20: Reunited

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"Where on earth is Kai?!" Kris growled loudly as the rest of the members gathered in the hideout, "i don't know he disappeared during lunch time" baekhyun shrugged, "who does he think he is, does he think he can go and come into this hideout anytime he wants" kris clenched his fist, "do you want us to go find him?" xiumin asked kris, "save it, don't waste any of your efforts on him" kris rested his hand on xiumin's shoulder. Suddenly you remembered that day when Kai ran into you in the school's hallways, there was something on his wrist... a bracelet? It couldn't be that bracelet would it? 

"Yifan i need to talk to you about something" you pulled kris aside, "i think kai might be trying to find out who he is..." you whispered, "what?" kris furrowed his brows, "i saw kai wearing that bracelet just that other day in school and he was rushing towards somewhere and im guessing it might be the library, i have a feeling that this is what he has been up to that's why he hasn't been attending any of our gatherings" you shook your head. "He can't find out about this, its dangerous we should stop him shouldn't we?" kris suggested, "kai's a curious one and we both know that well, the more we try to stop him the more determined he is to find out, i think... we should tell him what we know instead" you reasoned with kris, "you know that it's dangerous to tell him right?" kris sighed, "but we can't keep it from him, we're his alphas, it is as good as their older brothers or parents... and as older brothers we should be trying to help him" you patted kris's shoulders telling him that this is the right decision and he should accept it, "alright then i'll trust your decision on this one" kris nodded his head. 

As the both of you turned around, you saw Chanyeol walking into the hideout towards the both of you and then kneeling with his head bowed. "My goodness who is this?" kris smirked, he always had a drive for winning, "Kris..." you warned him, "alright alright, why are you here chanyeol" kris folded his arms, "im here to apologise hyung" chanyeol said with his head still bowed. "I thought you wanted to be with jaehee and protect her and what not" kris said, "I did and I still do, i hope you can accept my choice but im here to apologise for going against your orders and wishes, i still think my decision is the right one but i know its wrong to go against what you asked of me, im sorry hyung" chanyeol said with confidence. "get up chanyeol" you pulled chanyeol's arm helping him to get up, "confidence... i like that chanyeol" kris smiled, "sometimes a wolf's gotta do what he needs to, its okay chanyeol we understand" you gave him an assuring smile, "just know that we never thought you left our pack, you're here and always will be a part of our pack" kris ruffled his hair, "our little beta wolves are all growing up" you cried. "Jeez you're such a mum.." kris stared at you judgingly, "shut up" you hit his arm. "Welcome back hyung!" Baekhyun ran over and hugged Chanyeol, "aren't you still angry about the milk?" chanyeol joked, "don't make me kick you" baekhyun said with a smile and a grudge, "hyungggggg" sehun ran and almost pushing the both of them over, the rest of them came to join the group hug, "oh what the heck let's just hug" you said as you and kris were the last ones to join the hug that was suffocating chanyeol. "i love you all" tao cuddled them tightly, "you're so weird" xiumin judged him, "i love you more!" lay shouted, "wait do you mean tao or do you mean us?" luhan raised an eyebrow, "guys.... i can't breatheeee" chanyeol choked, "im going to be a squished piece of bacon soonnnn" baekhyun yelled, "but i missed you chanyeol" chen said, "what do you mean... you see me everyday in school" chanyeol joked, "oh shut up you know what i mean" chen smiled, "if you all don't let go soon, i will whack every single one of you" kyungsoo said and everyone immediately let go, the magic of satansoo.


"I can the chills going down my spine" Jaehee shivered as I walked her back to her house, honestly i was abit worried that someone will hurt her now, "are you sure you're not just cold?" you smiled pretending to take your jacket off for her, "kai i know the difference between cold and goosebumps, i'm not an idiot" she laughed. "you're always a pabo though" you teased, "i am not" she pouted, "so you haven't told me what you are, an angel?" she questioned, "nope not an angel but if you'd like to think of me as one i'm okay with being an angel" you laughed making flapping wings with your hands making her laugh even louder, "don't be stupid kai, then what is it?" she was insistent, "guess" you challenged her. "a dark dragon that breathes out fireeeee" she pretended like she could blow fire out from her mouth, "im not that cool" you laughed, "a... demon?" she whispered like she was afraid someone would hear, "why are you whispering jaehee" you smiled seeing a new side of her, "so you're a demon oh my god please don't hurt me" "this is what i mean by pabo, im not a demon jaehee" you shook your head, "oh i know are you those half goat half human thingys... what are they called again..." she thought long and hard, "you mean fauns?" you aided her, "oh yeah Fauns! you must be a faun" she pointed and laugh, "what the hell jaehee... a faun? seriously... do you really think im a half goat...." you stared at her absolutely unamused but you cracked a smile when you saw her laughing her heart out, she was about to fall backwards and roll down the slope. "you're so stupid sometimes" you pulled her wrist as she continued to laugh, "okay okay fine not a faun then tell me already, if not im gonna guess really stupid things for you, omg can you imagine yourself as a fairy with wings and wands hahahhahaha and pink sparkles and a tutu?" she started cracking up again and tears started falling from her eyes, "are you that amused that you're crying?" you wiped her tears away, "seriously though a fairy, a tutu...." her laughter echoed though the entire neighbourhood, "geez jaehee you're going to wake up all your neighbours" you covered her mouth when you saw one of the lights of the house switched on. 

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