Chapter 12

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So yesterday was my birthday. Today my parents are going on a vacation. They are leaving Bandit at Frank and Jamia's she's been asking to go visit Cherry and Lily anyway. Mom is in the living room with dad Bandit and me. We are waiting for Jamia to come pick Bandit up. "Be good Lola, Bandit you be good for Frank and Jamia for me okay?" Mom asked Bandit.

"Yeah, mom I'll be good for Frank and Jamia." Bandit said.

"Lola no parties here okay." Dad demanded.

"With what friends?" I asked.

"Just because you have a little group of friends doesn't mean that there won't be a party here." mom said.

"How?" I asked.

"Your friends could invite their friends and their friends will invite their friends and their friends will invite their friends-" Dad said.

"I got it dad." I interrupted him.

"Okay good." Mom said.

There was a knock on the front door. Mom got off the couch and opened the front door.

"Hey Frank nice to see you Bandit is ready. You can come in if you want." Mom said.

"Yeah okay I'll come in." Frank said.

Mom walked back to the couch Frank followed her closing the door behind him. They sat on the couch.

"FRANK!" Bandit screamed and hugged him.

They have been close for a while. Dad checked the time on his phone.

"Honey we have to get going now." dad said.

"Okay sweetie. Lady B here is your bag be good for Frank and Jamia." Mom said and kissed Bandit's forehead handing Bandit her bag.

"Lola no parties you can invite friends but to many. Be good." dad said and kissed my forehead.

"Lady L I'm not going to repeat your father but no parties Mary, Peter, Josh and anyone else you want can come over but no parties. Love you stay safe here." Mom said and kissed my forehead.

"Bandit darling be good for Frank and Jamia. Oh yeah when me and mommy get back we will have some family time okay." dad kissed Bandit's forehead.

Mom grabbed her luggage and put it in the car walking back into the house. Dad got his luggage and put it in the car. Dad stood in the doorway.

"Goodbye girls we will be back love you." dad said.

"Love you too." Frank said with a smirk.

"FRANK NOT YOU I WAS TALKING TO MY DAUGHTERS!" Dad yelled at Frank as he walked to the car.

"Lola use protection I don't want to be a grandma just yet." mom said and walked to the car.

Dad came running back into the house. He looked at me.

"Lola if you dare have sex I will find him and and hurt him." dad said.

"HEY, he should be my son and I will do that for you." Frank said.

"Okay, girls stay safe love you, and Lola no alcohol, no drugs, and no sex." dad said and went back to the car.

Which he then ran back and told me he will have Mikey check on me while they are gone and walked back to the car finally leaving.

"Lola you okay if I leave now? I'm sure Peter will be here soon anyway." Frank asked me.

"Yeah, you can go." I said.

"Okay." Frank said and stood up grabbed Bandit's bag.

Bandit stood up from the couch and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Bandit I'm so going to repeat what mom and dad just said. Be good for Frank and Jamia." I said and kissed her cheek.

"Okay sissy. I'll be good." Bandit smiled then ran outside followed by Frank.

Frank had shut the door behind him. I smiled and laughed a little. I lay on the couch watching Doctor Who waiting for Mary to burst through that door. Speaking of the devil. Here she is.

"LOLA!" Mary screamed as she ran into the house.

"MARY!" I screamed back.

"We are here by ourselves." Mary stated the obvious.

"No Mary my father is in the kitchen." I sassed.

"Don't lie." Mary said.

As she said that Peter appeared right next to her.

"PETER!" I screamed.

"LOLA!" Peter screamed back.

I jumped off the couch and took a run and jump Peter's arms. Good thing he caught me.

"We are here alone." I said as Peter adjusted me in his arms, my legs rapped around Peters stomach my arms around his neck my head rested on his shoulder.

"I'm here." Mary said.

And then "ME TOO! Don't forget about the Beirsack." Josh said entering my lovely home.

"JOSH!" Mary yelled taking a run and jump into Josh's arms.

"We have to throw a party." Josh said adjusting Mary in his arms so he was holding her bridal style.

"No my mom and dad would kill me." I said.

"They won't know." Mary said nuzzling her face into Josh's chest.

"Yeah but there is only one thing I will do that they don't want me to. It's not drugs it's not alcohol but it's..." I trailed off looking at Peter.

"Sex." Mary said.

"I'm down for that. I have a boner now anyway." Peter said and kissed me passionately.

"NOT NOW!" Mary yelled hiding in Josh's chest.

Peter pulled away, and smirked. Peter then started to moan. He was making me really horny.

"NO NO STOP!" Mary yelled.

Peter stopped moaning and laughed. Josh and I laughed along with him. Mary moved her head so she see Peter and me. Mary then sighed of relief I think. I started to get bored and seeing as my face was near Peter's neck I put my lips against his neck and started sucking and biting softly.

"Lola, stop please." Peter said as his head fell back.

Mary then hid her face from us again. I stopped and smirked when I seen I left a love mark on Peter. I kissed it quickly and Mikey walked into the house.

"Put my niece down." Mikey said looking at Peter.

Peter put me on the floor but pulled me close his hand around my waist.

"Everything good here?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah uncle Mikey. I'll call you if I need you." I said.

"Okay bye kids." Mikey said and walked out of the house.


Hey guys so btw the next chapter has smut be prepared okay I am forewarning all of you. If you feel uncomfortable with it then look for θ that and skip it. It will also end with that too. Sooo leave a vote comment share do something and don't be a quiet reader. SEE YA

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