Chapter 14: Lone Wolf

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Every wolf knows how important a pack is to them, its more than a group of wolves or friends, its their family... the feeling of cutting ties with his family made him depressed and wondered if this was really the right step to take. He didn't forget about the full moon, it was coming as well... how was he going to handle that by himself without Suho and Kris to suppress him.

But more than that he loved Jaehee and he felt that she was more important than losing them, "Jaehee are you in?" you knocked on the door hoping she was inside, you hoped that she could comfort you somehow. "coming!" she shouted from upstairs as she ran down the steps you could hear her scrambling around and knocked her knee on one of the cupboards making you laugh. "Chanyeol, what are you doing here its pretty late" she smiled as she opened the door "I missed you" I laughed but she could tell there was something bothering me so she pulled me in. "did something happen?" she looked into my eyes, I didn't know what I was supposed to say... I couldn't tell her about me being a wolf and losing my pack. "you know you can tell me anything right?" she recited the words i used to say to her as she pulled me into an embrace "maybe i can help, okay maybe i cant but sharing your problems splits your burden into two" she snuggled. "Jaehee... I... I think I lost my friends" you put your chin on her head as you felt her warmth "is it because of me?" "its my fault, i should have told them instead of letting them find out by themselves" i told her a white lie. "im sorry channie..." "its alright Jaehee, you know you're all i need".


"Guys... are we really going to let them be?" i asked "i dont know anymore..." Sehun sighed at the situation, "should we follow Chanyeol's decision?" Chen cried in frustration "but we don't want to upset Kris and Suho" Xiumin kicked the pebble in his way, "but we can't just leave Chanyeol like that, can we?" Baekhyun emphasised. "what do you think Kai?" luhan nudged him "I... I don't know" he shrugged "whats wrong Jongin, why are so quiet nowadays?" Sehun swung his arm over his friend, D.O eyed him and asked him to stop pressing but insensitive Sehun didn't catch the drift, "Kai likes Jaehee, of course he won't be happy that Chanyeol is doing all of this" D.O sighed in exasperation on how clueless Sehun was, "ohhhh" Sehun answered and patted Kai on the back. "I think we shouldnt go against Kris and Suho, but we should still keep a lookout for Chanyeol, a wolf isnt good without a pack" D.O suggested "I like that idea" I agreed with D.O and soon the rest agreed as well, Chanyeol was our friend and we couldn't just leave him alone like that.


The past few days were hell, everytime i step into class I see them giggling as they sat next to each other laughing about their date yesterday, i tried to sit as far away as i could but I couldnt turn off the super hearing and every word they whispered were loud and clear to my ears. "stop laughing at me channie, you promised you wouldn't laugh when i told you that i fell into the toilet bowl when i was three" Jaehee laughed as she playfully hit Chanyeol "I know i said i wouldn't but its way too funny" he continued to laugh and then choked on his own saliva "Ms Yoon and Mr Park, is there something funny that you'll like to share with the class?" the teacher folded his arms "dont you dare" she warned him and eyed him "i would if i wanted to" he teased, "no its nothing sir" Chanyeol replied. 

"See what you got us into" she poked his arm "well you shouldnt have told me you fell into the toilet bowl when you were potty training" he smiled trying to imagine her falling into the bowl and not being able to get out. "you're so embarrassing oh my god" she covered her face with her hands, "alright alright, i'll tell you something about me okay? will that even it out?" he slowly pulled her hands away from her face as he looked at her gently. "okay, but it better be embarrassing if not i'll bite you". I wanted to punch them in all honesty, did they think they were on a date? we are in class for god's sake... i ruffled my hair in frustration, i wanted to leave the class so badly to get away from them but i couldn't, i already had three warning letters and another one would get me suspended from school. 

I closed my eyes and tried to block out the noise, i concentrated on the emptiness and blankness, this was a wolf mediation that Suho taught me when I couldn't control myself when the full moon was coming and usually things get out of hand. Suho taught me that this would help me find myself and help me find my center, it would tell me something about myself and by concentrating i can use that part of me to control. I focused on finding myself, i thought about how i wanted to control my hearing and block all the noises , i thought about how when the full moon came and how i wanted to control myself from breaking the chains and not transforming into a wolf. As i thought about it, something popped out from that blankness of my mind... Jaehee. Moments of her and I when we were at the arcade, at the restaurant, all the moments of us, the moments when i fell in love with her appeared. Slowly moments when triple x came and wanted to harm us popped up and the feeling overwhelmed me, I wanted to protect her and keep her safe, I didn't want them to hurt her. 

"Yah Jongin are you okay?" Sehun shook me making me open my eyes "you're sweating cold sweat and you're really pale" Xiumin turned around "yea im fine" i shrugged it off not wanting them to be worried, what did it mean, why did my mind think of Jaehee? Was that some sort of sign or was my mind trying to tell me something? I had absolutely no clue on what it was directing me at. As my mind drifted off, i could only hear the sounds of Jaehee and Chanyeol giggling and laughing at each other. As class ended Luhan slipped me a note and went off with Xiumin leaving me to wonder what was this about, I read the note and it told me to meet him at the bleachers after class saying he wants to tell me something. I folded the note and slipped it into my back pocket and making my way there. 

"Hyung, you wanted to tell me something?" i walked towards luhan who was sitting at the back of the bleachers with his hands behind his head "yeah come here jongin" he patted the seat beside him. "what is it?" i put my bag down and looked at luhan, "i know you were meditating in class just now, am i right?" "h-how did you know?" i stared at luhan in shock. "and when you focused, the person you saw in your mind was Jaehee right?" Luhan smiled, "how did you-" i was unable to complete my sentence... did he see right through me? Was i obvious? 

"The same thing happened to me Jongin, remember Kris telling you all about Xiumin and i falling in love before, when i meditated... that girl, her name was Soomin, I thought of her. At that time i was so in love with her, i left the pack just to be with that girl" he snickered at his silly ways, "what happened then?" you asked "because i havent learnt to control myself and i was out of the pack, when the full moon came... i ripped her apart..." luhan looked away from his younger brother's eyes in shame and guilt. "hyung..." "i was stupid jongin, i was stupidly in love from her that i didn't even protect her well and killed her instead" luhan choked on his own tears, it was the first time luhan ever spoke about it to the pack, it was something he swore not to bring up again. Jongin embraced luhan comforting him from the pain in his heart, it was his first and only love and he destroyed it with his own two hands, it was a devastating love story that broke your heart, you couldn't imagine if that was what you did to Jaehee, you would never ever forgive yourself.

"Jongin, when you meditate and if Jaehee comes up in your mind, its telling you something very important that I didn't know about until I killed Soomin..." luhan sniffled "firstly it means that besides the fact that you love her, it means that she is the one that helps you to control your power or yourself, when you focus on her you will be able to control yourself because you want to protect her and that helps you to remain as Jongin and not the wolf..." luhan gulped as he was about to tell you something that shook fear into you, "it also means that something bad is going to happen to her" luhan gripped your hand tightly "remember jongin... love for us can be empowering but it can also be a weakness, your love for Jaehee can be your strength and help you to become stronger at controlling yourself but it can also become a weakness that the wolf uses against you, for me and xiumin... it became a weakness that the wolf used and killed the ones we loved so we could lose our center" luhan held my trembling hand "but i dont want the same thing to happen to you jongin-ah, love for us only happens once in your life and if you want it you have to fight for it" a tear fell from luhan's eye. "hyung... how do I.. how can i fight the wolf?" i trembled. "you have to find yourself jongin, thats the only way".


Will Kai's love for Jaehee become his strength or detriment? find out in the other chapters to come~ <3 

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