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second-to-last chapter! long, I know, I'm sorry.



twelve hours later

I wake up to the sweet sound of a particular Uchiha softly singing along to whatever song he's listening to on his iPod. Hey, I know that tune...

You're true and pure
You hold the cure.
We're all diseased
You hold the key.

You're an angel-

Sasuke stops abruptly when he sees that I'm awake.  "Hey, sleepyhead," he greets. I laugh lightly.

"Hey, Tyler," I joke, then suddenly burst into coughing hysterics. Fuck, I feel way worse today than I did yesterday. In an instant, an extremely concerned raven is by my side.

"A-Are you okay? Do y-you need water?" He stutters worriedly. I moan a little. I don't feel very good, but I don't want Sasuke to freak out more than he already is.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine, just a little-" I pause and cough a bit into my hand, "raspy, that's all." Sasuke's clearly not buying my act, as his features are still contorted in angst.

"I'll be right back, okay? I'm going to go get you a glass of water," he states.

"That's okay, Sasuke," I protest, but he shakes his head.

"You need fluids," he insists, kissing my forehead quickly and hurrying out the door. I shake my head and sigh to myself. Sometimes, I swear, he-

My thoughts are interrupted by the slamming of my room door and a familiar, cheerful voice-"He never stops, does he?"

"Kiba?" I ask, a grin slowly spreading across my face. "Hey, man!"

He beams back. "No offense, but you look like shit," he comments, sidling over to my bed. I chuckle in response. "Where's the jackass that started this shitstorm?"

"Hn. You mean my boyfriend," I reply, a wave of panic washing over me. Sasuke will have a jammer when he find out Kiba's here. "He-He's here, he-he went to go, um, get me some-"

"You don't have to explain," Kiba sighs. "I get it." The room gets uncomfortably quiet for a minute. Just as I open my mouth to apologize, Kiba rolls his eyes and says, "I'm sorry I didn't visit you sooner, but school and work-"

"Don't worry about it," I cut him off before coughing loudly again. Another heavy silence makes me wonder why Kiba's still here.

"I don't get why you put up with his bullshit!" Kiba yells suddenly. Whoa, I was not expecting that. After a moment of mutual shock, realization hits him like a mac truck. His expression softens and he blushes, obviously embarrassed at his actions. "Look, I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I am serious about this. It would be nice if I at least knew your reasons, and his," he says.

"Once an Uchiha's mind is set on something, he won't stop until he achieves his goal. It's a family trait. His father had it too, and built his business with the determination of all Uchihas before him. Sasuke was next in line to manage the company, as his brother Itachi wasn't able to-what with all the drugs he did and does-but that was before Uchiha Communications went up in flames due to an insurance scam or some shit," I add. "The Uchiha name was forever tarnished, and if it weren't for Sasuke's good looks and high hopes, he'd be a social outcast."

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