CHAPTER TEN - March 2173 - Osolieus

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Pach PaGaresh looked at the devastation surrounding him. This once peaceful and tranquil planet was rapidly looking more like his home planet, Greko. Most of the trees were now either destroyed or stumps in the ground. Buildings, which were once tall, elegant structures made in the image of their creators, were now in various states of ruin. Pach didn't much care. All he was bothered about was Zeb' Zeptre, his target.

He watched the rather comical version of fighting that the osolites were inflicting upon each other. They looked like they were dancing one another to death. They jerked forwards as they walked, causing their weapons to move up and down with every step. The infiltration expert, Zhiw ShaNaghsth, who had been attached to Pach's combat unit, stopped next to him.

"We could sort this out within weeks, sir," said Zhiw. "Just look at them."

Without taking his eyes off the fighting osolites, Pach answered, "That's not our mission. We've been here for four days now and we're still no closer to finding that Varsoomian."

"Do you think he's still here, sir?"

"He's still here until I hear evidence to the contrary," Pach continued to watch the scenes in front of him. "Until then we carry on with the plan. The next untouched building is on the other side of the lake. Let's go."

"Are we going to help them?" asked Bash BoThuxash.

"Which ones? They all look the same to me. We could be killing the queen's soldiers or the rebels. How would we know? If any of them shoots at us, kill them. Otherwise, leave them alone. Move out," Pach rose from his crouching position and strode across the square towards the lake. He wasn't worried about the osolites. They couldn't harm his squad.

The queen's soldiers had been told not to shoot at any grelites they saw. Pach's first stop upon landing on Osolieus was to visit the queen. She had given the freedom to search for Zeb' Zeptre as long as he helped them with their problem wherever he could.

Two laser bolts hit him in the shoulder and the ribs. Without stopping, he looked to his right and saw the osolite that had shot him. He raised his laser and dropped him with one shot while continuing towards the lake. He walked past one building where almost the entire front was missing.

"What's holding that up?" said Lhev SeHetash, the only female member of Pach's team.

"Not much," replied Pach. "It'll collapse within the next couple of days."

"I could help it on its way," suggested Bash. He enjoyed demolition. Blowing things up was a passion of his.

"I don't think the osolites would thank you for that, Bash," said Zhiw.

"Do you think that bothers me?"

"Like I said," said Pach. "We're just here for the varsoomian. Keep moving."

They marched on and cleared the square. The path to the lake was a gentle decline and twisted snakelike to the waters edge. They had cleared the dusty area and were now enjoying a cool breeze coming from the lake.

Their destination looked untouched by the war. That was the sort of place where the varsoomian would be. Keeping himself safe while thousands of osolites died around him. Because of him. Pach subconsciously snarled as he thought of Zeb' Zeptre instigating an attack on his king. Nobody attacked the grelite king and lived to see old age. He would find him and bring him back to Greko for justice to be served.

They reached the waters edge and walked anticlockwise around the lake. Lhev decided to wade into the fresh water to wash off the dust from the square. "Come in you lot. It feels better to get rid of the dust."

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