chapter 19

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**3 and a half months later**

I'm now 8 and half months pregnant. In about two weeks I'll be nine months pregnant. Right now I'm sitting on the living room couch I was watching doctor who when a quick but terrible pain came I stood up and another pain came sending me to my knees. Bandit was standing in the door when I fell to my knees. She ran out of the room yelling for mom. Her and mom ran into the room by the third pain I screamed and laid down.


Dad ran into the room. I think he started to hyperventilate.

"Pick her up take her to the car don't wait for me JUST GO!" mom started yelling.

Dad ran over and picked me up bridal style and ran to the car putting me in the back seat shutting the door and getting in the car his self. He started the car and drove me to the hospital as fast as he could. He got me out picking me up bridal style again and ran into the hospital. Running up to the counter. I turned my head so I could see the door, mom, Bandit, Frank, and Peter were running in after us.

"My daughter went into labor." dad said. He was hyperventilating.

"Okay." the nurse lady behind the counter said.

Then doctors came and put me on a bed Peter made his way next to me. He grabbed my hand and I squished his hand. Mom and dad back into the room with me and Peter. There was a female doctor who told me to push. I pushed and pushed till she had baby one who was the boy. I heard him cry. She wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to another doctor. I pushed and pushed till I heard baby two cry. Baby two being the girl. She was wrapped in a blanket. A doctor asked Peter if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord for both the babies he nodded and walked out of my sight. He came back a minute later holding one of the babies in a blue blanket as all the doctors left the room.

"You said his name is Frerard." Peter said.

"It's Free." I said putting my arms out.

Peter put him in my arms. Peter walked away. I looked down at Frerard. He had blue eyes but all babies start off with blue eyes. The little hair he had looked brown. He had baby fat. He giggled a little. Peter returned to my side holding a pink blanket.

"That's Emma." I said.

"This is Emma." Peter said.

Mom was on the other side of me with dad by her side. I handed them Frerard. I then faced Peter again doing grabby hands for Emma. He smiled and handed Emma to me. Emma's hair was brown and the same blue eyes but they should change color when they are a little bit older.

"Can't we get everyone out there to come in now?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, we could go get them and leave you two with the babies." Dad said looking at Free with his finger in Free's hand.

"Yeah." I said.

Dad looked up at me.

"You really want me to leave?" Dad asked.

"Only to get the rest of our family and friends." I said.

"Fine, I'll be back Lola Way." dad said pointing at me walking out the door.

Mom shook her head and handed Free to Peter. Mom then walked out the door.

"She looks like you." Peter said with a smile.

"He looks like you." I smiled back at him.

The door then burst open and Mary walked over to me.

"Please hand me one of your sweet babies." Mary said.

"Peter." I looked at Peter.

"No I just got him you hand over Emma." Peter said.

"Fine." I sighed and handed Emma to Mary.

"Hey Emma, your daddy must have named you if your mommy named you your name would be crazy like: Cherry-Lily Blossom." Mary smiled down at Emma.

"What's her full name?" Mary asked.

"Emma Rose Iero." Peter said.

"Peter can we switch babies I want to see him." Mary said.

"Sure." Peter said. I was handed Frerard and Peter took Ema and Mary took Free from my arms.

"What's his name?" Mary asked.

"Frerard James Iero." Peter said.

"Aw he has his grand daddies name." Mary said with a smile.

Free then giggled and Mary squealed with excitement. Emma then started crying. The door burst open again. Jamia, Frank, Cherry, Lily, and Miles walked into the room. Jamia took Emma and bounced her around. Emma stopped crying slowly.

"She's asleep." Jamia announced.
"Thanks?" Peter asked as a question.

"No problem son." Jamia said putting Emma in the crib thing with girly designs.

"Where is my grandson?" Frank asked then he seen Mary.

"Can I see him?" Frank asked Mary.

Mary sighed and nodded handing Frank Frerard.

"Did you really name him Frerard?" Frank asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I'm calling him Free." Frank announced.

Mikey, Kristin, Ray, Christa, Jimmy, Chantal, Josh, mom, dad, and Bandit walked into the room. Bandit ran up to the side of the hospital bed. Peter smiled and helped Bandit on the bed.

"Sissy." Bandit said as she laid next to me cuddling me.

"Hey B." I smiled.

"Okay were is the queen's prince and princess?" Mikey asked.

"Did you just call me a queen?" I asked Mikey.

"Yeah you have been upgraded to queen my majesty." Mikey said bowing down.

I laughed and an awake Emma was handed to me.

**3 months later**

Free was sitting on the ground playing with Miles. Free eyes had changed color when he was only two months old. His eyes are the same color as Frank's eyes, a hazel green mix. Emma's eyes turned out hazel. Out of the corner of my eye I see Emma crawl into the room. I stand up from sitting on the couch and race over to my baby girl. I picked her up and kept her arms length away and spun us once. I then brought her close and kissed her. I seen Free start crawling. I put Emma down and pick up Free doing the same thing I did with Emma.

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