23: By the River, By your Side

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"Relax and close your eyes" you listened to Kai's voice and followed his instructions, "now concentrate and think of yourself having powers, if you believe so, it will then be" Jongin's mellow voice helped you concentrate and focus, you started imagining yourself becoming stronger and feeling empowered. "Think of something or someone that helps you focus, the key is that you need to focus, focus on gathering your power" he added, you felt like all of your energy was gathering together, there was this strange feeling that was building up but you didn't know what it was. As you meditated, Kai's face popped up and you started to picture yourself with him, him holding your hand tightly as you walked down the sandy shores feeling the ocean waves wash up upon your bare feet, you smiled back at him as the sun continued to shine heavily on the both of you.

"You're doing it Jaehee!" Jongin's voice startled you as you opened your eyes to see your hands glowing, as if there was a beam illuminating from your palms, the sight scared you, to see your own hands emitting light was something new to you and you felt frightened not knowing what to do. "Don't be scared Jaehee, this is a good thing, you're not a monster Jaehee... it's okay don't be scared" Kai tried to prove it to you by holding your hands that were still glowing, "Kai don't what if I hurt you?" you tried to shrug him off but his grip was too strong for you to push away, "Jaehee, you're the wolf spirit you can't hurt me unless you want to, this light doesn't hurt anyone, this just shows that your wolf spirit is shining through."

"Now, this shows that it's working, keep focusing Jaehee, you can do this... let your wolf spirit shine" Kai held my hands tighter urging me to try again to gather my power and energy. I started to feel my energy suddenly dissipating, I could feel myself getting weaker by the second but I kept pushing myself harder so that I can be there for Jongin, I wanted to protect him and I wanted to help him. "Jaehee your eyes, they are glowing" Jongin said making me open my eyes, "glowing?!" you said in fear, "yes this means its working, my eyes turns red when I'm turning into a wolf and if your eyes are glowing means your wolf spirit is coming out Jaehee-ah" he said excitedly. 

I started to feel dizzy and a stinging sensation in my heart as I continued to meditate and soon I blacked-out. 

"Jaehee? Jaehee-ah, don't scare me... please wake up..." you heard mumblings and cries from Kai as you opened your eyes weakly, you could see that he was holding you in his arms as he cried sniffling every five seconds before wiping his tear, "Jongin..." you barely said, "Jaehee! Oh my god I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for pushing you to control your powers when this is your first time trying, I'm so stupid that I made you pass out... ugh I'm so stupid" he mentally beat himself up. "No don't say that..." you reached out to wipe away the tear that rolled down his face. 

Bzzzzzzz Bzzzzzz, you heard your phone vibrating beside you as Kai picked your phone up, "Chanyeol's calling you..." Kai sighed, "answer it.." you mumbled but Kai ignored your words and waited until the phone stopped ringing and after multiple tries from Chanyeol trying to reach you, he dropped you a text instead, "what did he say?" you tried to take your phone from Kai but he pulled it away from you so that it'll be out of your reach, "he wants you to meet him tomorrow for a date for your monthsary" Kai said with a grudge. 

"Oh... I didn't even remember that... but are you okay Jongin?", "yeah sure, why won't I be, I'm not upset that you and Chanyeol are going to celebrate your one monthsary" his jaw was clenched and you could tell he was definitely not alright. "You don't seem fine though", "let's just go home" he squatted in front you so you could get onto his back.

You wrapped your arms tightly around him so you wouldn't fall, being so close to him made you feel so nervous and excited, you could almost hear your heart pound. "Jaehee... you're not going to meet Chanyeol tomorrow are you?" Jongin whispered softly, "I don't know... but if you don't want me to, I won't" you said gently, "I don't want you to... but I think you should, Chanyeol will be hurt if you don't turn up for your date with him" he admitted. "Will you really be okay with me going to celebrate my one monthsary with him?" 

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