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present day, hospital, breakfast (10am)

A nurse entered the room about ten minutes ago. She brought in some off-brand tapioca pudding, a soggy-looking piece of buttered toast, and a half-full glass of orange juice. Fucking Konoha International, skimping on my damn orange juice.

I sigh and poke at the lumpy pudding. Fucking hospital food. I look over at the sleeping raven next to me. God, he's beautiful. Even in the state he's in, Sasuke is still gorgeous. I gag internally at the thought of my current appearance. No doubt I look like total shit. I haven't showered since yesterday morning, either, and obviously didn't get to brush my teeth last night. I'm a mess.

Suddenly, the Uchiha stirs. He wipes the sleep out of his onyx eyes, yawns, and, upon noticing me, bolts out of his chair and, with no regard for the tray of unappetizing food on my lap, pulls me into a tight embrace. He kisses the top of my head repeatedly and sniffs loudly through his sobs. He pulls back, looks me in the eyes for a moment, and then hugs me closely once more, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "Sas-" I start, but he shushes me. I feel his hot, wet tears contact my skin, and some of my own run down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," he cries, his voice slightly muffled by the thin fabric of my shirt. "I love y-you and I'm so s-sorry.  This is all my f-fault.  I n-never want to s-see you like th-this again," he stutters. "I love you, I l-love you, I love you," He repeats this over and over like a mantra.  I try to blink away the tears that blur my vision to no avail.  

"I love you too," I whisper, my voice hoarse. "You know I would never-"

"I know," he admits, releasing me from his hold. He locks eyes with me, and soon his lips are against mine. This kiss is not like the others. It is not fuelled by lust, by sexual need, or by jealousy. It is soft, and simple, and pure. This is a kiss composed of love in its rawest form, and it is beautiful.

He breaks off the kiss and extracts himself from me. No, don't go, please, Sasuke...

"You should see the look on your face," he chuckles. Asshole. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry. Just removing this," he says, picking up the tray and placing it down on the side table. He closes the curtains and my heart thumps hard in my chest. He climbs back onto the bed next to me. His breath is hot in my ear as he whispers, "So I can make it up to you."

He attacks my neck and I can't help but moan. "S-Sasuke, w-wait," I manage, and he freezes.

"Oh, Naru, I-I'm so sorry, I forgot, that, y-you know, it's your first time, and all," he stutters. I sigh.

"No, don't be. It's not that. I-I just don't want us to get caught," I say nervously. It's true. I don't want to be busted by some doctor during my, yes, Sasuke's right, first time. It's not that people haven't tried, just that I've never been committed to someone enough to, you know, lose my virginity to them.

Sasuke smirks briefly, but soon his eyebrows are knit together in angst and his face is serious. "Are you sure you're ready to do this, now, with me?" He questions, emanating concern.

"I'm sure," I nod.  With that said, Sasuke is nipping at the sweet spot by the crook of my neck.  I swallow the urge to cry out in pleasure.  He takes a break from my neck and kisses me passionately.  His hands are everywhere; ruffling my hair, under my shirt, unbuttoning my jeans.  "S-Sas-ke," I groan as he palms my growing length through my boxers. He stops for a moment and I whine. He smirks and begins to undress himself. He removes his jeans and boxers, tosses them to the floor carelessly, and launches himself at me, tugging my boxers down with one hand and tracing circles on my chest with the other. Snapping out of my state of immense ecstasy and reach for Sasuke's member. There's no way I'll allow myself to be a total uke. I begin to pump his hard cock with one hand, increasing speed as he moans and continues to ravage my chest.

"N-Naru-to," he pants. "S-stop, stop, I'm going to-" I cease my actions and smile devilishly at my lover. Sasuke narrows his eyes and holds three fingers in front of my mouth. "Suck," he commands, and I do as told, swirling my tongue around the digits until he deems them ready. He pulls them out of my mouth and positions them at my entrance, locking eyes with me and wordlessly pleading for me to allow him access. I nod and bite my lip as he slowly inserts the first finger. It doesn't hurt, just feels really fucking weird. Soon, however, the uncomfortable feeling changes to pleasure as he thrusts in and out of me. He adds a second digit and starts scissoring me, eliciting a moan from me. "Fuck, Sa-suke," I stutter, overwhelmed by the pleasure. It hurts but feels so good. He sticks the third in and I gasp. "S-Sasuke, s-stop," I hiss and he removes the fingers.

"Are you ready?"he asks, his voice heavy with lust. I shake my head yes and he enters me. I feel an explosion of pain, and cry out. "Shh, shh, it'll be okay," he assures me soothingly. He remains still inside of my heat for a moment as I adjust to his size.

"O-okay, you can move," I manage.

"Fuck, y-you're tight," he cusses as he pumps in and out of me. No shit, Sherlock, this is my first time. At first, I want to scream out from the blinding pain, but as he continues the uncomfortable feeling morphs and I am a moaning mess. Suddenly, a wave of intense pleasure consumes me. "FUCK, SASUKE, RIGHT THERE!" I shout, oblivious to the world outside of the amazing feeling. Sasuke groans as he hits my prostate, and I yell his name again.

"N-Naruto, I'm c-close," he cries. I nod vigorously.

"M-Me too, Sasuke," I agree. He rams into me a few more times and soon we come together, screaming each others' names.

Before long, he extracts himself from me. "How was that?" He asks sexily.

I chuckle weakly. "I don't know if I'll be able to walk tomorrow. Thanks a lot!" He grins slyly. I smile, a real smile, not forced or pained. "It was absolutely perfect in every way."



Sasuke-fuck yesss
Naruto- XD yes
me-I wasn't asking you guys, I was asking my millions and millions of fans!
Sasuke-what fans?
me-*cusses, breaks lamp, rages*
Sasuke-here, have a snickers.
Sasuke-because you start to act like me when you're hungry.

*COMPLETED* don't let go (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now