chapter 2

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Mikey called. Me and him lost connection after the whole drug addiction incident.


Uncle Mikey was coming over. He doesn't come over often. Mom, dad, Bandit, and me were it the living room. Bandit being the age of 1 and me being the age of 13. There was a knock on the front door. Dad got up and opened the door letting uncle Mikey in.

"Hey Princes." Mikey said waving to me.

"Hello uncle Mikey." I smiled and hugged him.

"Hew baby Bandit." Mikey said using a baby voice.

I smiled and Bandit giggled.

"Lola I am going to be going somewhere but I'll be back I promise." Mikey said pulling from my hug.

"Okay uncle Mikey. How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"I don't know yet princess but I know I will be back." Mikey said.

"Will you call?" I asked.

"Daily." Mikey said waving and walking out of the house.

**month later**

Mikey hasn't called yet. I'm worried about him. The house phone started ringing and I jumped up grabbing it.

"Hey uncle Mikey." I said after checking the caller ID and answering the phone.

"Hey princess I have some bad news for you." Mikey's voice rang from the phone.

"What is it uncle Mikey?" I asked being friendly

"I have been addicted to drugs for a long time now. I was told I was lucky to wake up." Mikey said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Your uncle Mikey could be dead Princess." Mikey said

"You are alive." I said

"And I am lucky to be alive." Mikey said.

"I still don't get it." I said.

"You will when you get older." Mikey said and the line went dead.

"DAD!" I yelled.

Dad walked into the room.

"Yes sweetheart?" dad asked.

"What are drugs?" I asked.

Dads eyes went wide. He sighed as his eyes went back to their normal size.

"Sit down." Dad said walking over to the couch sitting down.

I sat down on the couch and dad explained what drugs were and told me that they were very bad and I should never do them. I started getting mad at uncle Mikey for doing such a terrible thing.
"And Lola I never want you near them." dad said finishing explaining drugs.

"Uncle Mikey did them so much he is lucky to wake up." I said.

"Yeah and he is fixing that now making sure he will never do them again." dad said giving me a sad smile.

I smiled back as tears slid onto my hands which were placed in my lap.

"Uncle Mikey will get better?" I asked.
"Oh yes he will sweetheart." dad said.
"But what if he doesn't?" I asked.

"He will get better Lola I promise." dad said putting his pinky finger for a pinky promise.

I smiled and hooked my pinky onto his.

"Does mom believe uncle Mikey will get better?" I asked.

"Yes, I do believe he will get better." mom said from the doorway.

"The next time you see him Lola he will be clean from that addiction." Dad said said.

"Now all we have to do is work on both your and Mikey's addiction." I said.

"What addiction?" dad asked.

"Your coffee addiction, duh." I said placing my hand on my hip and rolled my eyes.


"Please don't." dad said folding his hands together, bringing his bottom lip out doing a pouty face and batting his eyes.

"Fine dad." I laughed.

**a month later**

Mikey called again he's coming home soon. I told him we all need time and hung up I need time to be unmad at him and he needs time to think.
*end of flashback*

I picked up the phone not giving a shit Mikey called. I answered the phone. I sighed and put it against my ear.

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