chapter 17

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"I'm doctor Liz. Lola can you lay on that bed?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah. " I said and sat on the bed laying down.

Liz lifted my shirt up a little showing all my stomach. She got a gel type substance out, a machine with a screen on it, and a chair. She sat on the chair.

"This may be cold." Liz said and put some on my lower stomach.

She was right ot was motherfucking freezing. She took a part of the machine and placed it on the gel rubbing it around till two peanut sized figures came on screen. I seen dad's eyes get wide, the same with mom, and Peter.

"It looks like you are pregnant with twins Lola. It is two early to tell what sex." Liz said.

"So she is pregnant with twins?" mom asked even though Liz just stated that.

"Yes she is. Lola you are free to go." Liz said rubbing the gel off of my stomach.

I sat up and pulled my shirt down. I looked at mom. She gave me a small smile.

"Okay let's go home now." mom said.

We walked back to the car getting in dad driving mom next to him and me and Peter in the back. The car ride home was quiet I swear you could hear a feather drop. When we arrived home everyone entered the house quiet. Frank, Jamia, Mikey, and Kristin stayed while we were going to the doctors.

"So... How'd it go?" Kristin asked.

"Good." mom said faking a smile.

"Okay what's wrong? What happened I can't be in a room with a feeling like this." Jamia said.

"She's pregnant guys." dad said.

"Yeah we knew that." Mikey said.

"No you didn't." Peter said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jamia asked.

"Two." mom said.

"Two what?" Mikey asked.

"Twins." Peter said.

"Shit." Frank said.

"Why are you saying 'shit'?" Jamia asked Frank.

"Jamia we had twins. We both know how difficult it is with twins." Frank said.

"Twins?" Mikey asked through gritted teeth.

My eyes widened and Frank shot up holding Mikey to the couch with dads help.

"Yes twins." mom said.

"Gerard how are you not freaking out?" Mikey asked.

"She wants to start a family I'm okay with that, mental Mikey Peter is dead to me, but I will not kill him" dad said.

"Fine let go of me I won't hurt him." Mikey said.

Dad and Frank slowly let go of Mikey. Dad stood besides mom when he had let go of Mikey and Frank had sat back down.

**5 months later**

Today I have to go to the doctors office. We can finally get the gender.
We already are in the room and the gel is on my big stomach. The screen showed the babies I will have.

"Do you want to know the sex?" Liz asked.

I looked at Peter. Only me and Peter went this time I want to tell my family and Peter's family the gender. Peter nodded.

"Yes, we want to know the sex." I said.

"Okay you are going to have a boy and girl." Liz said.

Liz then wiped the gel off my stomach and sent us out. Peter drove us home. I ran inside the best I could. Mom, dad, Jamia, Frank, Bandit, Cherry, and Lily were sitting the living room. They didn't notice me.

"A BOY AND GIRL!" I yelled.

Mom, dad, Frank, and Jamia's heads snapped to my direction. Jamia and mom jumped off the couch and ran to me and we hugged.

"Congrats Lola." Frank said.

"Baby girl you I'm happy for you." dad said.

"Mom we have to go shopping." I said.

"Yes, WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING!" Jamia said.

"Lady L you call Kristin, Jamia you call Christa, I'll call Jennifer." mom said.

"I need Mary to come with." I said.

"You call Mary too then, I am going to call Chantal as well." mom said.

"Okay." I said.

We all grabbed our phones as Dad, Frank, and Peter watched from the couch.

I called Kristin first. After a couple rings Mikey answered instead of Kristin.

"Hello?" Mikey asked.

"Hey, Mikey what is your wife doing?" I asked.

"Nothing why?" I heard Kristin's voice.

"You have to come shopping for baby things with my mom, Jamia, and every other girl." I said.

"Yep I'll be over in 15 minutes." Kristin said then the line went dead.

I called Mary she answered quickly.

"LOLA!" Mary yelled.

"Mary come shopping." I said.

"For babies?" Mary asked.

"Yep." I said.

"You telling me gender when I get there. Be over in 20." Mary said then the line went dead.

I put my phone away as mom did.

"Everyone coming to you girls day?" dad asked.

"My people are." I said.

"So are mine." mom said.

"My person is coming." Jamia said.

"We have to bring Cherry, Lily, and Bandit." I said.

"Yes." Jamia said.

Mom grabbed Bandit and Jamia grabbed Cherry and Lily they ran out of the room. I laughed and sat down next to dad on the couch. They were watching doctor who without me.

"Who's this guy?" Frank asked as the 9th doctor regenerated.

"That's the doctor." I said.

"No the doctor was that bald cool guy." Frank said.

"No Frank the doctor regenerates." I said.

"What does that mean?" Frank asked.

"It means he looks like a new person but isn't a new person." Dad said.

"Okay." Frank said.

Mom and Jamia walked back into the room followed by Bandit, Cherry, and Lily.

The front door opened and Chantal, Mary, Jennifer, Christa, and Kristin walked through the door.

"We're ready." Christa said.

We walked out of the house. We all piled into a car like clowns and drove to the baby store. We walked into the baby store Chantal grabbed a cart, Kristin thought one cart wasn't enough and got another cart, Christa grabbed another cart and mom grabbed one. We walked around the store and bought the needed baby items and couple unneeded but wanted baby items and I guess we did need four carts.

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