18: Be The One

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"no wonder kai has been acting so strangely these few days... it must be true then" you thought as you pushed open your bedroom door and plopping onto the ground, "but if... if kai really is some sort of creature... what do i do?" you sighed, you desperately wanted to run straight to his apartment and ask him right away but you were afraid of knowing the truth. Suddenly you recalled when you first met him, how his cut above his eye healed so fast and how when the both of you ran that day when you skipped class to go to the arcade, he didn't even break a sweat when you probably looked like you had just walked in the rain. All the little details started to make sense.

The next day of school, you acted like nothing was wrong and as per normal, you didn't really talk to kai, you didn't even dare to look into his eyes. "Something wrong jaehee?" chanyeol waved his hand infront of my face, "no.... nothing's wrong, i probably spaced out again" you smiled throwing chanyeol off his suspicions, "hahahaha you always space out," he ruffled my hair "anyways i bought you some milk in case you haven't had any breakfast" he reached into his bagback and taking out two banana milk bottles, poking the straws into the top and handing one to me. "Is that for me?" you took it from him, "of course you dummy, who else would i buy banana milk for?" he grinned, "where's my milk?!" baekhyun folded his arms, "baek-" chanyeol was about to explain but baekhyun interrupted, "dont baekhyun me, you never buy banana milk for me but you bought it for jaehee?" he pouted "you can have mine baek i haven't drank it yet" you handed your untouched banana milk to him, "no! i bought it for you jaehee, i had to wake up 40mins earlier to go to the mart" chanyeol pulled my arm placing the milk back onto the table where it was originally, "thanks jaehee but no thanks jaehee, i wouldn't want milk from park chanyeol" he stomped off.

"Geez did you have to have baekhyun angry so early in the day?" you laughed, "nah, he'll get over it soon" chanyeol sipped on his milk and reached out to tug a fallen strand of hand behind your ear, "yah don't do that in class" you shied away. "does it matter, everyone here already knows we're dating anyways" he pinched your cheeks "owwww that hurts" you rubbed your cheek. "So how was your student council thingy go?" chanyeol asked making you panic franticallyon the inside, "wha- ermmm.. it was erm fine" you mentally slapped yourself for saying that, chanyeol would probably ask more questions. "fine? hahahaha what's that supposed to mean?" "it was you know boring and everything but i mean i wasn't late.." you lied as you continued to sip on your milk, "oh yeah how was your movie with chen?" you changed the subject, "don't even get me started on it, it was just horrible, he cried during every scene and he kept grabbing onto my arm, the couple next to us was staring at us the entire time, oh god it was so embarrassing i am never going into that theater again." chanyeol rubbed his temples, "you should've brought kyungsoo instead" you felt bad for lying to chanyeol and prayed that he would ynever ever find out because if he did... he might never talk to you again, one thing you knew for sure was that chanyeol absolutely hates liars and backstabbers. You couldn't afford to let him find out the truth.

During class, Chanyeol tapped your shoulder and passed you a note, you secretly took it and opened it, "what are you doing after school? :D" you read it with a smiley face at the end as you scribbled your reply, "i think i have a student council meeting or something idk" you folded the paper back and handed it to him, "you're really committed to your student duty roles aren't you?" he returned the paper giving me a sad face, "sorry channie, i feel really bad" you placed it on his table, "it's okay but promise me that you'll make some time for me next week alright?" you agreed to it and packed your bags after the bell rang. You saw Kai rushing out of the classroom and you ran to follow him down the hallway, there were so many people that you had to push your way through the crowd to keep up with him. "sorry, excuse me sorry" you apologised like a million times, "Jaehee I know you're following me" kai stopped walking and turned around making me stumble backwards and stepping on someone's foot, "oh my god i'm so sorry" you bowed slightly as the girl scoffed and walked away. You gulped and looked at Kai who was staring at you with furrowed brows, "i-m n-not following you" you played with your fingers, looking on the ground, "oh then where are you going then?" he asked with sarcasm, "i.. im going to the canteen" you lied, "yeah sure jaehee... the canteen isnt down this hallway, it's all the way at the other side of the school" he folded his arms, "okay fine i was possibly following you" you sighed. "possibly?" he raised an eyebrow almost laughing, "what... i could possibly be taking the long way to the canteen...", "okay so why are you following me?" he asked, "possibly following" you corrected him, "okay... so why were you 'possibly' following me?" "I was worried about you..." you admitted, "you were worried about me?" he spoke with a low voice, "you... you've been acting really strangely nowadays and so i followed you to the library and saw the book- ahhhhh" kai pulled you by your wrist towards an empty classroom before you could finish your sentence and closed the door making you squeal a little.

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