chapter 4

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"Yes I will go out with you on Saturday." I said with a smile.

"Really?" Peter asked with a shocked expression.

"Yeah." I said.

I seen Josh silently cheer. Josh was weird.

"Let me drive you home." Peter said.

"I want to look around the store first okay?" I asked.

"That's fine." Peter said.

I turned my head from side to side not moving my legs.



I walked up to Josh. He was holding a black shirt with red hearts, a black doll figure, and a white monster looking thing wearing full black a red tie and a red top hat.

"I really like that shirt." I said.

"You still have to pay Lola." Josh said.

"Fine come on to the counter to pay we go." I said faking an excited voice pointing my finger in the direction of the counter.

We walked to the counter Josh got behind it and I stood in front of him just with the counter in between us.

"Oops looks like I don't have money on me. If my best friend would be all so nice of just handing me the shirt and paying for this himself." I said.

"No Lola." Josh said.

"How much is it?" Peter asked as he stood beside me holding on to a shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"This shirt itself is 20 dollars." Josh said.

"Here." Peter said handing him the money.

"Okay then Lola your shirt has been payed for now take it." Josh said handing me the shirt which he had placed in a bag before he handed it to me.

I took the bag and looked at Peter.

"What about the shirt and skinnies for yourself?" I asked.

"Josh and I can make a little deal." Peter said looking Josh in the eye.

"Okay I'm going to the food court now see ya soon Peter. Later Josh." I called out to my friends as I walked out of the shop.

"See ya." They both called back.

I walked to the food court which just happened to be right next to hot topic.

I got some food and walked back to hot topic. Peter was standing in front of hot topic looking through his phone holding a hot topic bag which held his shirt and skinnies. I walked up Peter and kissed his cheek. I pulled away from his face and he looked up at me.

"Hello." I said.

"H-hey." Peter stuttered.

"Are you driving me home I kinda want to take nap." I said.

"Yeah let's go." Peter said.

We walked out of the mall and to his car. We got in and he started driving. Half the drive was silent. Till I spoke up.

"So what are we doing Saturday?" I asked.

"We are doing the traditional first date dinner and a movie with a twist at the end." Peter said.

"Really that's such a boring thing. Can the movie be a horror movie?" I asked.

"If that makes it less boring for you then yes." Peter said with a smile.

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