Chapter 3: Exo-K Gang

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Chanyeol waved at us and shouted "JAEHEE!! BAEKHYUN!!" we sat down at the cozy table he found "I'll sit you two go get food for me i'm too lazy to mooovvvvveeeee~" baekhyun said pouting and resting his head on the table, "lazy bacon" i said and poked his side causing him to jump up "Ahhhh Jaehee dont call me that im Baek. Hyun not bacon!" he whined and emphasized on his name. Chanyeol and i laughed at his aegyo and joined the queue.

"Jaehee i want the spicy one can you buy the non-spicy one so we can share?" I gave into him "fine but i'm eating most of the spicy one" Chanyeol smiled and grabbed a tray for the both of us "then we shall let Baekhyun starve" we both laughed.

"Hi there! You're Jaehee right?" a guy who just joined the queue behind me said as i turned around to see a handsome tall looking guy and remembered that his name was Kris, "Hi!" i smiled "and you are Kris right?" "Yep and this is Tao!" a guy behind him popped up and waved "HIIIIIII!!!" he said eagerly "ignore him he is just excited" Kris pushed Tao's face away and grabbed trays for them. "Jaehee! Its our turn!" i turned back to the front and grabbed two plates of tteukbokki then i heard Kris say sadly "Awww its tteukbokki" "You don't like it?" i looked at him "Tteukbokki ne style" he said coolly and winked i laughed and thought if someone could really look that good.

We brought our trays back to the table and Baekhyun shot up immediately at the sight of the tteukbokki "Which one is mine?!" he shouted "None these are mine and those are Jaehee's go get your own" Chanyeol teased "Chanyeol~" Baekhyun whined flopping back onto the table. "Here's yours!" i put a plate of it in front of him and he hugged me tightly "Yay Jaehee your the best!" "but only if you let me call you bacon!" i took away the plate before he ate it "fineeee but only for you Jaehee and for the tteukbokki hehe" and i returned the plate to him, patting his head.

We sat down and started eating when four boys sat down at our table with their food. it was D.O, Suho, Sehun and...Kai. D.O and Suho took a seat beside Bacon and I while Sehun and Kai sat next to Chanyeol. As Kai sat he smiled warmly at me and mouthed "hey", "Why didnt you all wait for us!" Sehun yelled loudly at Chanyeol, "I was hungry! dont shout you're gonna scare Jaehee" "Ah mian Jaehee did i scare you?" Sehun turned to look at me and tried to act cute before Kai stopped him "Yaahh Sehun-ah sit down and eat. Stop bothering her" and turned to smile at me. My heart started to beat a little faster when he gave me such a warm smile and i returned him a smile but nervously look down to eat.

After we finished our food D.O and i told the rest that we were going to leave first but the rest of them wanted to tag along and started to tease us "Wae bring us along unless you two are going on a date!" Sehun grabbed my arm and started nudging me "No we just knew each other for a long time, we're not together" i playfully hit Sehun's hand. "Then lets go together my treat ok?" Suho suggested and the rest of them cheered, D.O looked at me and i shrugged.

Sehun and Baekhyun were happily skipping in front, while the rest of us were walking behind. "Jaehee what flavor are you getting? I want chocolate!" Chanyeol said excitedly "I want strawberry! or should i get chocolate?" "Chocolate! Get the same thing as me!" i laughed at him. Suho, Chanyeol and D.O started to walk ahead as they were talking about something else, leaving me behind with Kai.

"I don't know what flavor to get" he said as he broke the awkward silence between us. "Erm... get strawberry since Chanyeol wants me to get Chocolate" i subconsciously pouted and Kai flashed a cheeky smile at me "don't do that you look really cute like that" i looked down feeling my face flush and he reached out to tug a strand of hair behind my ear i could really feel my face starting to burn. Out of habit i playfully hit his arm and he started to laugh.

We sat down at the park benches after getting our ice cream "Happy now i got chocolate and i really feel like having strawberry now" i stared at Chanyeol, "Awww sorry Jaehee next time i'll buy it for you okay?" he pinched my cheek and shook my head. "You want mine Jaehee?" Kai scooped his strawberry ice cream and walked to me putting it in front of my mouth, i smiled happily and opened my mouth so Kai would feed me. "Hmmmmm yum strawberry!" i closed my eyes to savor the ice cream while Baekhyun was fighting with Sehun for making him drop his ice cream.

I waved goodbye to them "Jaehee want me to walk you home?" Chanyeol said "Yaahhh she's my best friend so i should walk her home but we need to go so she needs to go home first" D.O told Chanyeol off jokingly and waved to me "Bye Jaehee see you tomorrow!" Chanyeol pouted and waved sadly "See you on the bus tomorrow Jaehee" "Bye guys! See you!" i shouted and ran to hug D.O before leaving "How bout me!" Chanyeol and Sehun whined so i group hugged all of them before walking home.


WOOOOO so fast its the 3rd chappie already! i was picturing baekhyun doing that ahhhh so cute~ 🙊

Put up with these 2 chapters (3&4) its a little boring though i just needed this chapter to introduce the different gangs and for Jaehee to make friends with them on a more personal level 🙆💕 thanks for putting up with the dryness promise you chapter 5 onwards will be EXCITING AND FLUFFY FEELS-FILLED 😁

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