Chapter 21

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Dad, Mikey and I sat on the couch.

"What's wrong?" dad asked.

"Mom texted me asking if I could pick Bandit up from school. When I picked her up I caught a group of boys bullying her. Dad Bandit has been self harming." I said.

"Where is she?" Mikey asked.

Dad was just sitting there with watery eyes. I shrugged.

"BANDIT!" Mikey yelled.

Bandit's head peeked around the wall from the doorway that leads to the kitchen.

"Yes?" Bandit asked a sweet smile on her face.

"Come here." Dad finally spoke up.

Bandit nodded the smile fell into a frown. Bandit walked over to us. Dad grabbed the bottom of Bandit's sleeves pulling them up and looking at everything she has ever done. Tears fell from dads eye. Mikey breathed in letting it out slowly.

"Bandit, how long have those boys been bullying you?" Mikey asked.

"About three years now." Bandit said.

"W-when did y-you start t-this?" Dad stuttered to ask Bandit but asked her.

"About two year now." Bandit said.

Dad engulfed Bandit in a big hug.

"Why have I not seen this?" Dad asked himself.

"Because I hid it really well." Bandit said.

"Oh Bandit I told Lola this once before, you mean the world to me I don't know what I would do without you and your mom and your sister." Dad hugged Bandit tighter.

"I love you dad." Bandit said as a few tears slipped.

I smiled at Bandit and dad. Free and Emma came running into the room the jumped on me. Emma jumped on my back as Free jumped on my lap.

"Hey mommy." Free said.

"Hey Free." I smiled.

"Mommy does aunt Bandit have to leave now?" Emma asked.

I looked at Bandit and dad talking they would laugh a little and then continue talking.

"I think so." I said.

"Lola I'm taking Bandit home." Dad said as him and Bandit walked out the door.

"WAIT, YOUR MY RIDE HOME!" Mikey yelled running after them.
I laughed and Peter entered the room.

"There's my girls and my little boy." Peter said and sat down on the couch.

"Emma can you please get off mommy's back?" I asked.

Emma got off my back and sat in Peter's lap. I smiled and turned on the TV with the remote.

"What do you want watch kids?" I asked.

"DOCTOR WHO!" they yelled.

"What doctor?" Peter asked.

"THE 11TH!" Emma yelled.

"NO, the 9th." Free said.

The kids argued about what doctor for a while till they settled with the 10th doctor. We watched the whole of the 10th doctor. I then put invader zim on. We all watched that for about 30 minutes before there was a knock on the front door. Peter got up and opened the door. I looked at the door and Frank and Jamia stood there.

"Mom and dad come in." Peter said and moved out of the way letting Frank and Jamia walk into the house.

Peter closed the front door behind his parents. Emma looked and seen Frank and Jamia she jumped up and hugged them. Free did the same thing.

"Hey Grandpa Frankie and Grandma Jamia." Emma said.

"Hey Em." Jamia said.

"Hi Em." Frank said.

"Grandpa Frankie and Grandma Jamia what are doing here?" Free asked.

"Well Frerard we have a surprise for you mommy and daddy." Jamia said.

"What?" I asked.

"You get to have a weekend to yourself we can take care of the kids." Jamia said.

"I don't want a weekend being just me and Peter." I said.

"A week?" Frank asked.

"No I want my kids I am happy with my kids." I said.

"But we just want to spend time with them." Jamia said.

"Fine they can stay over with you guys over the weekend." I said.

"Yay!" Jamia said and she started jumping.

I sighed and shook my head laughing a little.

"Do you kids want to stay with us over the weekend?" Frank asked Free and Emma.

"Yeah." Free said.

"Sure." Emma said.

Today is Friday. So tomorrow the kids will go and stay with Frank, and Jamia.

"Yay." Jamia cheered.

"Tomorrow either me or Peter will drop them off okay?" I asked Frank and Jamia.

"Yeah that's fine tomorrow is Saturday will bring them back Sunday." Jamia said.

**Free and Emma are now Nine Bandit is Bandit is 15 Lola and Peter is 27**

Bandit said she'd be coming over today. After I had Bandit tell dad about the bullying she's been doing better I guess. Bandit bleached her hair. She also has black highlights now. Free and Emma have been in school mom called me yesterday and said Bandit has been skipping school. There is something she isn't telling people. I sighed and then there was a knock on the front door. I opened the front door. Bandit stood there. Today was Wednesday and it's school time.

"Hey big sister what's bugging your mind?" Bandit asked walking into the house.

I closed the door and sat on the couch.

"You are Bandit. You are worrying me. 5 years ago you said you okay again, has it been getting worse?" I asked.

"The voices are getting louder, the bullies are growing in numbers, and everyone but family pushed me away." Bandit said.

"Bandit do you want to talk about this? We don't have to talk about it." I said.

"I know, but I feel like I should talk about it." Bandit said.

"Okay." I said.

"Lola, there are times I worry I won't find love." Bandit said.

"You will." I said.

"Yeah, but Lola mom and dad have loved each other forever. Dad treats mom right I am worried I won't be treated right." Bandit explained.

"Bandit I thought the same thing at your age, but now I have Peter and everything is cheery." I said.

"Everything is cheery?" Bandit asked.

"No not everything but most things are cheery." I said.

"Okay. Lola there is this one boy at school he is on the soccer team and I really like him but I haven't talked to him." Bandit said.

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