chapter 20

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**6 months later, babies are nine months old.**

I was sitting on the couch with Peter we were watching doctor who when I seen Emma walk in front of the TV followed by Free. I smiled and then Emma walked over to the couch where I was and said "mama" this was her first word and she had taken her first steps all in one day. Free was over near Peter. "Dada" Free said.

**babies now 4 years old**

I was outside with Free and Emma. We had gotten our own place with Peter. I checked the time on my phone and seen it was now time for lunch I called Emma and Free over. They walked over holding flowers in each hand. Emma gave me the flowers she held. I smiled and thanked her. We walked in and Peter stood in the living room. Free ran up to him and gave him the flowers he held. Peter smiled and took the flowers thanking Free. I made lunch and we ate lunch as a family. When everyone was finished everyone put their dishes in the sink and Peter washed them. My phone was in my back pocket. My phone vibrated I took it out of my pocket and checked my phone. Mom texted me.

Hey Lady L. I know you should be busy with Free and and Emma but could you please pick up Lady B from school I am going to be in the studio when she gets out of school and your father is visiting Mikey.

Yeah mom I'll pick her up does she have any after school activities?

No not today thank you Lady L

Don't worry mom I'll always be free for my family.


"YAY!" Emma yelled running around the house.

Emma and Bandit were close and by close I mean close Emma acts like Peter but looks me and Bandit acts like mom so they both like to rock out. Free on the other hand is closer to his grandpa Gee. Free likes comics, he loves any type of art from visual art to music Free loves it. He can draw pretty well for a kid his age too. Free is a sassy motherfucker. I have already taught both Emma and Free how to play bass. Emma fucking loves her bass guitar. It's a child's bass and she just rocks the fuck out when ever she can. I also started a band. Mary, Peter, and Josh are in this band with me. We're called 'and this way we live'. I play bass Peter is rhythm guitarist Josh lead guitarist and Mary sings.

I got Emma to stop running around the house. I brought her and Free outside and in the car. I got in the car myself. I started the car and drove to Bandit's school. I got of the car and waited for Bandit. The school bell rang and Bandit walked out she was looking at the ground. Some group of boys walked over to her they pushed her around they called her names and threw insults her way. I ran over to my little sister taking her from the bulling. We got in the car. I looked at Bandit worried about her.

"Bandit have you told mom about that?" I asked her.

Bandit shook her head not looking at me.

"Bandit please look at me." I begged.

Bandit finally looked at. She had a black eye. I sighed.

"Bandit have you told dad?" I asked.

"No I haven't told anybody. No one is gonna care anyway." Bandit said then she turned away from me and looked out the window.

"Bandit I care." I said.

"You're just saying that so I can tell you my feelings and then throw them all back at me." Bandit said.

"BANDIT LEE WAY! I am your sister. I would never do that to you. Bandit those boy who are they?" I asked.

"They are friends with Miles. There is Jordan Gusto, Fin Cavins, Justin Aranda, Bronson Bales, and Spencer Cordova." Bandit explained.

I sighed and started the car. I started driving.

"Please don't take me home yet." Bandit begged.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want to go home just yet." Bandit said.

"It's fine I was bringing you over to mine house anyway." I said as we pulled into the drive way of my house.

Bandit got out of the car and I got Free and Emma out of the car. Emma ran up to Bandit and grabbed her wrist. I seen Bandit flinch. Emma pulled Bandit into the house as Free followed them. That is it I'm not letting my sister be like this. I marched into the house. Emma was about to pull Bandit into her room but I stopped her.

"Emma can I talk to aunt Bandit?" I asked.

"Yeah Mommy." Emma said letting go of Bandit's wrist and skipped off.

"Bandit living room now." I said.

Bandit nodded and looked at the ground. She walked to the living room I followed her. I sat on the couch and patted the spot next to but Bandit sat as far from me as she could. I scooted over to her. I grabbed the hem of her sleeve and pulled it up. I grabbed her wrist and looked at every scar, bruise, and burn on her arm.

"Bandit." I said.

"Lola." Bandit said.

"I'm calling dad." I said standing up.

"NO, don't call dad please." Bandit begged I didn't listen to her calling dad would be best for her.

I called dad. He answered his phone.

"Hey! Lola!" Dad seemed happy.

"Dad come over to my house as soon as you can please." I said into the phone.

"Yeah I'll be there. What's wrong?" dad asked.

"I'll explain when you get here." I said and hung up.

I sighed. I turned around Bandit stood behind me.

"YOU CALLED DAD! WHY DID YOU CALL DAD! HE WON'T CARE ABOUT ME!" Bandit yelled at me tears fell from her eyes.

"Bandit calm down." I said staying calm for Bandit's sake.

"NO I WILL NOT JUST CALM DOWN!" Bandit yelled again.

"Please calm down." I said and there was a knock on the front door.

I walked up to the front door and opened it. I seen dad, and uncle Mikey.

"Hey queen." Mikey said with a smile.

"Come in guys." I said moving.

I walked to the couch. Bandit had run out of the room. Dad and Mikey followed me to the couch closing the door behind them.

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