did a tiny jump at her doorstep which snapped me out of my thoughts and forced her a smile. "Go in! I'll watch you go in" i ushered for her to go inside as i waved continuing to force a smile, i didn't want her to go back in i want us to walk around some more. "Ok i guess this is goodbye then" she turned around once more before going in, i could feel she was reluctant to end our 'moment' here.

As she closed the door i felt my heart enclosed and drop, a part of me wanted her to insist to go in or ask me to come in but i knew i shouldn't. What was i feeling for her i've only known her for two or three days and there is something about her that felt right, like it was our fate.


I closed the door and slid down to plop on the floor "What are you thinking Jaehee!" i smacked myself on the head with my fist "Do you like him?" it became a habit to think aloud when i'm alone at home "You can't... he probably doesn't like you back anyways..." i sighed and dragged myself into the room still having Kai stalk my every thought.

"Aishhh... Whats wrong with me do i like him ahhhhh i just met him!" i laid on the bed covering my face with my pillow then rolling over to look at the picture of D.O and i on my mini bedside drawer "maybe i should ask you what to do" i poked D.O's face in the picture.



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