CHAPTER FIFTEEN - March 2173 - Tranchilite

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Tranchilite is made up of three land masses, and two polar ice caps, separated by vast oceans. Central Tranchilite, of which Marsoopia is the capital city, has the Stormy Ocean along its east coast and the Great Sea along its west. The Stormy Ocean is a dangerous place to travel across. It has a constant mixture of hurricanes, tornados and storms battling away and is the cause of central tranchilite's bad weather.

The recent storm that battered the east coast, and moved inland through the Debar Valley and the great plains between Tadari Forest and the Mardosi Forest before dissipating after being broken up by the northern tip of the Marsoopia mountain range, had taken out a lot of Dowdneer's supporters in the coastal towns of Virtue and Corsup along with a great deal of innocents.

There was just one stubborn cell of Dowdneer supporters still active in Corsup. Razor's Edge had been sent to eliminate them. Corsup was mostly an underground settlement but the storm doors hadn't been closed in time due, mostly, to the occupation of Dowdneer supporters not recognising the signs. Razor's Edge had already cleared Virtue of hostiles. There had been only two of them left. They had tried to run when they heard that Razor's Edge were arriving but had left it too late.

"The storm doors are closed," said Lt Col Twochelope. "They must know we're coming."

"There could be another reason," said Corporal Mayorpe.

"Doesn't matter. I'll communicate with them. In the meantime, I want you to crack the door for when they fail to let us in. Putil, try to find out how many are in there. Capustri and Bernis, covering positions."

While Corporal Mayorpe set to work on the door, Lt Col Twochelope rapped loudly on it and waited.

"Hello," came a voice from the intercom.

"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Twochelope. Why are your storm doors closed?"

"They have malfunctioned. We are trapped in here."

"Since the storm?"

"Err... yes."

"That was six weeks ago. You're telling me that you've been trapped in here for six weeks and not called for help."

"Yes... err no," there was the sudden sound of laser fire.

"Let's cut the shit," said a new voice. "You know we're in here. We have hostages. If you try to get in, they're dead."

"Beings as we're 'cutting the shit' I thought I'd better remind you that Field Marshal Hapilnorphille is in charge of the military."

"Why should that bother me?"

"You're all dead already. He doesn't do negotiation. Anyone you kill in there will be replaced in nine weeks. He doesn't care for individuals. So, when your people die, they won't be re-lifed."

"It's not just us. If we are executed, the colonel will retaliate. More innocents will die."

"Oh, that's right. You haven't heard. Colonel Dowdneer is dead. The cause you're fighting for is finished."

"I don't believe you."

"It's true. He attacked the palace and failed. He died two days after the storm."

"You're just trying to get us to surrender. Dowdneer will kill us himself if we don't fight."

"It's all over. Little groups like yourself is all that's left of Dowdneer's army. If you surrender, you'll get a trial and have a chance to live."

"I was at Dowdneer's trial. He was sentenced for death within minutes."

"He had done a lot of damage. Killed a lot of people. Caused a war with the humans. Admittedly, he had no chance. What have you done, apart from side with Dowdneer?"

"I've killed some people. It's too late."

"What about the rest of your soldiers? Have they killed anyone?"

"Not all of them."

"Then surrender for their sakes. There doesn't need to be any more death. We are supposed to be a peaceful race. Prove it now. Open the door and come out without your weapons. I promise we'll take you back to Marsoopia alive. It is your only chance for survival."

"Okay. We're coming out."

Lt Col Twochelope signalled for the squad to move back in anticipation of the storm door opening.

There was a hiss of escaping air as the storm door opened and seven tranchillions walked slowly out with their hands raised. Corporal Mayorpe and Putil used wrist-binders on them and they all marched towards the Razor's Edge shuttle.

"Was you telling the truth about the colonel?"

Lt Col Twochelope nodded. "He is dead. His insurrection is over. We just need to let the remaining followers know that."

"He wasn't the leader. I mean, he was our leader but someone else was telling him what to do."

"We already know. A Varsoomian, I believe."

"Yes," the soldier's head dropped. There would be no bargaining chip for his life.


A large metal cylinder with a glass viewing window embedded in one side was removed from its resting place by an equally large mechanical arm before being placed in a docking station level with the floor. Field Marshal Hapilnorphille had ordered one of the incubators to be brought to him.

He leaned forwards and peered into the incubator. "There's not much to see," he said.

"Not yet, sir. I did tell you it needed another two weeks before they grow big enough to see properly."

"I would still expect to see more of them. It's been three weeks already."

"I'm sorry, sir. But I can't rush the process. There would be problems."

"Forget it. I'm just being impatient."

"You can just make out the shape if you look closely."

"No. That'll do. You can put it back," the field marshal turned away from the incubator. "How long before you can start a new batch?"

"Sorry, sir. A new batch?"

"Yes. Once these have finished cooking of course. How long?"

"Two days probably. They would all need to be cleaned properly. It wouldn't do to have any bacteria in there."

"Of course, of course. Will these hundred be ready as soon as they're hatched?"

"The soldier mentality will be implanted already but they would need extensive training. It would take, maybe, three or four months for them to be battle ready, sir."

"If that is how it is then I'll have to rethink my plans. We have lost a lot of soldiers because of Dowdneer. I need them replacing as quickly as possible."

"We will do our best, sir."

"I'm sure you will. Carry on," Field Marshal Hapilnorphille marched out of the incubator room.

"Put it back carefully."

The incubator was lifted and replaced in the slot from which it came. All one-hundred incubators were currently in use, creating soldiers to replace the many that had been lost.

AUTHOR'S NOTE :- Thank you for continuing to read this story. Please remember to vote and / or comment if you enjoyed the chapter. The next chapter is a little longer than the last few which are, admittedly, a little short. 

Thank you


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