Chapter 15

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"What was your nightmare about?" I asked Bandit.

"Well I was in this dark room and you were tied down to a chair. Their was a baby girl and a baby boy in the room. There was also a man. There was a table in the middle of the room. On the table was a gun and a knife. The man picked up the knife and brought it over to you. You didn't get scared until he brought the gun over. He then shot you. Then I woke up." Bandit said.

"It's okay sweetie I'm here. I'm not leaving." I reassured her.

Mom walked into the room.

"Lola Jamia, Cherry, Lily, and Miles are over." mom informed me.

"Okay. Bandit can I go down to the living room?" I asked Bandit.

Bandit shook her head frantically.

"Okay what if I bring you with me?" I asked.

"Okay." Bandit said.

I stood up and picked up Bandit. I carried her down the stairs and into the living room. I sat on the couch and Bandit sat on my knee.

"Why are we here Peter? Your dad said you needed to tell us something. What is it?" Jamia asked.

Peter was sitting next to. He looked at me and smiled.

"Mom." Peter said with a smile.

"Jamia I am pregnant." I told her.

"I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!" Jamia screamed due to joy I think.

Jamia stood up and hugged Peter. She then hugged me. Bandit was hugging me she just won't let go. Mom ran into the room and grabbed Jamia's hands they started jumping up and down.

"We are going to be grandmas." Mom said as she jumped.

Dad and Frank looked at mom and Jamia as if they were crazy. They might be crazy but who cares they are a good crazy. Cherry, Lily, and Miles looked at their mom and my mom with confused facial expressions. Peter got off the couch and sat down on the ground with Cherry, Lily, and Miles.

"You guys are going to be aunts and an uncle." Peter said.

"How?" Cherry asked.

"Well you see Lola has a baby growing inside her." Peter said.

Bandit had got off my lap and sat next to me during mom and Jamia jumping. Cherry stood up and looked at me. She walked over and put her ear on my stomach.

"Nothing is in there." Cherry said taking her head away from my stomach.

"Something is in there. It's just small right now." Peter said.

"Really?" Lily asked and walked over to me.

"Really." Peter said.

Mom and Jamia finally stopped jumping. Jamia picked Cherry up and started jumping with her. Mom tried to get Bandit but failed multiple times.

"Bandit what's wrong?" mom asked sitting down next to Bandit.

"I had a nightmare when I fell to sleep. I'm worried about Lola." Bandit said.

"Bandit Lola is sitting there she looks fine. Mommy and Daddy would never let anyone hurt her." Mom said.

"Okay, but mommy I want to stay with Sissy." Bandit said.

"Yeah it's fine." Mom said.

Mom got up and dad came and say next to Bandit.

"Bandit, you had a nightmare but the nightmare is over now." dad said.

"But I don't want to lose Lola." Bandit said.

"Bandit Lola isn't going anywhere." dad said.

"But." Bandit said.

"No buts. Butts are for sitting on." dad said.

Bandit looked at me. I looked down at her. She placed her little hand in my stomach then hugged me. She pulled from the hug and dad picked her up and walked out of the room. Frank picked up Lily and walked out of the room. Jamia walked out of the room still holding Cherry. Mom picked up Miles. She looked at him. "And I get stuck with the boy. You are even my kid." mom said walking out of the room.

Me and Peter were the only ones left in the room. Peter stood up from the ground and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned on him my head rested on his shoulder.

"Peter what are we going to do?" I asked.

"We are going to be parents, and we're going to be good parents." Peter said.

"Yeah but what about money and a house because it's either we live in one of our parents house or we get our own little place." I said.

"We will get our own place sometime we still have time." Peter said.

"But what about when we don't have time?" I asked.

"We should already be set by then." Peter said.

"Peter that is nine months away." I said putting my hand on my stomach.

"Yeah and it's nothing we can't handle." Peter said.

Jamia, Frank, mom, and dad burst into the room.

"Lola don't worry I said I would help." mom said.

"Yeah and I am going to help." Jamia said.

"I don't like the fact that you are pregnant but I love you and I will help you through everything." dad said.

"Don't forget that I care about both of you and will get you a place to stay." Frank said.

"Yeah. Thanks but we live in different houses and I would want us to live together." I said.

"Lady L even if Peter lives with Frank and Jamia I bet you he will stay here with you everyday." mom said.

"Lola I will make Peter stay here when the time comes." Frank said.

"Lola you and Peter can get our own place when the baby is a year." dad said.

I smiled. Maybe one day Peter and I will be in a similar situation.

"Okay. Thank you I really needed to be reassured." I said.

Everyone in the room hugged me making a group hug. Bandit ran into the room and somehow slipped through everyone making her way closest near me. Everyone pulled from the hug. The front door opened and Mikey stood in the room.

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