Jealous (some KibaShika)

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Heyoo fam
we's got some KibaShika action up n herr and I LOVE THIS SHIP SO MUCH anyone w me anyone


five days later

"SASUKE! CAN I HAVE MORE RAMEN?" I shout from the couch, where I am comfortably situated. I hear a groan in response.

"GOD, NARU, THAT'S THE FOURTH BOWL TODAY!" He yells back, clearly frustrated by my eating habits.

I grin weakly as Sasuke passes me a steaming bowl of ramen.  "Thanks for taking care of me, Sas'ke," I mumble, gratefully accepting the food.  For the past three days, I've been bed-ridden with a nasty cold.

"Hn," he huffs in reply. "One day you'll get fat," he warns. I nod through a mouthful of ramen.

"The day I gain weight will be the day Ino and Sakura stop competing for you," I retort, slurping my ramen noisily. Sasuke sits down next to me and punches me in the shoulder playfully.

"Whatever, idiot." I smirk.

His eyes widen as I set the now empty bowl of ramen on the small glass coffee table. "NO COASTER?" He shrieks, lifting up my bowl and placing a small wooden circle underneath of it. I tilt my chin up in defiance.

"Nope. I'm not a coaster kind of guy," I state simply before breaking into a coughing fit. When I'm breathing normally again, Sasuke touches a hand to my forehead concernedly. "Hehe, I'm okay," I assure him, though he isn't convinced. He frowns at the sound of my hoarse voice.

"You're burning up," he notes. I'm offended by his accusing tone of voice. It's not my fault I'm sick! He asses my current predicament with worried onyx eyes. "Rest more," he snips, brows furrowed.

"Why don't you help me?" I tease and wiggle my eyebrows.  He cuffs me across the side of the head playfully and I snicker.  "Oh, c'mon, you know you like it," I pucker my lips and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. He wipes it off in mock-disgust.

"You could be contagious!" He whines as I laugh uncontrollably.  Sasuke, you germaphobe, you crack me up.  He clears his throat. "We need to focus on getting you better. You've already missed your first three days of classes and, in turn. I've not attended mine, so-"

I cut him off.  "So, what you're saying is, because it's flu season, we're socially and academically fucked?" I guess. Sasuke's eyes widen and I raise an eyebrow.

"W-What?" He stutters. "No, no, why would you think that?" He asks. Ah, Sasuke, so naïve and oblivious. I roll my eyes.

"Because, you idiot," I huff, "the first three days of school are the most important. If you miss those and show up afterwards, you're walking around the school aimlessly, no clue where to go, what supplies or textbooks to bring, and who else is in your class. They don't hand out class schedules after the first day," I explain in a bored tone.

"Well, I guess that means we can't miss tomorrow."

"Guess so."

the next day

"Nara, Shikamaru," our Advanced English teacher calls out.

"Here," An annoyed-looking guy with multiple ear and eyebrow piercings mumbles. Ah, the 'emo bad boy.' Gotta have one of those at every school. He turns to the boy next to him, a pale redhead with a loud red tattoo on his forehead and dark makeup, and mutters, "though I wish I wasn't." Shikamaru's friend simply nods dismissively. Huh. So he's the 'sullen teenager' type.

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