chapter 10

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We had made it to the mall, and found all the girls. Right about now we are heading home. We bought shit already, and I was bugging them about leaving so I could do something with dad.

"Why'd you want to leave Lola?" Mary asked.

"I want to do something with my father." I said.

"Your such a daddy's girl." Chantal said.

"Yeah well at least I love him." I sassed.

"Lola you are too much like your father." Mom said.

"Yeah I know." I said with a little sass.

"Okay can you not sass?" Mary asked.

"Who said I was sassing?" I asked my hand going to my hip even if I was sitting.

"Wow, you are just like your father." Chantal said.

"Yeah, I know. When are we going to be home I want to read some Harry Potter." I said.

"We are home now get out." Mom said.

I pushed open the car door and ran inside the house.

"FATHER GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE AND LET'S DO SOMETHING!" I yelled standing in the living room.

I watched Frank, Jimmy, Mikey, and my dad push each other as they all came running to me. Frank had beat them to me and tackled me to the floor like he always does.

"Hey Lola." Frank said.

"No fair Frank you are shorter than all of us so you could have easily gotten to her." Mikey said.

"No uncle Mikey logically the tallest would make it to me first seeing as the tallest would have a longer leg walking space thing." I said.

"But Frank is the shortest." Jimmy said.

"Well you see Frank is the most energetic so he could have beaten all of you to me because of how energetic he is. NOW SOMEONE GIVE ME COFFEE AND BRING A COUPLE POP TARTS!" I yelled.

Ray walked into the room right after I asked for coffee holding a mug of coffee.

"Here you Lola a coffee for the coffee queen." Ray said handing me the mug.

I took the mug great fully and thanked him sitting on the couch and putting my feet on the coffee table.

"OKAY WHERE ARE MY POP TARTS!?" I yelled asking where my pop tarts were.


"PLEASE BEING ME SOME MOTHER FUCKING POP TARTS!" I yelled. I grabbed the TV remote turning the TV on and put on a movie showing on the television.

"Here next time don't curse." Steve said.

"Okay thanks Steve." I said with a smile looking at Steve.

"What are you watching?" Steve asked looking at the TV.

"Lilo and Stitch." I said my attention going back to the screen.

"Cool I'm watching it with you." Steve said walking around the couch to sit next to me knowing I won't move my feet.

Dad walked in followed by Bandit. Dad sat down on the couch next to Steve and Bandit went on the floor in front of the coffee table but she wasn't blocking my view of the TV. Everybody knows to not bother me unless I talked to them first when 'Lilo and Stitch', 'monsters Inc', or 'the Lion king' is on. Bandit was leaning on the coffee right in front of me.

***time skip***

We finished watching the movie. Bandit stood up and looked at me.

"So dear sissy of mine. Please take me to the mall." Bandit said.
{A/N I know I haven't put Bandits age in this but she is 6.}

"No Bandit I will not take you to the mall I will push Steve and Dad off the couch and we cuddle here." I said.

"Hey you are not pushing us off the couch." Steve said.

"Sure." I sassed.

"Lola please." Bandit said her hands were folded together and her bottom lip poked out so she had pouty face on.

"Go ask mom." I said and shooed her off.

Bandit ran out of the room yelling for mom.

"You are so mean Lola, all she wants to do is go to the mall with her sister. You won't take her, but you will go with your friends." Frank said from a door way that leads in to the living room.

I jumped and fell off the couch.

"Ow." I said standing up and grabbing my butt.

Steve, dad, and Frank were laughing their asses off. They aren't going be laughing soon. A smirk pulled it's way on my face. I walked to the front door and opened it. I walked outside and slammed the front door shut. I then ran to the tree house only Mikey knows about. You see when I was 11 I begged uncle Mikey to make me a secret tree house. He did and now I have a secret tree house. I climbed up to my tree house and sat in the tree house by the window and watched Dad, Steve, and Frank run as fast as they could out of the house. They looked everywhere besides MY tree house.


Mom, Mikey, Chantal, and Jimmy came outside. They talked a little bit and then I seen Mikey point to the tree house I am in. I jumped out of the tree house and jumped the fence surrounding the back yard. I ran all the way back out front and straight inside not slamming the front door. I then ran all the way to my room and shut the door behind and jumping down on my bed sitting cross-legged. My room is right above the living so I heard the front door open and close after everyone was in the house I also heard dad yell at himself I think. Dad yelled " I FUCKING LOST HER! SHE JUST LEFT!"

I heard the half mumbled conversation seeing as dad wouldn't stop yelling.

"Gerard I bet she is somewhere safe. She did say she would go to a friends house let's go the Beirsack's and see if she is there." my mom soothed my dad.

"MY BABY FUCKING GIRL IS OUT THERE AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU THINK SHE IS WITH JOSH DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD REALLY GO! This is all my fault if I didn't laugh when Frank teased her maybe she wouldn't have left." Dad said seeming to be calming down but I don't know I couldn't see him.

Do they really think I walked out the front door because of Frank teasing me? That's not why I walked out I was embarrassed, I had fallen off the couch.

Before I could hear what anyone else was say my bed room door opened. Bandit stood there almost in tears. She took off running for me when she seen me.

"LO-" Bandit didn't get to finish yelling my name because I put my hand over her mouth and with my other hand told her to be quiet.

She nodded and hugged me never letting go. I heard footsteps make their way to my room. Uncle Mikey then appeared in my door way.

"Lola is this all a prank worked out in the couple seconds between when Frank said what he did and you running out the front door?" Mikey asked

I nodded and put my finger in front of my mouth telling him to stay quiet. Uncle Mikey nodded walking into my room and sitting on my bed.

My mom and dad then appeared in my door way. Dad in tears and mom, you could tell she was worried but she was staying strong. My dad's eyes widened when he seen me and he did the same thing Bandit did and ran to me hugging me when he got close enough to hug me.

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