CHAPTER FIVE - February 2173 - Tranchilite / Osolieus

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February 2173

Tranchilite / Osolieus


Field Marshal Hapilnorphille looked up at the sky as he heard the latest group of shuttles descend towards the surface. He'd had the foresight to obtain permission from the Emperor to allow all alien forces coming to help to land on the surface. The Emperor, who was still in mourning at the loss of his brother and sister, had signed the permission slip without looking at it. It could have been a wage rise request for all the Emperor had known.

He saw the familiar, rock-like, battle shuttles of the Grelite army slowly getting larger as they descended towards the landing area. The Krapites were already here as were the Aramitelings, the Corpsilites, the Solarians, the Ilumians and the Brasturks. All six had been assigned their target areas with 'search and destroy' kill orders. Hapilnorphille had been waiting for the Grelite arrival. He had received a report of a particularly nasty situation in Utovil. Utovil was within a mile of Tranchilite's second major city, Parupia.

Parupia was unable to help its surrounding villages due to Dowdneer's followers already attacking them. The mayor of Parupia was concentrating on keeping the city safe first. The other two nearby villages - Bransorn and Tamir had both already fallen. Once Utovil joined them the forces from all three villages would begin their assault on Parupia. If Parupia fell under the disciples control they would begin spreading out, like a disease, to take down each town and village as they went. There were fourteen villages and seven towns within a fifteen-mile radius of Parupia.

The Grelite shuttles landed and a ramp extended out from one of them. The normally fearless Hapilnorphille almost took a step backwards as he felt fear for the first time in as long as he could remember.

"Sir," said a nearby Sergeant. "Isn't that Pach PaGaresh."

Without taking his eyes off Pach, Hpinar answered his Sergeant, "Yes. Yes, it is."

"But I thought he never left his King's side."

"So did I," Hpinar straightened his posture and cleared his throat. "Make sure you all stand to attention," he said loud enough for all his surrounding soldiers to hear.

They all immediately responded and stood in a neat line remaining motionless.

Pach strode past them and stopped in front of Hapilnorphille, "The King sends his troops to aid you. Where would you like us deployed?"

"Welcome sir. We are honoured by your presence," said Hpinar with a salute.

Pach returned the salute, "I see my reputation proceeds me. You may call me Pach if I may call you Hpinar."

"That's fine by me Pach," the small amount of fear in Hpinar's voice disappeared. "My reputation must proceed me as well."

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