chapter 3

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"Lola?" Mikey's voice was heard from the phone.

"That's me don't wear out the name." I said.

"Lola, you have been so pissed at ever since I was in rehab and I'm here to say sorry. I never should have been doing something as stupid as that." Mikey said.

"So? you still did it. You were killing yourself Michael. I loved so you dearly and you just didn't give a shit." I said.

"Lola, princess I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to do that. You were right Lola we all need time." Mikey said.

When he said 'princess' I broke down no one has called me princess in a long time. I kinda missed it. I just sat there the phone on speaker phone and sobbed.

"Lola, are you okay?" I heard mom's voice from the door.

My mom walked in the room and sat next to me. She hugged me and let me cry. She grabbed my phone. She looked at.

"Hello?" She said after she pressed a button on my phone and put it to her ear.

"Oh Mikey, how are you?" Mom said.

"Lola she seems upset."

"Okay, Lola take your phone talk." mom said handing me the phone.

I put the phone to my ear. The tears stopped falling from my eyes but I still had a shaky breathe.

"Lola?" Mikey said.

"Y-Yes?" I asked.

"There is no need to cry. Do you want a hug from your uncle?" Mikey asked.

"Yea." I said.

"Then walk down those stairs and give me a hug." Mikey said.

I gave mom my phone stood up and walked to the top of the stairs. I looked down and Mikey was there looking up. Our eyes made contact and I took off at full speed down the stairs. That wasn't a good idea seeing as I tripped and fell on top of Mikey.

"If that's how you hug people we need to work on teaching you how to hug." Mikey joked.

I got up and laughed a little at his joke.

I heard a knock on the front door and being me I grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled him to the living room door way. I hid behind the wall and listened to the voice talking to my dad. This voice was familiar. Who is it?

"Frank, come in take a seat make yourself at home." I heard dad greet him.

Frank is here what a surprise first Mikey now Frank who's next Ray?

"I'll go get Lola I think she would be happy to see you." I heard moms voice.

I heard footsteps come close to the living room doorway. The footsteps stopped when I peeked around the corner.

"Hi." I said.

"How did you get here so quick?" Mom asked as if she didn't know.

"She dragged me here." Mikey said stepping into the living room.

"Well hey Lola." Frank said.

"Mom do you have my phone?" I asked.

"I thought you might ask that here." Mom said handing me my phone.

I texted Mary.

L: are you still here?
M: if you mean at your house yep I'm cleaning out your fridge.
L: you know Frank is here
M: Iero?
L: yes.
M: don't worry I will bring this sandwich and come pull you out of there.

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