Chapter 8: The Arcade

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The arcade was dim, the only lights present was those emanating from the loud arcade machines that were also producing loud music that clashed together. I was surprised to see so many people here, i mean... well it was a school day after all these kids they were probably thirteen they should be in school no? I shrugged it off, it wasn't my business anyways. There were so many machines with various games from racing to dance and basketball, i was amazed i expected an arcade to look more bright and lit up.

"If you're done staring, let's go play!" Kai waved his hand in front of my face as i shot him a glare "i haven't been here before can't you be a little more hospitable." "How bout we play this one!" he walked over to the basketball one completely ignoring me, i rolled my eyes and followed him. "Let's have a challenge to see who can shoot more into the hoops" he challenged me "oh you're on!" we both simultaneously put the token into the slot and aimed the ball before the timer started, i remember how Luhan taught me that i need to lift my arms a little higher to get the ball further. The timer buzzed and we started throwing balls furiously, at first i tried to aim but as competitive as i was, i could see Kai shooting the balls at a faster speed then i started to just shoot the balls hopefully it goes into a hoop. I aimlessly shot the basketballs just so i could match Kai's speed, when the timer buzzed signaling the end i put one hand on the machine to catch my breath and i felt my arms start to ache who knew 'gaming' could be so much work. "I guessed i won!" Kai put his arms up in the air triumphant that he won as i looked at the scoreboard i got 20 and he had... 108. Was that even possible "how did you shoot so many?" i questioned "erm i don't know, i guess i'm really talented" he smirked "you should join the basketball team in our school then!" i patted him on the shoulder "i'm too cool to be on a team" he chuckled and i rolled my eyes once more "arrogant" i mumbled "what?" "nothing.... hey that looks fun" i pointed to the dance machine.

Kai said that it was called 'Para Para', it had a dance board it looked fun apparently you can choose the songs to dance to. "Oh i'm good at this" Kai grinned "what aren't you good at?" "hmmm... nothing" he chuckled "challenge?" i stepped up onto one of the dance boards "okay Jaehee but i'm warning you, i'm a master at this game" he stepped onto the dance board on my left "then it's a challenge!" "so it is!" we both then decided to play Growl, we slot in the tokens and pressed play. I easily danced and caught every step shown on the screen at the right time and from the corner of my eye i saw that Kai was in sync with me. We both never missed a beat which gained the attention of the people in the arcade and they started to gather round and cheered for us. I could hear some of the girls ooze in delight of Kai's charisma dancing on the machine saying "oh my god he's so cute" or "his dancing is perfect" i couldn't help but feel annoyed by them. No if you're thinking that i'm jealous, i'm not well at least i don't think i am.


Every one of our dance moves matched, i was impressed that she could dance this well considering that this was the first time she's been here. The game ended and she was huffing and puffing, i agreed that the game was pretty tedious if you were a human but i was a wolf these games aren't able to deplete my energy or stamina and even if it could i could heal and recover from it but there were so many people around so i had to pretend to be exhausted. I mirrored Jaehee's actions, pretending to support myself by holding onto the pole and breathing heavily, i wondered whether i was doing it right. The scores came out "Yes! I won!" i jumped in excitement it was a close match and i had to keep my title as the master of this game. "Wow you're amazing!" two girls came up to me before Jaehee could reply me "um thanks?" "can i have your number oppa?" one of the girls held my arm and i wiggled out of her grasp "sorry i already have a girlfriend" i grabbed Jaehee's hand and walked away.

"What was that about? I'm not your girlfriend" I heard Jaehee say but i ignored her "oh look let's try to see if i can get that bear for you." I slot the token in and moved the joy stick around "no! a little to the right no a little to the left now! move back a bit! somemore Kai!" Jaehee shouted getting way too excited "breathe Jaehee!" i chuckled at her cuteness "sorry i just really want that rilakkuma" she pouted making my heart flutter "okay i'll get it for you even if it takes me forever" i said with determination, i wanted Jaehee to have it in her room and when she looks at it she would think of me. I moved the stick with my eyes glued onto the crane, putting all my focus onto the machine then pressed the button for the crane to move downwards to grab the bear. "You did it! Oh my god Kai you did it!" she hit my arm and jumped excitedly before taking the rilakkuma from the machine "you're welcome" i smiled at her hugging the bear tightly "i shall call him JJ" she poked it's nose "why? i rather called in Kai Jr." JJ wasn't a cute name for a bear, "J-J, Jaehee, Jongin" she looked up at me then smiling happily "you like it that much huh" "more than skipping school!" she skipped away.

We decided to have some yogurt before going somewhere else, we didn't exactly know where to go but we didn't want to go home. "This bear is such a burden to carry around, let's put this at my house first it's just round the corner from here" she nodded and we headed to my apartment. We got into the lift and pressed the button to get to the 12th floor where my apartment was, i keyed in my password and we both entered. "This is a nice place you have here Kai" she admired the place from the ceiling to the corners of the house "put it down and lets go, i'm starving" i rubbed my tummy as she laughed "oh what's this?" she pointed to the picture i had in my living room of my parents and i when i was still a baby "Oh this? This was before they died, they got attacked and i was left on the streets until auntie, she found me and took me in this photo she said it was in the blanket that i was wrapped in it's the only thing i have of them" "oh... don't you think it was strange that you didn't get hurt or that this was wrapped with your blanket?" Jaehee looked at me curious "auntie says they probably had the conscience not to hurt a baby and felt sorry for making me an orphan" "sorry Kai, i didn't mean to pry" she put her arm around me after setting the photo back down to it's original position "you don't need to apologise Jaehee, you're the first person i shared this with "how bout the boys you never shared this with them?" "well they only know my parents died thats it" i nodded my head, i felt good sharing it with Jaehee she was special and i was sure if my mum was here even though i don't know her, i'm sure she'll like Jaehee too. "Oh well i'm honored Jongin" she smiled and i smiled back "you're really something Jaehee" i couldnt help but to stare into her hazel brown orbs, i knew there was something about her that felt right.

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EXCITINGGG!! Sorry i took so long to update! 😔😔😔 guilty..., hahahaha now i'll try my best to write and update as i can! 😁😁 XOXO~ keep

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