CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - April 2173 - Moon / Earth

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Rebecca was sitting in the pilot seat of the Justice. Neil had given her some basic flying lessons on the journey between Anthera and Sentry One on the moon. She gently moved the flight stick to each side, controlling gentle turns and keeping her eye on the target direction. Each time returning the reticule back to it.

"That's it, Rebecca. You're doing well," said Neil.

Rebecca looked at him sitting next to her. "I take it you're going to land it."

"You'll be able to. I'll be here to guide you."

"I'd prefer you to land it, Neil. The approach tunnel isn't very large if I remember correctly."

"If ships the size of the Resolve can navigate through it then the Justice will be easy to fly through."


"I have every faith in you, Rebecca."

A beep started emanating from the dashboard.

"What's that?" asked Rebecca.

"The Justice is just letting us know that we are almost in communications range with Sentry One," Neil smiled at the look on Rebecca's face. "Don't worry. I'll talk to them."

'Unidentified ship. Identify yourself immediately. You are entering Space Federation airspace.'

"Sentry One. This is Second Lieutenant Neil Bolgon. I am with Rebecca Chambers and Tanya Bolgon. We are requesting landing authorisation, over."

'This is Sentry One. Please give us your identity code, sir.'

"NB15072136SC1," replied Neil.

'The code complies, sir. But you're not in a Star Cruiser.'

"That's right. We're in an official Paladin Knight fighter called the Justice, over."

'Hold on while I clear you.'

Neil looked at Rebecca. "Just keep flying straight. We're still a way out."

"What happens now?"

"He's talking to his boss. They're trying to decide if we're a threat."

'Justice, you are cleared to land. Landing pad seventeen. Follow the lights.'

"Thank you, control," Neil smiled at Rebecca. "Head for the circle of lights. Stay in the centre and we'll be fine."

"Okay, Neil. Here we go."

The Justice banked to the right and the nose dipped.

"Keep the nose in the centre of the circle," said Neil. "You have plenty of room. We could probably fit fifty or more of these in side by side and still have room to manoeuvre."

"I can't see the forcefield."

"You're not supposed to. Keep heading for the circle of lights. Once we're inside the tunnel you'll see four rows of lights. Green to both the left and right sides. Red on the roof and blue on the bottom. That's to help you remain the right way up as you fly down it. Entering the docking bay upside down is not a good idea."

"That isn't helping much."

"I wouldn't have thought you'd get nervous, Rebecca."

"My abilities count for nothing while I'm flying this."

"On the contrary, I think they would make you a better pilot than any of us once you're trained properly."

"Oh yes. How's that?"

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