chapter 13

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"Okay Josh I think they would love some alone time. Let's leave." Mary said.

I laughed a little. Josh looked out the front window.

"The coast looks clear. Let's go Mary. You two better be good when we come back. We're coming back in two hours." Josh said and he put Mary on the ground and they walked out together.

Peter watched the door close behind them and once he heard the door click saying it was shut completely he walked as fast as he could to the door locking it. He then looked at me he ran over to me picking me up and running to my room. He laid me down on the bed and closed the door locking it and walking back over to the bed. He stood at the foot of the bed. θ He took his shirt off and crawled on top of me hovering over me. He then grabbed my sides and rolled us over so I was on top. He took my shirt off and his hands rubbed my sides. He then rolled us back to how we before his hands on my back his fingers undoing my bra and he slide it off my shoulders. He got off of me and unbuttoned his pants but he did not slide them off. I sat up and grabbed his pants pulling them to his ankles. He stepped out of them and his hands went to my jeans he then looked at me asking permission. I nodded and he unbuttoned them picking me up off the bed and sliding them down my legs letting them fall off my legs. He laid me back on the bed and he took of his boxers. His hands went to my underwear he did the same thing he did before he took off my pants I nodded and he took them off of me leaving both of us naked. I laid down again as he crawled over me.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"More ready than I'll ever be." I said.

He nodded and slide himself into me. He looked me in the eye. I nodded and he trust himself in and out of me and it felt great, but you see we used no condom and I was on my period. I grabbed the sheets and moaned. He bent down still in his process of thrusting he kissed me passionately. I kissed back. He then got faster and harder. It was AMAZING. We did this for an hour. θ

As he pulled himself out of me and laid next to me his hair sticking to his face because of sweat. I laughed a little. We cuddle for half an hour.

"We should get up and put clothes on. Josh and Mary will be here in 30 minutes." I said looking up and Peter.

His eyes were closed and there was a smirk plastered on his face.

"No Lola we should stay here." Peter said.

"We can get clothes on and cuddle on the couch while I watch Doctor Who." I said.

"Fine." Peter said letting go of me.

I got of bed and put on a new bra underwear. I put on the shirt Peter gave me me for my birthday and a black skinny jeans. I walked out of the room and into the living room. I sat on the couch and waited for Peter. Peter walked into the living room the same time there was a knock on the door. Peter walked up to the door unlocking it and opening the door.

"PETER IF YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND!" I heard Mary yell at Peter. I seen Peter's arms go up in surrender. I laughed a little and watched Mary shove Peter and run to my side sitting next to me.

"So tell me was he good?" Mary asked.

"What?" I asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"Was he good to you?" Mary asked.

"Oh, yes he was good very good." I said and watched her jaw drop.

**a couple weeks later**

Mom and dad are home. For the past week I haven't felt good I threw up some. Mom is convinced I'm pregnant. Dad is convinced I'm ill. Mom went to the store to get me pregnancy tests she went by herself because I just don't feel well. Mom burst through the front door.

"Okay Lady L I got 3 of the same brand now go pee on them." Mom said handing me the bag.

I nodded taking the bag and walking into the bathroom. I peed on each stick and left them on the sink. I opened the bathroom door letting mom in we sat on the ground and waited. Mom had a timer on her phone. Her phone went off. She turned it off and looked at me.

"I'm scarred." I admitted.

"How do you think I felt when I was finding out pregnant with you." Mom said standing up and grabbing my hand.

She pulled me up.

"Yeah I know, and when you were pregnant with Bandit." I said.

"Yeah now let's look at them." Mom said.

We looked at all the test. Number 1: Positive. Number 2: Positive. Number 3: Positive.


"Lady L you are pregnant." mom said.

"What am I going to do?" I asked stressed out.

"Don't stress out. Don't worry I am helping you through this even if your dad doesn't approve I am helping you are my daughter you are now carrying my grand baby. I am helping." mom said so determined.

"How are we going to tell dad and Peter?" I asked.

"Let's play a game." mom said.

Mom ran out of the bathroom I grabbed all the tests and hide them in my pocket. I walked out of the bathroom. I heard mumbles come from Bandit's room. I walked into her room to see mom talking to Bandit.

"Lady B you are going to be an aunt." Mom said.

Bandit looked at me then at my stomach. She shook her.

"No mom Lola needs to be more fat." Bandit said.

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