over a bowl of ramen

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•do note that I dont own Naruto or Sasuke or anyone.  Obviously.  Also, most characters will be somewhat OOC.  There may or may not be intimate scenes, but I haven't decided whether or not I'm comfortable writing them.  Yet I've given this story a mature rating for two reasons-one, in case I do include steamy shit, and two, for the use of coarse language.  Anyway, this is a strictly SasuNaru story, meaning I won't switch my focus to any other ships, though I may touch on Iruka and Kakashi's relationship.  BTW, this is my first time writing yaoi fanfiction, or, actually, ANY fanfiction, so don't be too harsh but please give me constructive criticism (which I will take with a grain of salt) and inform me of any mistakes I made.  ALSO, I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS OML YOU'RE THE SHIT  •

Naruto's POV

Brrriiiing!!!  My alarm chimes.  I yawn and roll out of bed, scratching at the back of my neck. I run a hand through my untameable hair. Ew, I need to shower. Badly.

I hurriedly pull the covers up over my pillows and am about to leave the room when I remember that my new roommate is coming today, and it could be Sakura! I carefully remake the bed. Better. I turn and head to the bathroom.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a couple of seconds. Messy blonde hair, blue eyes too big for my face, a crooked grimace of a mouth. Ugh. Sakura'll never like me. She loves Sasuke Uchiha, the smart, wealthy raven with the bad attitude.  I resist the urge to punch the mirror and hop into the shower, being sure to shut the bathroom door. The warm water beats down on me. Ahhhh. I love hot showers.

ten minutes later

I pull back the shower curtain and step out, opening the small linen cupboard and searching for a full-sized towel among the stacks of facecloths.

Suddenly, the door opens, and standing before me are a familiar set of grey-black eyes set in a pale face, raven-black hair, and-whoa, the hottest set of abs, I've ever se- NARUTO! What are you thinking? This is Sasuke!  Your enemy? On top of that, he's a guy, and you don't like guys, right? You like Sakura, right? I notice him staring at me, and realize that I'm naked. Shit. Use your head, Naruto.
"YOU COULD HAVE KNOCKED, ASSHOLE!" I cry, grabbing a towel and hurriedly tying it around my waist. What is he even doing here?

"Lock the door then, stupid," Sasuke mutters, rolling his eyes and traipsing towards my room. Wait, that's not right. MY room? Oh no.  No, no, hell no.

Sasuke Uchiha is my new roommate?

next morning

I knock hesitantly on the bathroom door.  When there's no response, I open the door to see the blurry outline of Sasuke's naked body through the sheer shower curtain.  My brain is telling me to look away, but my eyes are still glued to the shower curtain.  All of a sudden, the water stops.  I manage to pry my eyes away as I don't want him to know that I was looking at him.  Why was I looking at him?

Sasuke doesn't seem to notice my presence, or if he does he isn't affected by it.  He is completely nonchalant as he steps out of the shower and ties a towel around his waist. 

Keeping my eyes downcast, not wanting to look up for fear of him noticing my staring, I clear my throat and say, "We have to stop meeting like this."

Sasuke smirks.  "I apologize for barging in on you the other day, but you should learn to lock the door if you don't want people to see you."

Wait.  Does that mean he wanted me to see him?

"Hehe, yeah, guess so," I stutter, unsure of what else to say.

Sasuke is about to leave when I call out for him to wait.

"What?" he says tiredly.  I gulp.  "Well, idiot?"

"Well, maybe we should, like, start over." He looks at me as if I have two heads.  I can see the confusion shadowing his dark eyes.  Understandable.

"Looookk," I reason.  "I know we hate each other and a lot of shit went down between us, but I forgive you!" I say jokingly.  Sasuke still isn't taking it.  I let out an exasperated sigh.  "Forget everything, we can just start over.  Over a bowl of ramen.  Today, at noon. Ichiraku's." I cover my mouth, shocked and (finally) coming to my senses.  I just asked him out to lunch!  TODAY!  What the shit am I thinking? I don't even like him. HE'S A GUY!

Not to mention, he's a total dick.  He's never been kind to me, and the only words he's tossed my way are insults, and-

"Sure." he says casually, shutting the bedroom door.

A N: Next chapter may  be longer.  Vote if you ship SasuNaru!


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