CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX - April 2173 - Moon / Earth

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On anniversaries, General Bolgon tended to reminisce. Today was his birthday. Turning fifty-five was not important to him. It was just a normal day like any other except for his wandering mind. He was staring at Chloe's urn. Remembering the happy, innocent, fun-loving woman that had married his son. He closed his eyes and recalled images of her arm-in-arm with him as he walked her down the aisle at her wedding. He had given both her and Lisa away at the same time. Lisa had been on his other arm. She was not so innocent. A proper, fierce soldier who he had turned into an ECS soldier after her husband had died.

A tear fell from his eye. Death was all around him. First, Jennifer. His wife. It still hurt when she crossed his mind. Rachel had dulled the pain a little. He was grateful for that. Then Chloe had died on Anthera. Both of them at the hands of the tranchillions. John had died at the same time as Chloe as he held her. Again, a tranchillion had been responsible. Then, there was Lisa. To the world, she had died. But that was not the case. He had faked her death to induct her into the ECS project. Now, both Lisa and John had been reunited without either of them knowing it.

A buzzer rang, tearing him away from his memories. He pressed a button. "Yes, Gwen."

'The French Prime Minister is on the line.'

"Okay. Put him through," Jim waited for the connection. "Hello, Monsieur Dubois. How may I help?" he said in French.

'General Bolgon. How have you been?'

"Fine. Usual problems, but fine. And you?"

'Can't complain.'

"How may I help?" he repeated.

'I have heard about your ECS team. Great things I am told. Mr Holloway positively raved about them.'

"Yes. We sorted his problem recently."

'How soon can your team be ready?'

"They could be in France within the hour, Marcel. What is the problem?"

'The terrorist organisation, Free Rein, has taken over Centrale Nucléaire de Nogent.'

"We'll be their ASAP."

'Thank you, general.'

"Major Chamberlain will call you back for more information," Jim ended the call then buzzed Gwen. "Can you get Major Chamberlain for me. It's a Priority One code."

'On it.'

Thirty seconds later, Major Chamberlain was on the line. 'You wanted me, sir.'

"Yes, major. The French have a nuclear problem. Free Rein has taken over Nogent. I need you to oversee an ECS operation to take it back. Time is of the essence."

'Yes, sir.'

"Contact Monsieur Dubois for the details."

'Yes, sir,' the connection ended.

Jim sat back in his chair. He was now sending his son into a potential nuclear disaster area. But if anyone could prevent the disaster it would be Neil. Or perhaps Rebecca. She was still somewhere close by. I'm going to need a way to contact her.



Michael was leaning over Rebecca's shoulder, peering at her screen. "Why is she known as Madame Maddox? I thought she is English."

"I don't mind you reading my screen, Michael. But do you have to lean over me?"

"Oh sorry. I didn't know it bothered you."

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