chapter 8

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It's now lunch and I'm scared shit less.

I was sitting outside on the stairs up to the school when I seen Chad, Jason, Joe, Casper, and Mark walk over to me.

"Now bitch don't you run or your punishment will be worse." Chad said.

Joe, and Casper grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to the back of school where there were no cameras in sight.

Joe and Casper let go of my arms and pushed me hard enough I fell to the ground. Mark sat on top of me and punched me in the face over and over again. Mark got off of me and Chad pulled me up only for Joe and Casper to pin me to a wall and have Chad punch my stomach over and over again.

Casper let go of my wrist he had pined to the wall and looked at Chad.

"Is it my turn?" Casper asked.

"Yeah." Chad said.

Joe let go of my wrist but before I could run Casper stepped in front of me and put his hands on either side of my head. I seen Chad, Mark, and Joe walk off.

There was a little gap between me and Casper which Casper closed as soon as Chad, Mark, and Joe weren't in sight. Casper's face was inches away from mine. Before Casper could do anything there was a yell "IF YOU DARE TOUCH MY DAUGHTER YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" dad's voice was heard.

Casper stepped away from me and I fell to the ground. Peter, Mary, Josh, mom, Chantal, Jamia, and who I think was Worm who dad had done the charity stream with ran up to me.

"Lady L stay awake okay?" mom asked I could see the tears in her eyes as my eyes closed slowly.

The last thing I heard before everything went black was: "YOU SON OF A BITCH WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO KILL HER!" from Peter.

*time skip*

I woke up in a hospital bed. Everything was blurry but I knew it was a hospital bed because of the heart monitor beeping.

"DOCTOR SHE'S AWAKE!" I heard my dad yell.

My sight cleared up and I could see mom and dad looking at me Mikey was in the corner with tear stained cheeks he also was looking at me in the other corner there was stuffed animals and baskets and get well soon balloons it was like a party in a corner. A doctor opened the door.

"I'm doctor Kobra, Lola. How do you feel?" the doctor asked. I looked at Mikey and smiled a little.
"Okay." I said telling the truth.

Dr Kobra wrote something down on a clipboard with papers on it.

"When is she free to go?" Mom asked.

"I want to keep her over night tonight but she can leave any time tomorrow." he said and walked out of the room.

The door opened again and Peter walked in he had a black eye that seemed to be fading but still noticeable. He held a rose in his hand.

"Hey is this a bad time?" Peter asked.

"Ye-" dad didn't get to finish what he was go to say due to mom interrupting him.

"No not all Peter we will give you some time alone I think Gerard needs a coffee anyway." Mom said standing up walking over to dad she grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room Mikey following close behind.

"I got you this." Peter said handing me the rose.

"It's beautiful Peter." I said taking the rose.

I pushed myself up so I was sitting. Peter sat on the bed near my feet.

"Peter, where did you get that black eye?" I asked.

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